unless you plan to move large amounts of data, a standard 10/100 NIC should work fine, gigabit is a little extreme for basic networking of two computers
i see, what exactly is 10/100 NIC? oh...i don't plan on move incredibly large amounts of data which is why i'm considering not even getting the router but it seems to be the least complicated... hmmm...
There you go, just get the router. 10/100 is just a slower networking method, at least now that you can get gigabit (1000).
lol cool. so here's anothe question not directly related to networking and such, but could i use an usb hub to serve solely as a connector for a printer then two laptops? i don't think i can but it seemed plausible to me at first.
connect the printer to one computer. then share the printer. now your other computer (when connected via the network) will be able to see the printer and print from it (keep in mind the computer connected to the printer needs to be on).
and i can do this through the usb hub? because...when i try to do it through my pc and my laptop it won't work (ack!!!)
no you don't need a usb hub. get a router to connect your two computers together via local area network, then your computers will be connected and can share printers
wireless router eh? yes. i think i'm gonna do that. you guys are geniuses!!!! now...when i hook it all up i know....i might be back on aferdawn. lol
no problem, glad to help. when you get the router we'll help ya configure your network and printer sharing...
awesome!!! So, i expect to be on in about two to three days, i'm the appointment now lol. wait, so you say the usb hub might work in place of the router, even if it does go slower....i guess.
so, do you know how to do it with a hub? because i do not know if i can use a router, where i'm going it's not allowed (grr...). but if worse comes to worst, i'll use the router, i guess.
both of the times i had to blow out the customer's 2 computers, i don't think i had to load a driver for it or not. these are win98se machines so if using xp might load it's own driver than hopefully you'll be on the net
that's cool. i appreciate all of the help! err..do you know any place that actually has a step by step guide to networking through a hub? i've been looking but so far, i can't find anything so far. :/
yes, i know. i just figured it might be different setting up a network with an usb hub than with a router. it's a good thing it's not!