Newbie guide to ARccOS Protection with DVD Decrypter

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by JaguarGod, Nov 22, 2005.

  1. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    What you are seeing is a newer variant of ARccOS introduced about the time of Underworld Evolution and FF7:AC R2. This newer variant includes corruption in both the first chapter and final chapter(s) of the movie.

    Along with this, they have added another bogus VTS that looks like a movie. This is usually the second to last VTS of the DVD. The one after this is fake as well (meaning usually the last 2 VTS of the DVD are fake).

    For the main movie, you would follow the guide posted here as well as untick some cells in the last chapter or possibly last 2 chapters.

    You spot the corruption the same way as in the first chapter. However, since this is the end of the movie, it will be all but the first or first 2 cells of the final chapter that are real.

    I do not have this DVD, so the only way I would be able to give you specific instructions would be if you upload the IFO files.

    The way this is done is you insert the DVD in your DVD Drive. Then explore your drive. Enter the VIDEO_TS folder. Then using the search function of Windows, search for "ifo". Now drag and drop all of the files to a folder on your desktop. Don't even bother naming the folder. "New Folder" is fine. After this, add them to a zip file and upload them in rapidshare or megaupload.

    For this to work, you must disable AnyDVD or any other on-the-fly decrypter. And remember, you are dragging and dropping from the original DVD.
  2. MarEll

    MarEll Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Used your guide to backup several dvds and was well impressed. However I recently tried Hollowman 2 and When a stranger calls and when doing the first step, ripping the last cell of chapter 1 (which in both cases was cell 23)decrypter froze up at about 97, 99%.
  3. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    In the newer movies there is also corruption in the final chapter(s). It follows the same pattern, except this time you work backwards from the last cell.

    For example, say a movie has 29 chapters. Look at the cells at chapter 29 beginning with the last cell. If the length is short, uncheck it. Go up one cell and repeat.

    There are several occasions where the entire last chapter is bogus as well as some cells in the chapter just before. In the example with 29 chapters, maybe the movie only has 28 chapters. Then chapter 29 should be unchecked, and you would look for suspicious cells in chapter 28.

    It is almost the same way I used to corrupt my DVDs when I was experimenting with corruptions.
  4. MarEll

    MarEll Member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    Thanks for your reply. Ended up skipping all but the last cell of chapter 1 (which is 3mins long) and the last four cells of chapter 28 which is the last chapter. the skipped cells in chapter 28 were all less than 2secs long. This ripped no problem. I then opened the film in ifoedit and saw that there are 17 vts in the film. however when I open the dvd in file mode in decrypter there are only 17 vts so there is nothing to skip. So I go to decrypt and it freezes up at vts_16_1.
  5. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Odds are VTS_16 and VTS_17 are NOT real. Don't rip them.

    BTW, this guide will not work on newer movies like Casino Royale and Stranger than Fiction. Those have a corrupted UDF file system....
  6. slepr1428

    slepr1428 Guest

    I ripped both Casino Royale and Stranger Than Fiction last week using DVDFab Decrypter Platinum without a single problem. In fact, I've gotten to a point that when I see the Sony logo on the disc, I automatically trot out DVDFab Decrypter Platinum, usually without even attempting the use of DVDDecrypter. Once I have the disc ripped, I use DVDRemake Pro to remove all extraneous material - logos, FBI nags, etc - along with previews and pretty much all the bonus material. At this time I also blank all the buttons that have been rendered useless by dint of having their targets removed, and then I export the result to another HD. After doing this, I use DVD Shrink to do the final shrinkage down to DVD 5 specs while at the same time removing all unwanted sound tracks and subtitles. Doing it this way does add an extra step but as I've discovered after well over 1500 rips, running the rip thru DVD Shrink ALWAYS gives you files that will burn perfectly, unlike the results I've had when I tried to bypass this step and just use DVDRemake Pro directly to do all track removals.

    Just my two bits worth but I think it's good for people to know that there's always more than one way to 'skin a cat', so to speak.

  7. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    I actually use a different ripper for those newer movies. No big deal though, I am pretty sure DVDFab will do the trick for most people. I just hate updating software every week.
  8. tlb666

    tlb666 Guest

    JG> i am a TOTALLY NEWBIE to this arcoos stuff. I have ripped and burned/copied many a dvd in my time but never one with this soooo could you please go over the steps in EVEN a MORE "arcoos for dummies" type way for us not getting it???

    i have the programs you said to have now i just need a step by step guide...i tried using your guide listed but i got stumped after ripping from dvd decrypter i didnt have a info.1 file ripped....

    please if you wish to e-mail me a guide it would be greatly helpful as the guide im seeing on doesnt have all the pics coming up on my browser.

    please e-mail me at i' edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2007
  9. MichaelP1

    MichaelP1 Guest

    tlb666, first DON'T post you're email addy its against forum rules plus you might get spammed

    dvd decrypter won't handle the newer movies by its self without help so either run anydvd behind dvd decrypter or use dvd Fab. heres a few guides to read over to backup you're dvds. clonedvd 2 + anydvd would be another option(which would be my first choice BTW) great quality very easy to use update dates for life if you buy it and theres a free 21 day trial.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 11, 2007
  10. tlb666

    tlb666 Guest

    thanks michael for the heads-up on the e-mail thing. I appreciate it. Is using dvd clone 2 and anydvd the BEST way in your guy's opinions to get around the arccos protection to back up my collection??

    i have tried using dvd clone 2 and at vts_01_4.vob file i get a CRC error message....any idea how i can get this to work...i'm trying to back up "minority report" btw...if this helps

    anyone help me out with the CRC error???

  11. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    to late as post edited as per forum rules.
  12. MichaelP1

    MichaelP1 Guest

    yes clonedvd 2 + anydvd is a very good option and the easiest .tlb666, the CRC error you are getting is more than likely caused by a bad/scratched DVD try cleaning it or using the anydvd ripper ripping the file to you're HD then transcode with clonedvd 2
    Last edited by a moderator: May 12, 2007
  13. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    If you get an error other than VTS_xx_1.VOB in a movie released before 2006, then it is due to a scratched/dirty disc or possibly a bad pressing.

    The first DVD I can think of that implemented corruption after the movie finished that was a major release was Underworld Evolution. Minority report is pretty old and possibly does not even have ARccOS corruption.

    Anything released before 2006 with corruption other than in VTS_xx_1.VOB would be DiSkLocK corrupted and there are no Hollywood/Studio releases that implement this corruption because it was made for DVDR.

    If you still want a PDF version of the Guide, I can see if I have one, but I will not re-write a guide because they are usually more than 20 pages and take some time to write. Let me know if you want the PDF. I should have 5 or so different versions and I can give you the most recent one.
  14. tlb666

    tlb666 Guest

    yes JG> if you could find one send me the latest version of the pdf file you still have around. It will be greatly appreciated!

    thanks again


    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    No...the best way will be different from user to user. Slysoft programs are definately one way, but may not be the best for you. I have used them and agree that they are very good, but personally don't feel they are the best. I preferred Ripit4Me before is was nabbed from the (and then) there was DVDFab HD Decrypter for dealing with highly protected discs. While R4M will likely recieve no support or updates in it's present form, DVDFab HD Decrypter appears to be the freeware solution for the time being.
  16. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    looks like the guide no longer exists and like I said, I cannot re-write it because it was too long... Did you try that link on the first page? Guide for Newbies.pdf

    not sure if that works for me as this site is blocked on my PC, but you can maybe use the "Save As" function to DL the PDF. There are 2 versions of the newbie guide, if this is the second one, it is easy to follow. Both versions are easier than the online version.
  17. JaguarGod

    JaguarGod Active member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    Were you stumped at the step in figuring out which titles are fake??

    This step is optional.

    Just rip the main movie. Let's pretend the movie is in VTS_03, then open VTS_03_0.IFO with IFOEdit. Do the strip streams and you are finished.

    Then launch FixVTS and drag and drop VTS_03_1.VOB on it and choose the "clean" option.

    When it is finished, launch DVD Shrink and choose "re-author". Browse for the movie and create your ISO. You will not have a menu, but it is easier.
  18. tlb666

    tlb666 Guest

    ok JG> the movie i have again is minoirty report....i beleive the main move is in i started to rip VTS_1 cell by cell i have gotten errors in cells 6,7,15. Now then re-rip the rest of these cells without the bad ones and then open in ifoedit?...then click get vts sectors am i right?...then what???

    thanks for your help with this slow newbie...;)

  19. MichaelP1

    MichaelP1 Guest

    "Minority Report" has no special protection on it. its apparent you have a bad/scratched DVD and should get another copy of it
  20. tlb666

    tlb666 Guest

    thanks michael for the heads-up.

    i am going to do just that.

    btw> does anyone know if the day after tomoorw has a copy protection on it too?? i ws having same troubles with that movie?


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