new to dvd burning

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by neon5blue, Jul 17, 2006.

  1. neon5blue

    neon5blue Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    I have been researching and reading reviews. Now, I am really confused. Just got a laptop with a dvd burner. It has Sonic software and it will not let me of course burn my dvd's( copyright protected). By reading the forums everything that works is no longer being made. So, I am wondering what I can use with sonic software to burn dvd.
    1. what type of blank dvd I should use (dvd+rw)????
    2. how do I rip the orginal? with what software, I read about dvd cloner 3 and 1clickdvdcopy. But some forums say they suck. PC World gave great reviews.

    Can someone please help?? I don't want to waste money trying to figure out how to use software that will not work or that is to hard to fiqure out.
  2. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    Here is the free way of making perfect backups

    1) DVDFab decrypter - this wil break the movies encryption while ripping the movie to your HDD

    2) Vobblanker - Not always needed

    3) dvdshrink - this will allow you to compress the movie to fit onto a blank dvd-5 disc

    4) Imgburn - the best free burner around

    Here are some guides:
  3. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

  4. neon5blue

    neon5blue Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Thanks, I will try these. But do I need to download all these in order to burn my dvd's. Or do I just need the decoder and the shrink. Do you know anything about Sonic software.

    Thanks again,
    forgive me if I sound really dumb but what is DVD-5 and DVD-9
  5. pazzini

    pazzini Guest

    If you have appropriate burning software then you will not need Imgburn. All you need is DVDFab decrypter and Shrink, sometimes(very few) DVDFab Decrypter does not always get rid of all the encryption, so VobBlanker will clean up what DVDFD left behind.

    "VobBlanker is a tool able to blank, replace, cut and strip titles, more specifically, program chains or individual cells. From release 1.5 VobBlanker is also able to work (blank, preview, delete..) in the menu domain.
    It also has special features like reduce to still with or without audio complete PGCs or single Cells, or splitting cells capability"

    dvd-5 is a blank 4.7GB single layer disc & dvd-9 is a blank 8.5GB double layer disc.

    I have never heard of Sonic software, sorry.
  6. surfgeo

    surfgeo Regular member

    Sep 25, 2004
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    well, pazzini certainly summed up that method well. i know it might seem like a lot to download, install, figure out how to use, and run successfully. there is a bit of a learning curve at the beginning, but if you patiently (big if, i know) read through the guides, i predict that within a couple of hours of reading you will be able to successfully backup your first dvd.

    another option is to use the (free) RipIt4Me (see urls in my signature for download and guide). you still have to download and install several other softwares (all free also), but it's easy... RipIt4Me even links you to the download sites). once that is done you have the option to use "one click mode" and after everything is automatically processed and ready for burning, just put the blank disk in. and use your burning program of choice (shrink or imgburn (both free) or nero (pay). long ago i had sonic installed on my computer... it was part of the software bundle. it didn't work for me, but that was many years ago... maybe it is better now... good luck!
  7. tsquare43

    tsquare43 Regular member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    The programs mentioned so far are very good and I believe most, if not all of them, are free. If don't mind spending a few dollars, I recommend AnyDVD & CloneDVD2 made by Sly Soft. They offer a 21-day free trial and if you decide to buy, there is a discount being offered for members of AfterDawn. I use these 2 programs for at least 95% of my burns. I have all of the other programs mentioned, but I haven't taken the time to really use and understand them -- AnyDVD & CloneDVD2 are basically 2-3 clicks and your done and I burn movie only. There are also some guides by bbmayo that are excellent. I had Sonic software about 2 years ago and I did not like it at all. Good Luck.
  8. Gnomex

    Gnomex Regular member

    Aug 14, 2004
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    AnyDVD is the tool of choice to decrypt all your movies. A product worth its cost over and over. Once the movies are ripped, DVD Shrink (Freeware) is a good start or you may use other copy programs based on your goals.
  9. neon5blue

    neon5blue Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    ok, I have downloaded everything except vobBlanker. I save the two mirror 1 files. Is this correct? How do I install this on my computer, Is there a setup file or something.
  10. surfgeo

    surfgeo Regular member

    Sep 25, 2004
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    let us know specifically what you have downloaded. usually just go to the downloaded file folder, open the folder, unzip if necessary, and there should be an .exe file (the program itself) or a setup file that will take you through the installation. my recollection is that everything is simple enough that i could figure it out... pretty simple!

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