We Pay for the full sky package (sports and movies) with UPSee and have a DVR box from them too. Obviously our current card and box can do nagra 2 as everything is working perfectly at the moment. However, today we received a new card in the post with instructions on how to set it up. (Leave it in overnight then call 1908 in the morning) A logical conclusion one can make is this new card is for nagra 3. Why else would they give a new narga 2 card if we can already watch nagra 2 on our old card?
Its sad when you ask a simple question and cant get a simple answer. The truth is not many people know whats going on, and the ones who do are keeping quiet. @ suse103, Maybe the answers were already posted in several threads. The original poster Inquitus, has already stated he tried searching and could not find them. You have obviously read them, so give the answers or link to the thread where the answers are given. If you cant help, why get uppity, ignore this thread and dont post, you are only giving it free bumps. To all the cranky bast@rds who are sick of reading these reposts, stop responding to them and the threads will die. The spirit of forums is to help if you can, if you cant, keep stum. So it is in this spirit I will try to answer these questions. I have being using satellite cams and cards ETC since the early 90`s so the following answers are based on experience and personal opinion, not fact. I am not looking for flame wars or trolls. 1) Some boxes can be updated over the air. Some boxes will need to be/were replaced. All the boxes that will be in use when the changeover completes will be Nagra 3 compatible. 2)Nagra 2 is open, to implement Nagra 2 would be futile. Best guess is it is Nagra 3. A natural progression. 3) The firmware upgrades for the boxes are basically software cams with the keys built in. I can see no reason why the majority of boxes cannot be upgraded for for Nagra 3 once the algorithms and keys are known. This will take a while. Ok, you did not asked this question but I will throw it in for free... 4) How secure is Nagra 3. Very secure. There are several big European satellite networks and an American one that were hit bad when Nagra 2 went. They have moved to Nagra 3, it cost them millions in the rollout. The Kudelski Group were embarrassed by the way there previous CASystems fell and have pretty much everything riding on Nagra 3. If this goes anytime this year I believe the Kudelski Group will follow. I hope I am wrong but I dont see this system being hacked before 2011. If it is hacked it will be by the way of a secure card or cam. The method will be kept secret to increase the profit of this new wonder card/cam. The only boxes that will see the benefit will be boxes that can take a card or a cam depending on what is released. Hopefully this goes someway to answering the original post.
Look at the date of that video, its from December 2008,so that was the issue of the N1/N2 cards period, so they are not new cards by the looks of it, and if you look on your tv you will see that guy, is on there as well. Look how long it took them to get the last change over done, it will equally take them that amount of time to implement N3 fully as well, i think, people are running around like headless chickens on this forum, and need to calm down and enjoy what we have, and worry about it when it happens, and not before.
You really are making this a personal crusade at every chance you get to cause shite, you pissed and moaned about fergus and his PM's and yet you are going around the forum hijacking and posting remarks about the guy in other peoples threads, give it a rest as its getting old now,you are only showing what your agenda is and what you and others really set out to do,no one really gives two flying effs at this stage if fergus is back here under another name but you and a few others and if the MODS are reading this isnt it about time to draw a line under this crap and lets move on........
HT, you really need to get a life mate, i know this is you using an alias, but i think enough is enough, all this crap over a tutorial, maybe you need to get a bigger dummy. Or try to keep it in the pram with you.
Both old and new cards say UPC on them. A different logo though. Old card has on the back "nagraID UP-02" new card says "nagraID UP-22". Any thoughts on this new card?
The first is prob N1 / N2 the new one, is prob N2 / N3 as they will be switching N1 off shortly i would say, as they are not going to keep 3 encryption's running, as that would be costing money so when, N1 goes all the boxes not running on N2 software, will all be switched off.
If you are correct in saying this is an N2/N3 card then why do you think just N1 is fully on the way out and not both N1 and N2? Our old UPC card runs with N2 fine and there would be no reason to send out an N3 card unless the premium streams we subscribe to are switching to N3 soon (assuming you are correct in saying this new card is N3).
Eventually they will prob go N3, but who knows what they are thinking, but, they are having prob at the present time, trying to get everything done, as they are still giving out older cards as well, could be a shortage of cards who knows.
Look on the card for these numbers rom 102 or 103 = n1 rom 110 = n1/n2 rom 142 = n1/n2/n3 new cards support previous nagravision encryptions. ie. just because you have a rom 142, it only means that the card can do n3, but they could still be using n2. There is no reason for upc to pay to replace perfectly good n2 cards with n3 cards unless they are planning to use n3.
They will eventually move up, when who knows, how long has it taken them to get from N1 to N2, if they are replacing cards there is a number of reasons, people have not confirmed delivery, people upgrading there box, or an over site on there behalf on sending them out. So who knows, i would worry about it when it happens, and i say when.
http://www.upc.ie/cardswap Looks like there now starting to swap out all the rest of the cards now people are now getting letters all over dublin RIP Free TV
Its just like the video, and that is going back to 2008, this is still going to take time, just like the jump from N1 to N2, its not an over night affair. All they are doing is exactly the same as whats advertised on channel 100, nothing more its only more information on their website, so people looking on there will also be able to read. They have not touched any ch**** areas, and are still giving out N1 cards there, so what does that tell you, this will still take a long time to sort, its not a thing, done over night.
Just checked that INFO TV and the guy that showed how the pervious card swap was done, is now showing the card swap on the two new boxes (media boxes) and is showing how to insert the new card in the slots have a look if you don’t believe me .. I know this will be another lenity process but I would not advise buying a box for a long term investment
hello all i have had chorus mmds for over 12 years or more and have always made one payment in full every year without fail,thing is yesterday i received a bill only for the month of june,(they have always sent a yearly bill)is there something in this that they are going monthly or am i jumping the gun. anyone else in a similar position. many thanks............