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Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by DVDBack23, Apr 29, 2006.

  1. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    97bullock , got Inland Empire yesterday its 2 hours and 59 mins long so i won't be able to watch it till the weekend
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 26, 2007
  2. 97bullock

    97bullock Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    cool.yeah,its pretty long.it doesn't drag though.it hardly feels like a long movie at all

    just bought the new Mr Beans Holiday.im watching it now.the last film wasnt too great so i dont have very high hopes but i can't help but watch anything with Mr Bean in it.i even watch that crappy cartoon.gotta love him.
  3. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    Just finished watching 28 Weeks Later the sequal to 28 Days Later. Its a pretty gory movie that starts off at breakneck speed and rarely slows for any amount or time. Virtually all of it was filmed in London & and I am kinda curious how they did some of the scenes I must say. Wembley Stadium, Trafalgar Square and Tower Bridge feature in it & look very deserted etc just kinda curious as I say
  4. boosbaby

    boosbaby Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    28 weeks later was awesome much much better than the first
  5. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    28 Days Later was one of the worst movies i ever watched . i can't see the second movie being that much better
  6. 97bullock

    97bullock Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    i might check 28 Weeks Later out at some point but ill have to go back and rewatch 28 Days Later first because its been too long since ive seen it so no rush.Danny Boyle didnt direct though,they got someone else in so im kinda iffy on whether to bother at all.did they screw with the feel of the first film at all or did they do it right?

    i watched two films yesterday.

    Bridge On The River Kwai,the classic with Alec Guinness about British soldiers in a Japenese POW camp that were forced to build a bridge for them.i loved it.great film.i think ill buy that one

    and a Belgian film called L'Enfant which won the Golden Palm at Cannes last year or the year before.i was expecting to love it but it was crap.
  7. boosbaby

    boosbaby Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    i thought the second one was much more graphic and had more of a plot i was bored with the first one. i love horror movies and dont usually think they are very scary but i thought this one was pretty scary b/c of how real it all looked. of course there were some stupid parts that are in every horror movie, but overall i really enjoyed it and i havent seen the first one since theaters either so i dont remember much of it, but that dosent effect watching the sequal.
  8. boosbaby

    boosbaby Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    i read some reviews on Inland Empire and was wondering if its any good... it said it was like one of those weird crazy movies which i like, but dont wanna waste 3 hours on it if it sucks
  9. aabbccdd

    aabbccdd Guest

    yeah its good i watched the movie last weekend and even though its 3 hours it doesn't drag. its a typical David Lynch film for sure
  10. Shado36

    Shado36 Guest

    David lynch wasn't he the dude behind "Twin Peaks" that was supposed to be good but was b/s!
  11. 97bullock

    97bullock Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    yeah thats the one Shado36.i can't comment on Twin Peaks specifically since i haven't seen it yet but Lynch is definitely an aquired taste.hes not for everyone.i can see why people wouldnt like his stuff

    cool.thanks for that boosbaby.ill check it out.as for Inland Empire,like aabbccdd said,its a typical David Lynch film.if you havent seen any of Lynch's other films you might not be prepared for what youre getting yourself into even if you do like weird movies.weird doesnt really sum him up.the film doesnt feel very long at all but if you really want to make sure youll like it first before investing 3 hours into it you could watch one his other (shorter) films first to try him out and then watch Inland Empire if you like that.Blue Velvet is a good one to introduce you to him.or maybe just watch one of his shorts or an episode or two of Twin Peaks or something to give you an idea.

    Mr Beans Holiday turned out to be horrible.oh well.

    i saw Funny Games a few days ago in preparation for the remake with Naomi Watts and Tim Roth coming out in October.wow.fantastic film.im really excited for the new one now.

    also watched Death Proof last week which is Tarantinos half of Grindhouse.some of it was meh and it felt a a little forced in places but it was a pretty fun film.

    EDIT: just watched the new film Paris Je T'aime.GREAT idea for a film but it didnt really work out as well in practice as it did on paper.it has its moments though and its a nice little film overall.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2007
  12. boosbaby

    boosbaby Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    so i just watched "next" last night and it sucked pretty bad it was slightly interesting at first but just ended up leaving "what the hell was that?!?" to be said
  13. boosbaby

    boosbaby Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    i also watched "candy" the other night i thought it was pretty good... if you like depressing movies about drug addiction which i do, i dunno why they facinate me....heath ledger did a good job
  14. 97bullock

    97bullock Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    oh yeah,i remember laughing my ass off at the trailer to Next when he dodges a bullet that was gonna miss him by about 3 feet anyway.it looked like it might be a decent flick though.

    hadnt heard of Candy until you mentioned it.i just watched the trailer.it looks great.im gonna check that one out.

    did you end up watching Inland Empire?

    Across The Universe is finally getting released on the 28th.ive been looking forward to it for ages.cant wait
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2007
  15. boosbaby

    boosbaby Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    well i went to blockbuster to rent it last night and they said they dont carry it. are you saying it doesnt come out till sept 28?i have blockbuster online so ill just add it to my list on there they have everything online...
  16. boosbaby

    boosbaby Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    oh ya across the universe look awesome, looks like another weird movie, i love them. and i really like the actress in the movie i think rachel evan wood or something like that she was great in thirteen and running with scissors. i thought running with scissors was great too, i like the dry humor.
  17. 97bullock

    97bullock Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    which film do you mean? when i said the 28th,i meant Across The Universe but in cinemas not DVD.Inland Empire was released on DVD in August.

    yeah Blockbuster sucks for availability.if you ask for anything outside of the pile of crap thats in the charts,they look at you like youre an alien.i use LoveFilm.theyre much better.

    yeah she was great in Thirteen.i havent gotten round to seeing Running With Scissors yet but i love dry humour so it should be right up my street

    i havent had the chance to see Across The Universe yet but it has got a pretty mixed reception so far.it was never gonna be universally accepted and there are always going to be people pissed about them using Beatles tracks and 'butchering them' as they put it but ill find out whether or not thats a valid criticism soon enough.if the clip of Bono singing I Am The Walrus is anything to go by though,im already beginning to think theyre right

    EDIT: just watched the new Die Hard.good grief what an awful film.i knew it'd be bad but wow.i never expected that.thats the worst film ive seen in a long,long time.
    Last edited: Oct 9, 2007
  18. Shinraboy

    Shinraboy Regular member

    Jun 24, 2005
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    I saw "The Good Night" last week. It was ok. It had to do with lucid dreaming. I think it's a limited release but a friend had it on dvd from a torrent. It was good.
  19. boosbaby

    boosbaby Member

    Aug 25, 2007
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    havent heard of that one. but i loved vanilla sky it was my favorite unitl crash came along. so maybe ill check it out.
  20. 97bullock

    97bullock Regular member

    Oct 20, 2004
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    haven't heard of that one either.sounds interesting though.

    just found out theres a trailer out for the Funny Games remake http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ec-70W_K77U
    looks like a shot-for-shot remake of the original.a bit pointless but awesome nonetheless.
    im a bit confused as to the exact release date now though.i think the October date is for the London Premiere or Film Festival or something.i want to see it but not enough to make the trek down there.the nationwide release date isnt until next year i dont think

    the new Gondry film looks interesting as well.its called Be Kind, Rewind and its a comedy about 2 guys (Jack Black and Mos Def) who run a video store and somehow they erase all the films on the videos so they tape themselves re-enacting them and the customers end up loving them and they become a success http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J7C8nHAAs70

    oh by the way,boosbaby,i watched Candy.it was great.thanks for that

    EDIT:what other drug films do you recommend? i love Trainspotting,Human Traffic,24 Hour Party People and Requiem For A Dream.any others? got a bit of an obsession with them myself as well.haha
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2007

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