wehr is the citadel key for the door to the citdel or something on the kvatch oblivion gate? or does any body know the keycode like player.additem code or any thing
azer95 - are you you're using up enough screen space and bandwidth with that ridiculous signature ?. See the signature limits in the Forum Rules in my signature and fix yours asap.
Incoherent, shouty arrogant and illiterate. How about taking more than 20 seconds to think of a coherent question and asking it clearly and politely... That way you might get.. a) a sensible answer instead of abuse, and.. b) help with how to insert the code instead of being looked for on the game servers and then having this cheat attempt reported. Oh sorry.. a clan gamer cheat.. no patience.. endemic cheater who just got WNED all ur bases r belong to us :lol: