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Nokia Dbox2

Discussion in 'Digital TV - United States & Canada' started by waitsey, Jul 22, 2006.

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  1. bmicrofer

    bmicrofer Guest

    hey anyone in dublin check my link to my webpage for help with you dbox2

    http://i'manidiot.com edited by ddp
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 29, 2008
  2. turner123

    turner123 Guest

    hey dont mean to be a bore to you but you will most prob get banned for hawking your bussines on ere free advertising and all that
  3. smokeyjnr

    smokeyjnr Member

    Apr 15, 2008
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    Hi turner,

    can you give me the key files also, can you pm me them or if you can provide the link.... thanks
  4. turner123

    turner123 Guest

    hi there i tried to upload them for people but 2 files failed so pm and ill get them to you
  5. smokeyjnr

    smokeyjnr Member

    Apr 15, 2008
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    i have sent you a PM..
  6. grinlike

    grinlike Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Thank you elliott87 that username and password worked a dream
    Turner i have managed to ftp over nagraram7.bin does that mean my box will au now or have i got to put more files over ?
    Regards Clint
  7. turner123

    turner123 Guest

    get the 10 and 11 too from the link of mine and do the same with them then you should be ok
  8. grinlike

    grinlike Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Thank you You are a star
    and that goes out to all out there that help us all stuff it to em

    do i have to do anything like set ua to on ? if some there were can this be found ?

    Regards Clint
  9. prasiet

    prasiet Member

    Jul 7, 2007
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    Six arrested in Blackburn in digital TV fraud probe
    By Catherine Pye

    INVESTIGATION: The unit in Hamilton Street which was raided
    SIX people were arrested and seven properties were searched as part of a major inquiry into the illegal use of digital TV set-top boxes.

    The five men and one woman were detained in Blackburn today by more than 40 officers as part of a joint investigation by Lancashire Constabulary and Virgin Media.

    The probe was launched into the illegal modification of set-top boxes to receive digital TV subscription channels without payment.

    A house in Livingstone Road and two in Assheton Road as well as an industrial unit in Hamilton Street, were raided in the town.

    Police then went to Preston in the late afternoon where two more properties and an industrial unit were searched.

    Officials from Virgin Media as well as specialist asset recoverers accompanied the police. Computers and more than 200 boxes were seized and will be examined.

    Detectives began questioning those arrested on suspicion of committing offences under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

    Sergeant Colin Dassow said: "People should be reminded that using set-top boxes that have been illegally modified to receive digital TV subscription channels are committing a criminal offence.

    "Anyone receiving these channels and making no payment to the respective media company is at risk of being prosecuted."

    Malcolm Davies, Virgin Media's head of fraud and security, said: "We take this matter extremely seriously and will continue to work closely with all police to prosecute individuals connected with this type of TV fraud."

    A spokesperson for Virgin Media said: "We have been investigating this for just under a year through our in-house security team, who include a lot of ex-police officers.

    "They monitor newspaper columns, internet auctions and computer fairs for suspicious activity."

    A resident living near the raided house on Livingstone Road, said: "I got a shock when I came to the front expecting a delivery and saw three Black Marias on my doorstep.

    "There were officers all over and police cars dotted along the street.

    "There were always deliveries of boxes going into that house."

    A resident on Assheton Road, who did not want to be named, said: "There were four or five big police vans that turned up and raided two houses.

    "I saw them taking lots of things out in boxes. They were there quite a while."

    An eyewitness from Mill Hill Private Hire, which operates from the industrial unit next door to the one raided, said: "There were lots of police and they took a lot of stuff out.

    "Four police vans, three other vans and two police cars arrived at about 9.30am and left at 3.30pm."
  10. carlhoper

    carlhoper Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    I have transferred all the nagra files however it stopped working today. So I got the latest keys and updated the keylist with the latest keys. I noticed that the key was slightly different in that the first key started with N 5C01 00 where as it was N 5C01 01 before.

    I changed it back to N 5C01 01 and all is working again. I was wondering why this had happened and why my nagra files stopped picking up the key changes?

    Do I need to get the laky image?
  11. prasiet

    prasiet Member

    Jul 7, 2007
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  12. mezmill

    mezmill Member

    Oct 12, 2006
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    hi can anyone tell me how do you get laky pro 1 to self update when keys roll

  13. grinlike

    grinlike Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Turner done as you said and my eldest is whatching footie . hes well chuffed
    Thank for your help
    that goes to all THANK YOU

    it has been just under an hour since updating the files and my screen has just gone blank but after rebboting the box my chanles are back :) does this mean the fix works ? surly they arn't F**king with the K*ys that much
    well of to whatch some more telly
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  14. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    bmicrofer, lightning struck!!!! posts edited
  15. turner123

    turner123 Guest

    hi all been up late everyone who is putting keys everyday etc download the toolbar from the link below the whole key list file has been added with all au already in there just unpack the file and ftp across to the dbox overrite existing and you ll be back up and running it has been tested across the uk so far and has not failed
  16. carlhoper

    carlhoper Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    turner123, how does this toolbar differ from bigmaq? I was told by somebody else to get the laky pro image, to get automatic key updates.

    What's the best thing to do to get automatic key updates, as people seem to be suggesting different things. A couple of weeks ago people said the nagra files would allow auto updates?

    I'm a bit confused as to what I should do, as I want to avoid having to flash my box with a new image if it's not necessary.

    Also, I know this has probably been posted before - but what is the best image flashing assistant?
  17. turner123

    turner123 Guest

    hi i put the nagraroms in my image it worked fine i then entered them in to another image they did nt work ? so i took the whole key flder from my working image and popped it accross to the image that was nt working after a few mins everthing popped up as normal
    the tool bar im just working on taking time etc but i have put the essential things on there
  18. carlhoper

    carlhoper Member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Well I'll avoid flashing my box with the laky image until a last resort.

    Could you let me know of a good dbox flashing assistant? Do I need a cross over cable or can I just use my existing wireless connection and ftp stuff across? Seems like the same thing to me.

  19. Nicoiboy

    Nicoiboy Guest

    Hey just tryed 2 apply for virgin media but i live in a non cable area, is this a problem or can i still use the nokia d box?? thanks, Nico hutchison
  20. matelot1

    matelot1 Member

    Apr 25, 2008
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    Can anyone confirm whether the LAKY Pro image is a 1x image or a 2x. The Bigmaq toolbar lists it as a 2x but when I use IFA is says its a 1x image (ie 1 chip). I tried to flash my 2 chip box but it went into Kein mode.

    Can anyone help.

    Also managed to flash the blade trinity image onto box. Do I need to update the Nagra 7 ROM or is it the new one on the image.

    Also do I need to change the services and bouquet files for ones for my area. If I do where do I get them from for the Bournemouth area.

    Sorry for the long post. Best to get everything off in one go!
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