NTFS-formatted Windows XP installed via Bootcamp 1.3

Discussion in 'Mac - General discussion' started by Jrstrdr, Jun 28, 2007.

  1. Jrstrdr

    Jrstrdr Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Hey guys,

    I am interested in installing Windows XP via Bootcamp on my Macbook. However, I do not want to limit myself in partition size and security by formatting it FAT. This is why I would like to format Windows XP to NTFS.

    We are all too familiar with the dilemma of NTFS on OS X 10.4. Thanks to useful utilities such as NTFS-3G and MacFuse, though, we are able to write in addition to read NTFS-formatted volumes on properly.

    I believe that the latest version of Parallels (v.3) installs these utilities in the background providing more capability with the NTFS file system.

    So here are my questions:


    Above I assumed this but want to make sure:

    Would installing the latest version of Parallels improve overall NTFS compatibility? Whether it is with a NTFS-formatted external USB 2.0 hard drive or recognizing the NTFS-formatted Windows XP.


    Installing Windows XP through Bootcamp and formatting it to NTFS, will I be able to use Windows XP to its full capacity (save, edit, delete files, etc) once I start it through Bootcamp? I guess it could be assumed that I would install Parallels before installing Windows XP, trusting that these new NTFS drivers will provide the functionality I desire.

    As for "full capacity," I'm also referring to peripherals too, such as a USB 2.0 NTFS-formatted external hard drive. I would like to know if Windows XP would be able to pick this device up and read and write to it properly.


    Given the same scenario as in question 1 (where Windows XP is installed via Bootcamp and NTFS-formatted), would I be able to use Parallels (latest version) to start up Windows XP and drag-and-drop files back and forth between Windows XP and Mac OS X?


    Asking question 3 brings to mind another similar, more general question:

    Running NTFS-formatted Windows XP, are there any compatibility issues that Parallels would run into? Such as a particular Parallel feature not working properly.


    Lastly, being that it is still a MacBook, would installing Windows XP NTFS-formatted contribute (in any way) negatively with Bootcamp attempting to run Windows natively?
  2. akaangus

    akaangus Regular member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    I use boot camp and really know nothing about Parallels. That said, I will try to answer the questions :)

    1) I don't know, sorry

    2) Yes, NTFS works fine with Boot Camp and XP. No problems there. It can read/write NTFS
    - hard drives
    - flash drives
    - usb drives
    - network drives

    3) I don't know, sorry

    4) I don't know, sorry

    5) I am on a MacBook 1.83 and have had NO problems dual booting with boot camp between OS X and Windows on an NTFS partition

    Hope that helped, at least a little :D
  3. Jrstrdr

    Jrstrdr Member

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Hey ankaangus,

    Thanks...any help/answers are more than welcome. Good to know, though, that formatting in NTFS is not a problem. Thanks again for your help!
  4. akaangus

    akaangus Regular member

    Apr 17, 2006
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    No prob, hopefully someone else can answer the others :)

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