It'a a little annoying but I still get quite a few a month so I'm ok with it. The only thing that bothers me is I'm in Columbus and my local distributer is in Dayton. I can receive movies the next day after they ship them but when I send them back to them, even if it's sent early, they won't get them until the day after next. Very annoying!!!
I probably would have stuck with them if the turnaround time were that good here. Unfortunately the closest distribution center was in another state and it took 2-3 days to ship them to me and another 2-3 for them to be received. As a result, I was limited to 3 movies a week at best, and if there was a holiday or just a busy Monday for them I'd only get 2.
How recently was that? The reason I ask is when I first tried it, that was my case too. I tried it about 6 months later and they had added a distribution center so close that it was much better except for what I posted earlier. Maybe you should try it every so often just to see. Maybe they will open a new one close to you.
looks like my turn around is better than i thought at first .i get three at a time overnight, mail them back the same day lol, they get them the next day and mail me 3 more . so looks like i can do at least 6 a week so iam def. happy with that
The turnaround times seem to vary for me. Sometimes I can drop a disc in the box and they get it back the next day.Or, like in the case of Battle Royale it takes a week for them to receive it. My girlfriend swears that the mailman is watching them!
What really is getting to me lately is that when I get a movie that has to come from some other state, and takes three days to get to me, the return envelope is to that state. I now have one that has to be returned to Salt Lake City and another to Des Moines by the time they get back a whole week will go by. And lately I have had to report a lot of movies that although returned are not showing up as such, so you got to wait the six day to report and then they magically find them. That really keeps your rental count down.
I got this email from Netflix a couple of days ago and I thought I'd post it for anyone who might not have gotten one. Assuming it goes through I intend to take advantage of some free rentals in a few months.
Thanks for the heads up vurbal. I went and looked through my old email and found my letter from Netflix that was sent on 11/02.
but it says 1, 2, or 3 movies.. i'm on the plan for 5.. it is a free month.. i know.. but then they should give it to us on our regular plan.. not make us choose something that low. or am i just reading that wrong..
if you are a member right now and signed up before Jan 15, 2005 then you will get a free upgrade for one you will get 6 out at a time for the 5 out at a time price for one month if you arent a memeber but were before and had signed up before Jan 15, 2005 then you can get the service back for 1 month for free in which you can choose 1, 2, or 3 out at a time. I don't know why anyone would choose 1 or 2 when they are getting it for free...that seems stupid