How do I install a new map in Halo 2? Say I take Zanzibar, apply the ppf, resign it, yada yada yada. But instead of ftp'ing it back and overwriting the original Zanzibar, can I add it as a seperate map? As in, when I go to the maps, I see Zanzibar and Zanzibar_modded? I have Halo 2 on my HDD, so I can access all that stuff... I appreciate any help you may provide!
I know that, but my objective is that I can play the original or the modded at a whim; without copying the files back and forth from a backup folder or ftp'ing. Is there no way to edit the main menu to support extra maps? I know when I download a map off of Memesis it adds the map, and does not overwrite ones already there. Couldn't there be a way to simulate that via ftp?
I have never tried but you might need Halo 2 on your Hard Drive and open the map in DotHalo and there is a Add map to menu button or something like that and if you have backups of everything you might want to try it.
On your computer 1. Make a copy of the map you want to add to the main menu. For this tutorial, we'll use Zanzibar. 2. Apply a .ppf, or mod Zanzibar, and sign the map. 3. Rename to something of equal letters, say You can not add letters, but it is possible to make shorter value letters, but it will be more complex in later steps and I highly recommend not to do it. 4. Open the map in a hex editor, I recommend you use Hex Workshop. 5. Near the top of the map, you should see this: Code: Scenarios\Multi\Zanzibar\Zanzibar Now, assuming you turned your maps name to, you should change that line into this line: Code: Scenarios\Multi\Z4nzibar\Z4nzibar 6. Just for safe purposes and to prevent typos, copy *Ctrl+C* that line for later. 7. Save the .map in Hex Workshop *Ctrl+S*. *Optional* Make a .BAK file when prompted. 8. Sign the map again. 9. Now open your Main in DotHalo. 10. Go to the Globals tag [matg]. 11. You should now see a new window pop up along with some blank lines. Near the top of this window, you should see a drop down arrow. Click it. Now click any of the numbers, and you should see what you normally see in-game *such as Map Name, Description, etc.*. 12. Go to the first number in the drop down section that is not used, or any that is not used. *the Value section should be -1* 13. Put a number that is a multiple of 10 *130,140,150,etc* in the Value section. DO NOT USE 10-120, THEY ARE ALREADY USED. Also put this number in the "Next Value?" section. 14. Now, in the Scenario Name section, put the Scenario\multi\ whatever you had before, for the sake of this tutorial, as long as you followed the steps, it should be: Code: Scenarios\Multi\Z4nzibar\Z4nzibar 15. In the Name, Name [English], Name [German], Name [French] section, put whatever you want your map's name to show up as in game in these sections. 16. Now under the Description, Description [English], Description [German], and Description [French], put whatever you want the text under the map to show up as in game. These past few steps should make you end up with this.... 17. Sign the Main 18. FTP the Main back to your XBox's HDD, and the too. Make sure they are both under the Maps section of wherever you burned Halo 2. 19. Fire up the Xbox and have fun! Also check out my site that is in my sig!!VVVVV
I get as far as opening up in DotHalo. How do I get to the tag editor? Can you send my the DotHalo tool? All the links online are broken and I don't think that the one I have is the most recent...
if the tag editor doesnt automatically open, just go to windows at the top of the dot halo toolbar next to help. Just click on the tag editor and it should open
OK, I got it to work... You have to use the tag navigator and then double-click on "global\global". Thanks a bunch. You a truly a god among hackers!
oh it loaded... it took 5 min to load a MP map! what happened? (Zanzibar loaded) now I tried the one I patched and I failed to load the map!! WTH?? help
i know how to mod zanzibar but it wont let me put it back into the folder after i have dun wat i want plz help
You have to copy and paste into the folder. It will make two copies of, but if you signed the modded one it will use that.
how do u make a copy of some of the maps or the game i am a total noob at this all that i have accomplished is softmodding the xbox now i just need to learn how to mod the games can someone help and what is this ppf and ftp thing plz help i am a major noob
PPF is a file that you apply to a map file. It changes physics, models, weapons, etc. FTP is file transfer protocol. It allows you to transfer information over a network. You use this to transfer data to your Xbox. You will likely need a router. Google for guides on how to FTP first. Also, is you Xbox softmodded or hardmodded? What is the dash?
emm guys......when i open dothalo in winrar and then try to open dot halo.exe it says ____The application failed to ainitialize properly (0xc0000135). Click on Ok to terminate the application_____ its a application error or somtin has this happned to u i cant get to tag editor please help!!!!!!!!!
First install the latest .Net build from M$ and after that if it still doesn't work just find another download because that one is corrupt.