Depending on what you are trying to do, you can download this program and see if it works for you
@Gwen Yeah the SE in the screen is the giveaway that's it's an oem version. @7535 Can't help with that program cause I've never used it. Why not give DVDFlick a try or the one Gwen linked?
The version that you gave me Gwen, worked fine, although I wanted to make a DVD with Menu's and Graphics, and things like that. I wish that I had the right version of Nero. When I burnt the DVD, I was able to watch it on my DVD player, but a watermark was put in, so every 20 seconds a screen comes up that says to unlock this you have to purchase it and it costs alot.
Well at last we've found a program that works for you....have you ever been able to burn a DVD before and if so which prog did you use.
I have never tried to burn DVD's before. First time. I have burnt Cd's though before, and they worked fine. Is there any software that I could purchase that you would recommend? Maybe I should buy Nero 7?
im back... input a second serial for dvd/mpeg burning, plugin serail needs purchasing and for avi to dvd get convertxtodvd v3 (has menus although slightly bugged at present but updates come thick and fast). dvd flick beta has menus! a free app, just watch out for auto audio fixing...
Thank you to everyone that tried to help me to fix my Nero problem. If Gwen didn't give me all those sites to try I probably would still have no DVD. Thanks Gwen.
I think that the assistance given by Rotary should also be noted. Glad to see that you are finally able to burn a DVD, Cheers