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New Runescape thread (No talk about hacking, and no breakin rules this time!) **NO EMAIL ADDRESSES OR INSTANT BANNING**

Discussion in 'Windows - Games' started by NeoLance, Jul 15, 2005.

  1. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Yes I'm a very hairy woman but I shave daily so I'm quite a stunner despite my hair problem.

    You're also gone. We have very simple rules that aren't hard to follow so I'm not going to stand for some yo yo giving me a hard time for enforcing them.
  2. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    i guess shdowstk's brain must have been a shadow of itself to be non existant to be that stupid!!
  3. Uhhhh

    Uhhhh Guest

    HAHA......Nephilim a hairy woman....LOL
  4. enjoipnda

    enjoipnda Member

    Oct 11, 2005
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    hey im tk_eagle on runescape, i am a member as of 11-11-05 and i also have many powerful friends so if you need any help ask me.good way for members to make money is to mine or buy iron on members world (to buy it it is 50gp ea)and sell it on free-server for 100-150 gp ea and i guarantee it works cause look at me im decked out in full rune with rune hally and i got a d long waitin i got everything you need.

    also get high crafting and enchant ammy's or rings (members) and sell them. you can make armr with high crafting as well (like d hide of all colors)
  5. goptaron

    goptaron Guest

    hey i play runescape whats your level?
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2005
  6. goptaron

    goptaron Guest

    enoijpnda not all people are on a high enough level to wear rune or craft ammies most of them arnt even members! the easiest way to make money that ive seen, for level 40 and under is to fish for lobbies, mine or just merchant
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2005
  7. Stitch221

    Stitch221 Regular member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Right now I am at level 25. I dont play that much anymore.
  8. RavenLife

    RavenLife Regular member

    Oct 2, 2005
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    i played this for around two weeks

    the game is great and some of the people are too

    problem is the rest a complete W*****s

    just my two cents
  9. Slash215

    Slash215 Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    hey ppl i am a non-member runescaper adventurer too. If u would like to talk or do trading deals add Slash_215. I am a combat lvl of 83 and really poor so feel free to make a kind donation to the poor (me) on rs that is.
  10. Stitch221

    Stitch221 Regular member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    How do people make so much money? I have about 4.3K. I heard that a lot of people have over 100K or even mills!
  11. Slash215

    Slash215 Member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Well to make money in non-member world u got to earn it. The best way to start making money is selling rune ess (lower lvl ppl or anyone).In order to mine rune ess u first gotta complete the quest "Rune Mysterys." Mining is a quick and easy process, you can make quick money just selling the ess for 20-30gp a piece.If u can get your fishing lvl and cooking lvl up to lvl 40 u can make more money.With a Lobster pot (really cheap) u can go to the island of Karjama and catch lobster aka lobbies. You can sell these lobbies to people for 250-300gps each.If u can get your minning lvl up to lvl60 and a smithing lvl of 30 or above u can make loads of gps.With tons of coal and iron ore u can make steel bars.With these steel bars u can go to world one and sell each bar for 500-550gps each.Another acceptional way to make gps is selling yews.To cut yews u must get a wood cutting lvl of 60 or above.Cutting yews maybe a boring and long process but it is a good pay off in the end.U can sell these yews to people for 250-300gps each! I suggest u use a Rune axe!Oh yaa I almost forgot another way to make money is being a merchanter aka being cheap.This process invovles starting with some Gps.What u do is buy hot raw items (i.e yews) for a low price then sell for high,just like stocks lol.This merchanting techinique is very good for money but u gotta have money to make money.Another down side of mechanting is finding a buyer who would buy your items for your selling price.Other then that this way of making money can be very effective if luck is on your side that day.

    If u can get these lvls it makes it really easy to make gps in Runescape.With all these money making processes I have made decent amount of money in non-member world.I had just bought in expired item (a santa hat). The santa hat cost me 5.3mill but it was worth it.The hat those nothing special but I guess it's a investment because with time it gets more expensive(just like valuable antiques).With alot of patience u can make alot of $ in Runescape non-member world.Hope my money making tips help if not sorry. Good luck!
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2005
  12. SypherTek

    SypherTek Guest

    Im sorry rune fans but i cant stand that crappy boring pile of crap of a game.... whats the point of it its rubbish you walk around clicking on people to kill them and the fighting looks so cack its unbelievable. And whats with those sheep that just walk around.. and those tiny little red blokes AAAARGH i HATE RUNESCAPE...

    Sorry just had to get that out of my system :p
  13. Lethal_B

    Lethal_B Moderator Staff Member

    Jul 12, 2005
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    What is your game? If you have a rant, post in the safety valve... why bother giving a forum a bad taste for no reason. And this is not the first time you have done it~ http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/266909
    ~ are you trying to create flame?

    Some people, like yourself may disagree about topics ~ that's fine.. If you put forward a few just opinions, people will listen and respect. Whereas if you start flames in the threads that are having civil and polite discussion, you are likely to lose the respect of people around here.

    ~I am not trying to have a go here, you seem very helpful and intelligent in other places around the forum, so please do not spoil it.

    Thanks, and Peace,


    Last edited: Dec 6, 2005
  14. Stitch221

    Stitch221 Regular member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    Another good way to make money is to mine and sell.
  15. NES_49144

    NES_49144 Member

    Dec 30, 2005
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    here's how I (crip4lyfe on runescape) make money
    -mine rune esse, as people are always wanting it, and its free to mine
    -make rich freinds
    -since the value of items is constantly changeing buy when the price is low, keep it in the bank, and when the price goes up again (could take a loooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg time) re-sell

    If you want quick cash, go for the rune esse method
  16. Stitch221

    Stitch221 Regular member

    Apr 11, 2005
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    What type of armor do u have? Mine is full steel. My friend oiu900 is full black. (he tricked noobs into giving him stuff)
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2006
  17. da_fablet

    da_fablet Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    hi guys i ust tryd this out ... (me english is not good :'( )
    oo yeah and me name on rs is cc the slach
    and i give 10 swortfishes free tho the wan who gwes me lv 1rst

  18. da_fablet

    da_fablet Member

    Jan 2, 2006
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    sombady there...
  19. halfsmart

    halfsmart Guest

    does anyone know of a FREE game better than runescape? im lv 60 with meium lvl noncombat stats (~30-57+)& im bored. also im looking at selling that account or others ( i have a few from 15-40) for gp. peace
  20. Palverez

    Palverez Regular member

    Jun 11, 2013
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    Hey ppl:
    Zezimas (the best runescape player) bro here. I like this game vry much, and play lot. Have a main in lvl 109 and the one using now in lvl 62, this account name is Pablo244. Im looking fo a clan, or wildy group. Add me and chat. And if need some help, ask. BTW im a non member at this moment.
    Some ways to make money:
    - mine coal and make steel bars
    - sell lobbies
    - pik and sell rune ess
    - mercanchaint
    - Buy low sell hight
    - use calculator
    - sell in bulk (big amount)
    - it takes money to make money

    OK this is some trik i used to make my first 50K - 100K. One way to do it IS: KILLING CHIKENS! kill, kill, and kill chikens, and TAKE THE FEATHERS! members buy feathers for making arrows, the can buy each feather for 7-9 gp. Each chiken should drop 5-15 feathers. Collect over 1000 feathers and sell them to members or non members. Look at this:
    1000 feathers for 7-10 gp each: 7000(7k) - 10,000(10K) in less than 10 minutes. Once I sell 3500 feathers for 35000gp. Ive make my first 100K selling feathers. Then i start selling ess and lobbie and now i have more than 10mil. But remember it takes time, dnt worry.

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