Cheers so I heard and supposed to be on the Rangers channel which is been usurped. Funny how they can get it in the UK just the usual with our side of the water. ABC 1 is also been taken off the air from the 1st of October.
Always the same this side as you said ABC1 men and motors some radio CHs like Core Chill which was the best radio N*l not paying their bills
LOL I have just had a read over your gtromloader problem, where you just trying to upload a channel dump from your SV to the pc. You also said you tried it on another pc and it worked?
Hmmm confused now has Ferg fixed the box for you,from an earlier problem and are you still having a problem downloading a cdf to the box. Which is a totally different problem.
No its the same problem when i try to up load the PC gives a little message cant open com port due to last error which was the bad flash When i was actually getting that bad one the funny thing was everything was running smoothly the note came up in the end that flash was successful i checked out everything since and seems fine the point iwas making fergus fixed the bad flash and then loaded on fixed 257 so it worked obviously on his pc
Gtromloader would not give that sort of error message, is it your pc giving this error message. You are using just the null modem cable I presume and not a combination USB adapter and null modem set up?
1. Go to the Start Menu 2. Right click on "My Computer" 3. Select "Properties" 4. Click on the "Hardware" tab 5. Click on "Device Manager" 6. Click the + sign next to "Ports (COM & LPT)" 7. One of the listed ports should indicate which port your cable is connected to (e.g. COM1, COM2, COM3, etc.) 8. Go back to Gtromloader and make sure it is looking at the correct port. 9. You should be able to transfer data once the correct port is selected.
thanks scouser but i did all that in what way would it indicate as i have never noticed an indication and ihave tried everything Tnk You
Well without completely uninstalling the gtromloader and also clearing out you registry files off any left over prefetch data I am at a loss.
No thats allowed and also noted, I do not use satire when helping people but I will say it to the other senior members when you ask for it.
LFC TV will definitely be on N*L in Dublin between tomorrow and Monday and it is replacing Rangers TV which i'm sure has many viewers in Dublin !! so we'll just have to rename Rangers TV so hopefully no need for rescans etc.
look scouser im not here looking for a row i was here to help as well if you read back through the thread,so less of the veiled threats.