hey, I just got a dvd burner and was trying to burn some mpgs onto a dvd... do I need to use some special type of dvd to burn them? and does it have to be in 1mpg file, or can I have multiple ones? I am using Prassi PrimoDVD with a Pioneer 104
Originally posted by ADV: "all I got was a green screen, squares to the left hand side and jumpy sound when the new file was played." I've recently been sent a movie in mpeg2 format (from an SVCD) and when I try to play it I get precisely this problem, same as ADV described. A friend of mine suggested I get the Nimo Codec pack, but it doesn't help. Windows Media Player won't open it at all, and when I try PowerDVD or WindDVD it does the above. Any clues or advice on how to remedy this? PS - to check if it was a bad file, I attained a different movie, again SVCD/mpeg2 and the same problem