Nerovision Express 2 Transcoding Problems

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by Hywel, Sep 1, 2004.

  1. Jabba2004

    Jabba2004 Guest

    FYIW guys, I uninstalled the Theorical DivX ;-) codecs codecs and haven't seen the problem in 5-6 sessions of transcoding avi's. Some times I have had the pc really loaded up - bit-torrents d-loading, ripping & converting mp3's - no hitch so far.
  2. Buch

    Buch Guest

    Nero Vision Express 2 worked great for the first month. Suddenly after one of the updates it would hang during the transcoding of the first title. Tried using the Nero uninstall tool, reinstalled, updated to the newest updates, nothing has worked. Here is the text on the error message:

    [21:01:53] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: Component Error Handler
    [21:01:53] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [21:01:53] DVDEngine ERROR
    [21:01:53] DVDEngine cause: 128 (nmc_processing_exception)
    [21:01:53] DVDEngine source: CNeroConverter::GetNextSample
    [21:01:53] DVDEngine description: cannot get next media sample
    [21:01:53] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [21:01:53] DVDEngine ********END: Component Error Handler
    [21:01:55] DVDEngine ******END: _VOBS - Process VOB
    [21:01:55] DVDEngine ****END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Process Create
    [21:01:55] DVDEngine **END: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#1

    I am getting rather frustrated. The time I have invested in this may have been better spent on better software.

    Any help would be appreciated.

  3. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hi Buch,

    Wihtout the full NVE log file, I can not provide a very accurate response, but the portion of the log file you provided does indicate that it's was unable to obtain the next sample.

    As a test, if you only have one MPEG or AVI file as the source, do you still run into this issue? Just write to the Hard Driv for this test.

    You can also send me the full NVE log file at and I may be able to provide more useful information and suggestions.



    Ahead Software
  4. plainsmen

    plainsmen Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    Mr. Craig, Ahead type sir guy.

    Yup... I've got the exact same problem... leave while it's starting to transcode, say go to bed... wake up... GONE... no error message. No nothing... program is just shut down.

    Although I will say I like the fact that in your update you guys made it possible to shrink the .avi files enough to fit onto a DVD... Skips the DVDShrink step in the mix.

    Hopefully it's ok that I send you an email at that address with my infolog too... I'd really like to be able to fix this problem.

    The log's in the mail Craig. Thanks.

    Last edited: Oct 2, 2004
  5. plainsmen

    plainsmen Member

    Oct 1, 2004
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    Ah again... at least this time the Microsoft Error report showed up... it's stalled and shutdown an almost 7 hour conversion at around 4 and a half left..
  6. acgt

    acgt Member

    Oct 2, 2004
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    hmm...i had the same problem before...Nerovision kept shutting itself down without any warning after 20 minutes or so of transcoding. But after uninstalling all the Xvid, Ogm, Vobsub, Matroska, AC3, ffdshow, etc. codec and plugin stuff that i had on my computer, it completely transcoded 4 GB.
  7. albriscoe

    albriscoe Member

    Oct 27, 2001
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    Hi everyone sorry to hear about all your probs with NVE but mine seems to transcode fine and has for about 18 months now but has started to cause a prob.When I import an avi of any size it doesn`t matter, the resulting picture is excellent but the audio has completley lost its sync. Any ideas anyone. Cheers Allan
  8. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hello everyone,

    First, I want to thank everyone who has run into issues as mentioned in this thread and who has sent me Emails with Log files and InfoTool reports. I've recieved Emails from 4 users on NVE reportings errors, locking up, or shutting down when trying to create DVD SlideShows.

    I've passed all this information on to our Engineers in Germany so they can diagnose and try and duplicate, and hopefully resolve this issue ASAP. If others are running into the same issue, please send me an Email at and please include a log file from a failed attempt with NVE and a text file from Nero InfoTool on your system. The more feedback we get, the more likely we can diagnose and resolve the issue quickly.

    P.S. I will be on the road for most of the day this Monday, but I will try and respond back to everyone who sends me an Email by this Tuesday at the latest. And again, thanks for all your feedback.



    Ahead Software
  9. fogliluc

    fogliluc Member

    Oct 4, 2004
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    Hi ,
    I have the same problem ...
    You have solved It.

    The problem is file paging more 4096 mb !!! or other ?
  10. MysticE

    MysticE Active member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    No DVD slide shows possible for me either.

    One error message:

    [18:31:53] DVDEngine WARNING
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine cause: 25 (dvdvideo_spec_violation)
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine source: _VOBS
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine description: DVDENGINE VOBS VERIFY ERROR 0003
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine VOBU at RLBN 5708 (VOB_IDN=1, C_IDN=61)
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine Presentation time of last VOBU of a Cell is 23684661 (263.163 s), but must be at most
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine 108000 (1.200 s).
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ========================================================================================
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine INFORMATION: DVDENGINE VOBS VERIFY ERROR 0003 will no longer be reported.
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ========================================================================================
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine WARNING
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine cause: 25 (dvdvideo_spec_violation)
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine source: _VOBS
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine description: DVDENGINE VOBS VERIFY ERROR 0008
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine VOBU at RLBN 5708 (VOB_IDN=1, C_IDN=61, VOB_V_S_PTM=40213, VOBU_SE_E_PTM=687476196)
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine VOBU_SE_E_PTM is not aligned with the video field grid.
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ========================================================================================
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine INFORMATION: DVDENGINE VOBS VERIFY ERROR 0008 will no longer be reported.
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ****END: VTSTT_VOBS#1 - Verify
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine ...VTSTT_VOBS: size = 11.5 MB (5880 LBs)
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine **END: Create - VTSTT_VOBS#1
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateVOBs
    [18:31:53] DVDEngine BEGIN: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateDesc
    [18:31:54] DVDEngine **BEGIN: Create - VTSI#1
    [18:31:54] DVDEngine ****BEGIN: VTSI#1 - Create
    [18:31:54] DVDEngine ...VTSM_PGCI_UT_exist = false
    [18:31:54] DVDEngine ...VTS_TMAPT_exist = true
    [18:31:54] DVDEngine ...VTSI_MAT created...
    [18:31:54] DVDEngine ...VTS_PTT_SRPT created...
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine ERROR
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine cause: 3 (invalid_parameter)
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine source: _get_PGC_PB_TM
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine description: ICellRef refers a cell (VOB_IDN=1, C_IDN=63) which does not exist in
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine VTSTT_VOBS#1.
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine ****END: VTSI#1 - Create
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine **END: Create - VTSI#1
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine DVDENGINE exception caught.
    [18:31:55] DVDEngine END: IDVDVideoSessionImpl - CreateDesc
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine ...Session callback unregistered...
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - RegisterCallback
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - GetLog
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - GetLog
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Clear
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - Clear
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine BEGIN: DVDSessionBase - Destroy
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine END: DVDSessionBase - Destroy
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine BEGIN: dvd_eng_nero_conversion_manager - unload
    [18:36:22] DVDEngine END: dvd_eng_nero_conversion_manager - unload
    [18:36:24] NeroVision Process information:


    [22:25:05] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: Component Error Source
    [22:25:05] DVDEngine Error Code: -1
    [22:25:05] DVDEngine Source: _DVDProcessor::VerifyDesc()
    [22:25:05] DVDEngine Description: _ulVOBU_S_PTM is less than previous _ulVOBU_E_PTM
    [22:25:05] DVDEngine ********END: Component Error Source
    [22:25:06] DVDEngine ********BEGIN: Component Error Handler
    [22:25:06] DVDEngine ########################################################################################
    [22:25:06] DVDEngine ERROR
    [22:25:06] DVDEngine cause: 128 (nmc_processing_exception)
    [22:25:06] DVDEngine source: _DVDProcessor::VerifyDesc()
    [22:25:06] DVDEngine description: _ulVOBU_S_PTM is less than previous _ulVOBU_E_PTM
    [22:25:06] DVDEngine ########################################################################################

    It appears that there are 2 different errors, another thing that's odd is that the Nero log lists my cpu as Intel when in fact it is an AMD.

    [22:16:54] NeroVision Log created (Date: 09/28/2004)
    [22:16:54] NeroVision Processors: 1 (Intel)
    [22:16:54] NeroVision OS: Windows XP
    [22:16:56] GCCore Detected DirectX Version: 9.0b
    [22:16:59] ExpressUI Running NeroVision Express 2 Version:

    I'll try it again and email the complete log.
  11. ElwoodH

    ElwoodH Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I have noticed that sometimes when I try to create a DVD, if I use the option for "Animated buttons" sometimes the program disappears when transcoding, but if I try the same project without the animated option, it works. Don't know if that snippet of information is of any help.
  12. ccampbell

    ccampbell Regular member

    Mar 24, 2004
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    Hello Everyone,

    I think I have some good news for all of us who have had trouble creating SlideShows, and sometimes simply DVD-Videos with the NeroVision Software. In most cases our problems have been with Transitions. If anyone was to add over 70 pictures and use Random transitions there would be various symptoms such as NeroVision simply closing, Memory error messages, SCSI/IDE Error messages, etc.

    I've been able to duplicate this on quite a number of occasions. And quite a few of the users on this forum were very helpful in providing log files showing the errors they were running into.

    Now, we have not been able to address these issues in NeroVision Express 2.

    However, I've been testing NeroVision Express 3 that comes with Nero 6.6 build, and so far I have had very good success. Where I was consistently getting failures and memory errors, I am now getting succesfule writes. If you have no Transistions, the process is very, very fast now. If you do use tranistions and a lot of pictures, I see occasions when the Page File memory gets up to 1.06gig in size, but it consistantly drops back down to around 65OMB and it does not crash as it did with NeroVision Express build.

    I've really pushed it, by adding 4 slideshows of 99 pictures each, with transitions and audio, as well as Video with Video effects, text effects, audio and audio. And for the Menu i've added motion button and Menus, etc to fill up the 4.3gig disc. And I have not yet had it fail.

    I'm not done with my testing, as all this was on XP SP1. I still need to test XP SP2, W2K, Win98SE, etc, but so far it's looking very good, and I expect this will address 90% of the issues reported on this forum in regards to failures during transcoding.

    But again, this will not be released till October 18th, but it is a free upgrade to Nero 6 users.



    Ahead Software
  13. Hywel

    Hywel Member

    Sep 1, 2004
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    Nice one Craig. I look forward to the new release. :)
  14. wjk44

    wjk44 Guest

    Hey all...thanks for letting me jump into this conversation...

    I'm no newbee to computing having built and configured dozens for home and work. However, I AM somewhat of a neophite to CD/DVD projects, in particular the task of making - what SHOULD be - a simple slide show with Nero 6 Ultra (for $99.95 retail @ COMPUSA, this should work, right??...), with its' accompanying frustration it brings over the matter of encoding!

    I ran across this web site on a Google search and I'm very glad to get myself educated - great site! (reminds me of forums...) Like Hywel at the beginning of this thread, I too have been flummexed by Nero Express. I created a slide show project of about 1.5GB with NO SOUND and around 150 images of my daughter's wedding, split into 5 seperate "show" to stay under the 99 images per. The particular machine I'm doing this project on is built around:

    MSI-K7N2 Ultra motherboard
    Athlon XP2600 @ 1.9GHz
    1.5GB PC2700 @ 7-3-3-2.5
    Plextor DVDR PX-712A
    2-80GB Western Digital HDD/JB series.
    WinXP Pro w/SP2
    Nero 6 Ultra with all the updates as of this posting

    I made four attempts at encoding this project and found some success at each step, but never a completion:

    First time - made my project, saved it and then checked burn-to-disk. The computer hung about 10% into transcoding. HHHHhhmmmm.

    Second time - Ok, I'll transcode to the back-up drive and see where I get. Still, only about 10%.

    Third time - Well, since each of the proceeding times I had to close the program down from Task Manager, I'm seeing that there's too much happening in the background. So I shut down everything that I can that's unnecessary, run defrag, scan disk, ad-aware, spy-bot - I giver the machine a "quick" tune-up with every utility I have. I run the burn process and this time get about 15-20% into the transcodding process. OK, I reason that this seems to be a memory management issue...

    Fourth time - I use a utility called Cacheman and in this program I changed the memory setting from minimize memory to apps to maximize. I defraged once again and hit the burn button. This time I got about 20-23% of the program transcoded before freezing.

    From my experience, I'm seeing that this program seems to need an AWFUL LOT OF MEMORY to run the simplest of projects. I wrote customer service with my InfoTool specs and asked them what the minimum requirements are for running this program. (I thought I had built a fairly strong rig to run this program...silly me - I didn't look on the side of the box at the minimums when I bought it :( ...) I don't have much hope from them given the experience some of you have posted here.

    Anyway, I just thought I'd pass along my experience with this frustration and maybe shed some more light on getting this investment to perform as advertised. It looks like a great program if I can get it to work. I already like it over Adobe Photshop Album 2.0 - much more creative and extensive. However, Adobe WORKS for me, unlike NVE 2.

    Any advise is GREATLY appreciated!

    Thanks for chimming in!...


    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2004
  15. MysticE

    MysticE Active member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    @ wjk44

    Download the latest update, Nero 6.6 with NVE3 which will be availble to all on Oct. 18th.
  16. wjk44

    wjk44 Guest

    Well, thanks much MysticE for your link to NVE3 because it made all the difference!

    Downloaded the file updates and I then followed my last proceedure by having a clean drive and low background memory usage, as well as setting the Priority to High in the menu choice located on the burn page. I then settled in to see how it would progress and - Oh Yeah! It transcoded in 21 minutes and burned in another four!

    I noticed on the NeroVision Express 3 logo - the one that appears on the transcoding screen at the beginning of that process - the Ahead software engineers have included the words "UltraCache" to the screen. So, whatever the problem I was experiencing with version 2 was, it seems that the memory issue was delt with in this new beta version. I look forward to downloading the finalized edition mid-month 'cause this program is now doing what I bought it to do.

    Thanks again MysticE for the link; hope my experience has been of help to someone else!...

  17. photog

    photog Member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I have had a similar series of failures with NVE 21218 and 21221. Taskmanage Performance tab shows menory (pagefile) usage taking off like a moon-rocket, if there ever were such. At about 2 BG nve stops encoding, although the system is still alive and well.
    The simple fix is to go back to nve 21216 which is stable and has no issues in encoding slides (with sound and transitions plus the jpg files copied to the disk!
    To Craig: Your hardwork and helpful approach is much appreciated by this Brisbane resident at least. Hopefully nve 2.3 will sort matters out?
    Ron McDermott (Brisbane)
  18. CudaWuda

    CudaWuda Guest

    I've just downloaded and installed the latest Nero 6 software and I'm experiencing much of the same problems creating a slide show for DVD.
    When I finally got it to complete by reducing the number of slides to 50, the final product showed only the first 12 slides and the rest were black.
  19. MysticE

    MysticE Active member

    Nov 15, 2003
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    You've downloaded the latest version with NeroVison Express 3 and it didn't work?
  20. machie

    machie Member

    Nov 29, 2003
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    I also downloaded the new version with NeroVision Express 3 ( & still can't burn a dvd, vcd, or anything else. Getting the same errors that I was getting with the last version.

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