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Newbie needs help with playback Sizing!!!!

Discussion in 'Video playback problems' started by Marz, Nov 22, 2002.

  1. Naug

    Naug Guest


    I found the solution to this problem! Well, it was the solution in my case anyway: Aparently this doesn't have any direct connection with your choice of codecs but with the driver of your video card! I found a page stating that older drivers are not quite directX compatible. So I downloaded the latest driverpackage for my card from the manufacturers homepage. And directly after installing that new driver it worked perfectly!!!!

    Try it our with the latest driver for your videocard!!!

    Hope that helps in your case as well

    Greetings and good luck from
  2. SirSmeee

    SirSmeee Guest

    i had the same problem and i found this solution.
    the Xvid codec comes with a prgram called AviC (fourCC changer). use that program. open the video in it and let the top drop down box read xvid and the second divx. hit apply. quit the program, and then start the movei. all should be well.
  3. Joebijoba

    Joebijoba Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    I guess I have the same problem :
    Xvid video playsback starts ok, but after a few seconds in full screen, the video scales back to its original (100%) size and is displayed on the lower left side of the screen. The rest of the screen is left black.

    This happens with the 2 players I use (WMP and ZoomPlayer) and all my Xvid movies. The movies are ok since they play ok in full screen on my other computer with the same players and decoder (Xvid).
    I noticed this also happens with a .wmv movie file (I don't what this type stands for) => Maybe it's not a Xvid problem...

    I've been having this problem only for a few days because I remember viewing Xvid movies before.

    I tried the following with no success :
    - video driver update
    - FFDshow
    - fourCC changer

    Help needed

  4. flubby

    flubby Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    i'm having the same problem as you. This is the funny thing.. i did everythign I could think of such as uninstalling my drivers and reinstalling. Uninstalling codecs etc.. all in a strict procedure.

    well now I got it to work somewaht but it's really pixelated. I have my desktop resolution set at 1280x1024 in 16 bit color @ 75 hz. The video can play in full screen now no problem.

    Before, i had my desktop resolution @ 1280x1024 in 32 bit color @ 75 hz.. and i was getting the resize problem. So maybe it's because you need to change the resolution and/or color.

    But then again I am still getting alot of grainyness in my image and sometimes there are like color patches on the screen.

    My problem started happening when my computer randomly rebooted and i scanned my disk. hehe i'm still hackin away tryin to get this damn thing to work
  5. NoSolderB

    NoSolderB Guest

    i have the version 4 with a no solder modchip,
    swap magic, and gameshark,
    i can boot cd-r games fine using nero and
    copy on the fly.
    i also have backed-up one dvd-r game using the same
    method only with dvd-r's and a dvd burner and
    boot with swap magic, it works great. It is called March Madness 2003 it is EA. i also tried backing up nba live 2003 (also EA), but froze at the start up screen showing the pic of Jason Kidd, i compared it on my pc and it is an identical copy, do i need to patch this game?
    if so how do i patch it, and where do i get the patch, DO NOT SAY MEGAGAMES, i tried it but they do not have crap

    please send me more info

    thanks in advance

    P.S. Dela, how did u get to be a senior member
  6. spike1050

    spike1050 Regular member

    Jan 2, 2003
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  7. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    By posting & posting & posting and you gte the idea ;-)
  8. VCDjunkie

    VCDjunkie Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 11, 2002
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    I'd like to think its because he knows his stuff..

  9. NoSolderB

    NoSolderB Guest

    where do i get a patch for ea games?
  10. NoSolderB

    NoSolderB Guest

    how long did it take u to become a senior member?
  11. NoSolderB

    NoSolderB Guest

    how long did it take u to become a moderator?

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