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Nokia Dbox2

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by waitsey, Jul 22, 2006.

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  1. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    you need to set your PC IP up as manual and not auto - as IFA uses a DHCP client from your machine to assign an IP to the DBox using ARP

    I normally use for my PC with subnet ask

    Also disable any firewalls and Internet Connection sharing on the PC as this can intefere with IFA working correctly.
  2. keith20

    keith20 Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    oggnogg i flashed box with the andromeda image. now there is no channel info on it at all. i flashed the services and bouquets files onto box but there was still no joy. im in dublin area. thanks i really apprciate the help.
  3. emmanneil

    emmanneil Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    my ip address ip, when i start IFA i put in the image, connection etc and when i boots up it it starts up in the image loaded and not into IFA, problem is image i loaded does not work! just keeps going into standby mode, i can press the up button and get into a so called rommon mode/ unix and i have tried to erase -1 erase -2 etc but this does not erase the flash, also tried the erase - all
    any help anyone,
  4. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    is the IP address static or dynamic, did your router issue you with the IP address.
  5. emmanneil

    emmanneil Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    its static, going straight from my laptop to dbox
  6. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    diffiult to diagnose your issue without actually having physical access to the box.
  7. emmanneil

    emmanneil Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    well it boots up and then goes into off mode when i press power on it does the same, is they any way i can erase the flash not using IFA, also what is the default ip for blade trinity revisited ?
    if you are close i could pop it round to you, i am near london
  8. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I am in west Yorkshire, only other way is to use HyperTerminal -try this never done it myself so cant say it wil work worth a try

    STEP 1 - Setting up HyperTerminal

    Open HyperTerminal which is located in the Start menu under the
    following directory structure.

    Start --> Programs --> Accessories --> Communications -->

    When you open HyperTerminal for the first time, it will ask to
    make it default, just click no. You will now be ask you for you
    country and dialling code. Just stick in your area code and click
    ok. You will now get another window titled "Phone and modem
    options" just click ok again.

    Step 2 - The settings

    Call the connection what you wish, although I recommend "DBOX2" as
    it's more meaningful. Click ok again and you will be asked for
    connection type. Select your com port from the drop down list at
    the bottom.

    Notice all the other options grey out. Click ok and you will not
    be asked for settings. Enter the following settings

    Bits Per Second: 9600
    Data Bits: 8
    Parity: 0 or NONE, depending on what's in your list
    Stop Bits: 1
    Flow Control: Xon/Xoff

    After entering these setting click on ok again and you will be
    looking at a blank command window.

    STEP 3 - The Connection

    Now you have setup your connection to the box, its time to get
    them talking. This is done by holding the up arrow on the front of
    the DBOX2 (NOT THE REMOTE) while turning on the power. The comment
    screen will now have connected and have information on it like the
    following image


    STEP 4 - Commands

    NOTE: All of the following is case sensitive. Make sure you take
    note of the case!

    I have made the lines below that need typing by you green text to
    try avoid confusion. Where I point out that a message will be
    returned by the system, I have made that text Blue.

    Type in the following and hit the enter key on your keyboard:

    dl 800000

    You should now get the following message returned in the command

    S record load, offset: 800000

    You will not get the command prompt back at this point; it will
    just be stating that message above. At this point you need to
    click on "Transfer" from the menus at the top of the hyper
    terminal. In the drop down list click on "Send Text File"

    You will now get a browse window to find a file. Change the 'Type
    of file' to be "All Files" from the drop down list at the bottom.
    You now need to navigate to the place you extracted this guide to
    as it also come with the files you need. So when you have
    navigated to the correct place, click on U-BOOT.MOT then click on
    open. It will now start to transfer. This will take about 5
    minuets and will not show any information about it on the
    HyperTerminal. After about 5 minuets when it has completed, you
    will get the following message on the HyperTerminal and be
    returned to the command prompt.

    DL: start ADDRESS 0x800000

    You will now need to type in the following command and hit enter.
    This will start the u-boot file we just transferred. As this is
    starting it will try get a network connection, as we do not want
    this, we need to break out of it. You do this by holding down the
    control key on your keyboard and pressing the 'C' key at the same
    time. This needs to be done before 3 attempts at the connection.
    You will be returned to the command prompt again. So type the
    following command.

    chorus 800000

    Keep control key pressed when its trying to connect to the network
    and press the 'C' key and you will be returned to the command
    prompt. NOTE: the command prompt has changed a little bit and now
    looks like =>
    This is normal :>)

    You now need to type the following command followed by enter. NOTE

    loadb 120000 115200

    You will get the following message

    ## SWITCH Baud rate to 115200 bps and press ENTER

    STEP 5 - Changing the terminal settings

    You need to click on the disconnect button or click on the 'Call'
    menu at the top and select 'Disconnect' from the drop down.

    Now click on 'File' from the top menu and select properties form
    the drop down. A box will open with you 'DBOX2' connection we
    created in step 1. Click on the 'Configure' button and change to
    the following followed by clicking the ok button.

    Bits Per Second: 115200

    Now either click on the call button, or click on the call menu at
    the top and select 'Call' from the list. Press enter on the

    You will now getting the following message displayed.

    ## ready for binary (kermit) download to 0x00120000 at 115200 bps

    STEP 6 - Transferring The Image

    You now need to select 'Transfer' from the menus at the top the
    selected 'Transfer file' from the drop down list. You will now be
    looking at a popup that has two options, the first is to browse
    for your image. Click on browse, this will open up a browse
    window. You now need to browse to an image you have and wish to
    flash to the box. Navigate to your image and click on it followed
    by clicking on the 'Ok' button. You will now be back at the popup
    where you need to select 'kermit' from the drop down list. Now
    click on the 'Send' button.

    Your image will now be transferred to the box. As this is a null
    modem connection this will take a while, on average about 40
    minuets but you can see its progress in HyperTerminal, so now is a
    good time to take a break :>)

    Once the transfer has completed you will get the follow message in
    the hyperterminla command window.

    ## totally Size = 0x007E0000 = 8257536 bytes
    ## start ADDR = 0x00120000
    ## SWITCH Baud rate to 9600 bps and press ESC

    STEP 7 - Changing the settings again!

    You need to click on the disconnect button or click on the 'Call'
    menu at the top and select 'Disconnect' from the drop down.

    Now click on 'File' from the top menu and select properties form
    the drop down. A box will open with you 'DBOX2' connection we
    created in step 1. Click on the 'Configure' button and change to
    the following followed by clicking the ok button.

    Bits Per Second: 9600

    Now either click on the call button, or click on the call menu at
    the top and select 'Call' from the list. Press the escape key on
    the keyboard.

    You will now be back at the command prompt.

    STEP 8 - The Final Settings

    Type in the following at the command prompt and hit enter.

    protect off 10020000 107fffff

    You should get the following message back

    Un-Protected 63 sectors

    Now type in the following followed by enter

    erase 10020000 107fffff

    and it will take a short moment to erase the sectors the you will
    get the following message and be returned to the command prompt.

    Erased 63 sectors

    No enter the following and hit enter. NOTE the case!

    cp.l 120000 10020000 1F8000

    This will now say 'Copy To Flash.....'

    This took about 15 mins on mine before you get the following

    Flash Done
  9. emmanneil

    emmanneil Member

    Oct 3, 2007
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    thanks for the info but having read this i need the u-bot.mot file, you dont happen to have it do you ?
  10. oggnogg

    oggnogg Regular member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Keith flash it with this image its the same as what u flashed it with but the Service & Bouqs are built into it you will just have to add the new Nagra7 file
  11. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    I may have the files on my PC at home so let me check and get back to you. pm for ur email so I can send the file.s
  12. oggnogg

    oggnogg Regular member

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Try this out

  13. keith20

    keith20 Member

    Jul 24, 2007
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    oggnogg should the box be picking up the stations(i mean channel info without picture) before i flash with nagrarom7 or will it only pic up stations and pictures after nagrarom7 installed.
  14. carlhoper

    carlhoper Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Out of interest, does anyone know of Virgin Media doing the rounds in the UK to try and find people who are using cable boxes etc?

    I've heard off door to door activity with search warrants and police accompanying virgin media staff.

    Does anyone know if there is any truth in this?

    Apologies if I'm not supposed to discuss this sort of this on this board.
  15. tezzer123

    tezzer123 Guest

    sounds like a load of bollacks to me .

    the first person to get done in this fashon and the word would spred like wild fire

    unlucky if your the first
  16. kippax23

    kippax23 Member

    Apr 11, 2008
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    most of the people working 4 um have got um
  17. wozzy83

    wozzy83 Member

    Apr 21, 2008
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    Hi all I feel a tad retarded today as when I was attempting to flash sportster onto my nokia dbox I wiped everything now I cannot even connect the box to my pc using ftp method. I sorted the bigmaq keys for my in laws but f&*%$d my own up. Could someone please help me reboot my box PLease
    Would be eternally grateful
  18. turner123

    turner123 Guest

    why would they knock on your door with the police ??? the resorces are just not there really to cover the whole uk !!

    pluss if you are subscribed to at least the net or smallest tv package you ll be fine the boxes cant be traced
  19. zappp64

    zappp64 Regular member

    Oct 13, 2005
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    rumours, also a judge would not sign off x number of search warrants for VM to knock on doors, no judge would do this without substanstial evidence, now if they go after traders then yes I can see that as a possibility, as long as you have a valid sub to VM TV you should be ok.
  20. mickarick

    mickarick Member

    Feb 26, 2008
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    Im guessing here coz you didnt give a lot of info m8 but try flashing a new image using IFA .
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