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Noob needs help for problem with Modded xbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Hardware boot discussion' started by LgdLush, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. LgdLush

    LgdLush Guest

    Im a noob and need help with my modded xbox as I have an error loading page (I believe it's message 05), poppin up onscreen. I'm having trouble as I've searched and googled and it has led me here so as a noob I want to just get the info from whoever can help and hopefully solve this problem. Any help is appreciated and I will help in return with any knowledge I can provide as well. I have dloaded Evox's 2.7 but maybe burned it 2 disc wrong as it's not loading and rebooting the xbox. Should it be connect to my pc ? Again, I'm a noob so mebbe I have the right idea but not following the correct processes to succeed. Any help again will be much appreciated. Thx !
  2. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    - kernel - HDD not locked (The retail xbox bioses require the hd to be locked)

    When you upgrade your hard disk drive for one that is larger, you most of the times use a new hard drive that you bought in the shop. Now, when you put this hdd in your xbox and you try to boot up with your chip off. It gives you error 5. Why you ask? Well i will try to explain it simple.

    The original (also called "Retail") hard drive is locked by MS. Why did they lock the harddrive?

    Well if it wasn't it wouldve been more than easy (in the start of xbox hacking)
    for hackers to change content on it. Thats why MS locks it. It is just a security measure.

    This locking proces uses information thats on the motherboard. The "Lock" on a xbox hard drive contains information that is based on the harddrive itself and the motherboard it came with.

    One thing that makes this clear: You can not change a retail harddrive with another one from an other not modded xbox. With every xbox there is only ONE i repeat ONE compatible harddisk drive. That is, if they are locked.

    If you don't mod your xbox (tsop or modchips) you can not change harddrives. Not even from another xbox. However when your xbox IS modified you can change your harddisk for almost every other harddisk (thats UNLOCKED). This means that even when your xbox is modified, you can not just put another (retail) XBOX harddisk in your xbox. However some smart people made programs that can lock or unlock your xbox harddisk on the fly.

    So when does the error occur? The only time this error should occur is when you boot up your xbox in original mode AND you have a harddisk in your xbox that is not yet locked. So now you ask what do i have to do to make your xbox work again?

    Well the answer is pretty easy. Boot up your xbox with the chip on. Preferably with a slayer evo-x cd. Now you choose "Eeprom management." Than you choose: "Lock hdd." It takes one second. After its ready it should say something like "Done"
    When it is "Done" just turn off your xbox. Disable your chip and try to boot in original mode. Now there should be no more error 5.

    if you cn not load a burned DVD then Slayer 2.7 will not work.
  3. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    Good you downloaded Slayer's EvoX Auto Installer 2.7. But you must have a mod-chipped xbox as softmodded xboxes will get spoilt if you use Slayer's EvoX Auto Installer on it.
    OK now see make an xiso of Slayer's EvoX Auto Installer with qwix which can be found here
    Then burn the image to the disk using "BURN IMAGE TO DISK" option.
    Also you can only use a CD-RW,DVD-R,DVD-RW for doing this and not a CD-R.
    I recommend a DVD-R or DVD-RW.
  4. d3v1l534n

    d3v1l534n Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    Am very sorry if im hijacking a thread, but i just cudnt resist asking this as it looks similar to my problem.
    im in a state where a slightest mistake would kill my xbox. i have a modchip installed but i dont know which one. have to tap power once to boot in unmodded state. have to hold power for 3 secs to boot in modded state. i flashed the modchip bios with wat turned out to be a corrupted bios file. so whenever i boot in modded state, xbox reboots twice and frags but works fine in unmodded state. so i just did a soft mod since i figured its only the modchip which wont boot. now xbox works good and i can do all i cud with the modchip.
    now i wonder if it would be possible to reflash the modchip using the evox dash. or will the flashing the bios result in the actual xbox bios getting flashed instead of the modchip bios?? is there any way that i can reflash the modchip bios. dont have access to a programmer cuz the place where im from i cant get these. any ideas anyone?
  5. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    Well now this is a really big problem.
    You cannot reflash your mod-chip bios now as it is corrupted. You can change your mod-chip or use a programmer but as you said you don't get a programmer at the place you stay. And I think your mod-chip may be an Aladdin 64.
    Actually you cannot flash your original bios as Microsoft has locked it from being flashed. Also which xbox version do you have ???
  6. d3v1l534n

    d3v1l534n Member

    Dec 3, 2006
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    :( that sounds very bad indeed. looks like im stuck with a softmod. cant get modchips either from where i am.
    i have the ver 1.4 xbox. i bought it roughly 2 1/2 years ago, so im sure it was not one of the best modchips anyways. well, looking at the bright side at least i will never be able to flash the xbox original bios with a bad bios :D.

    Oh yeh, one more question, is softmod safe for the xbox(hardware wise)? i have xbmc 2.0 as the dash and so far faced no problems.
  7. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    Where do you live ???
  8. LgdLush

    LgdLush Guest

    Ok, Im going to burn the evox 2.7 onto a DVD-R. Now another note. My xbox has an older xcuter chip I believe it is an x.b.i.t. chip that was installed on the outside of the xbox (maybe ver 2.1 or other but def not xcuter 3)It has on/off switches on four diff small channels. The xbox was workin fine but I didnt use it for a while b4 this 05 message showed up. I do not know if I have another HD in it from another xbox but I do know that it was workin fine up until this point. Thx again I will post again after I try the new disc. Thx again.
  9. LgdLush

    LgdLush Guest

    Ok seems as though it didnt work. I gonna try it with a dvd r, I did it with a dvd rw and it almost took. Dunno took a lot longer for frag to happen and error message. I also dloaded qwix. Is this a way to see whats on your hd via ethernet cable ? I have yet to hook up my Xbox to my pc to check the drive. mebbe that could be a new thread ? Anyways, I will try to burn to dvd r now since I have the time. Thx again for any help
  10. acidy

    acidy Regular member

    May 26, 2006
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    Wait, but error 05 is a problem related to HDD and I don't know why your xbox should get a FRAG................
  11. steimy

    steimy Active member

    Dec 2, 2004
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    Qwix is a program used for making and extracting Xbox ISO files. You can also use it to copy a disc from your Xbox DVD drive to your PC so it can be backed up onto a black disc.

    FTP programs are what you want to access the hard drive with. FlashFXP and WS_FTP Pro are two good ones. and you will need to read a guide on setting up FTP as it can give people without any networking skills quite a headache.
  12. LgdLush

    LgdLush Guest

    Ok , cool and thanx again . Here's where Im @ now... I tried using the DVD to load the disc in the xbox but nothing is happening. I am not getting the frag however but nothing is happening. I do not know how long it should take for the iso to load/run so please let me know. Also, if this is a hdd prob, then what do I have to do from here. I'm @ a loss but have time to work on this more. Thx
  13. kosmoz

    kosmoz Guest

    hello acidy...
    As I was looking for a solution to the mess I did in my xbox, I arrive on this discussion...
    So here is the problem: I fucked up by tring to get XBMC work on my SOFTMOD xbox...
    I renamed the C/evodash.xbe... and then I switched off...I know that's sucks, but I did...
    The worst in all that: I didn't backup anything!!!
    Now when I switch on my xbox, the evox logo appear on the top left but it boots on the original microsoft dash...
    After looking I thought to download the slayer bootcd, but you said that will not work on a softmod...
    Any suggestion to help me.
    Thanks in advance for the reply...
  14. dano4440

    dano4440 Guest

    I got banned for trying to sell stuff here!
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 20, 2007
  15. locobrown

    locobrown Regular member

    Apr 4, 2007
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    Last edited: Apr 20, 2007
  16. HReality

    HReality Member

    Dec 10, 2004
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    Get the game you originally installed the softmod with and do a restore. Then you need to create a shortcut xbe file that will point to the correct location of your XBMC install. This file will be placed in E: and named evoxdash.xbe. Then place your XBMC folder on the drive in the proper location you set your shortcut for and reboot.

    I am going to wager a guess based on your description of booting (3 sec to mod on immediate mod off) and say its an xecuter mod chip. With this assumption press eject and power at the same time and see if it bootsinto the cromwell bios screen and opens a flash dialog.

    Questions or more detail required then by all means PM and I'll assist where I can

  17. 360M0DD3r

    360M0DD3r Guest

    can u hotswap discs with 360? cause i dont realli wanna flash my dvd drive
  18. HReality

    HReality Member

    Dec 10, 2004
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    I have found (I dont mean to sound like I'm treating you lie a child) that if your going to try a mod or modding that you use the most effective and direct mode, then you play around and try it cheaper and quicker.

    That being said:
    Blaster 360
    Installation tutorial

    Read up and get your head wet on the subject... I have additional information as well but as I said, simplest and most direct for the most direct results.

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