Could any1 help, have set up connection had to edit settings to type text, have typed dl 800000, and am getting no reply back from the box. Am definately connected as info came up from holding up arrow and power button on front of box. am using null modem cable. Thanks
hi guys,im also new to this.i definitely have the null madem cable and i downloaded hyper terminal and seems to work fine.i followed the steps in the guide but every time i go to turn the dbox on just holding the up arrpw it just freezes on a page with a load of stuff i cant explain but nothing like the description.can anyone give me help to get the dbox wud be much appriciated.tanx
is it todo with the dbox i have,it says on the front : MULTIMEDIA TERMINAL DV3 by nokia.i've noticed alot about dbox 2 but im jus trying to get this thing fixed.any help whatsoever would really really be appriciated.
Hey , can anybody tell me what the best image for n/l Dublin is, i am using the latest pacino and it is stalling every now and again, would be gratefull for any feedback, thanks.