I guess that makes my 31 (32 now) post kind of obsolete...BUT I've read most of the post! Does that count?
I heard that Afterdawn will be starting a new member status soon. Next to your Name and Member Status it will show how many posts were done in the Safety Value forum used by some to boost their member status and also show posts done in actual threads used by members for problems, questions, and helpful hints and suggestions.
so, if we keep writing any old rubbash on this thread our post count will go up & we become members faster, yes? that doesnt seem right to me.. i think people should get junior status when they have worked out how to put a pic in there sig... as u can see, ive been in the testing thread a few times & no joy. i am soon to be demoted to Senior Dufus..lol Retro should be a Junior by now, too clever to be a n00b. and he likes Transformers, which is a bonus...
Then they should do a ratio of pointless posts to helpful posts. If that gets too out of control, you end up in a whole new category. Kinda like in Vice City when I put in too many cheat codes and my status went to "Total liar" and my rating was like -5000.
I agree... posts like: Yea, I agree... Me too... Just a bunch of one-line posts should go into that group as well! LOL
Well I've slowed way down lately with my posts here on aD. ddp keeps trucking along like he's getting S&H green stamps for each post. (If you remember those then you know how old you really are!!!) Maybe he’ll be able to buy a computer that runs on electricity with them instead of wind power. <G> This post is my 1,400 post so I felt it was fitting to do it here since it's helping my member status! <G>
don't have green stamps up here, must be an american thing. if they weren't full of hot air especially from dc than wouldn't be able to use wind power & save money too!!!
I've been missing you of late Ted! The Vice president needs to come around more often to make sure the President isn't running amok