Riddled through the threads you often see reference to "why am I still a newby?" "I've been posting for months, why am I still a noob?"... well, I figured it out so I thought I'd share. It's just status, that's all. If my handle was Sir Isaac, then not only would I be Sir Isaac Newbie, I'd also be Knighted by the Queen of England, just like Elton and Paul, et al. Or if I was female: Dame Isaac Newbie??? naw that doesn't sound right, I've never heard of anyone dubbed Dame Isaac Newbie For me, you ask? If I ever get a change of status I'd much prefer Un-Newbie rather than becoming a "Junior Memeber" or "Member". Then I could drink 7un7's and chant the "Dr. Pepper" theme to myself (and anyone that would listen), with a little grin on my face.... "I'm Un-Newbie, you're Un-Newbie, he's Un-Newbie, She's Un-Newbie, wouldn't you like to be Un-Newbie too? Be Un-Newbie, be-ee Un-Newbie! [bold]If you are quite young you will have never heard of the "Dr. Pepper" theme.[/bold] There's your dose of humor for the day. And no, ok I had one (1) beer <grin> All in fun!!! Cheers. R
I like your style, humour wise thats what we need on this site more humourous people catch ya andmerr
There should be a status below "newbie" reserved for the members that are attention hogs;[bold] "look at my post, I'm asking the same shit everywhere because my question is all that matters and screw using the search function because I'm sure nobody's ever asked this before!"[/bold] I can't believe how many times I read the same question posted by the same member X amount of times in the different topics making the board look like crap. Now, just because one has newbie status doesn't necessarily make them new to the scene and I like sharing what I know as much as learning new things from other members but bs like that just discourages me from corresponding with posters because of the aggravation.
Multiposting is against the rules and therefore discouraged. If you notice a member multiposting use the "Report an offensive post" and state which member is mulitposting. The mods will take care of it.
Well, since we're on the subject, could you then change my status to something like [bold]Afterdawn Avenger[/bold] or [bold]Afterdawn Crusader[/bold] as I think all that reporting will be the equvalent of a fulltime job.
btw: I'm a Pepper, he's a Pepper, she's a Pepper, we're all Peppers, wouldn't you like to be a Pepper too
nah, it's a regular grape that will be mashed into a wine to be drunk by the lucious lips of a dazzling female...
hehehehe...guess i'll start with Baabaa's sweet little kitty and then go door to door passin' along the love
Wow Auslander, you are stepping in high cotton and wiping with the top leaves... I had lunch at Alice's Restaurant the other day, you know the one in the Arlo Guthrie classic that's just a half a mile from the railroad track? There is a sign out front that reads: "You can get anything you want at Alices' Restaurant, excepting Baabaa's sweet kitty" That is so weird, don't you think? HAPPY THANKSGIVING!