Official PS3 vs. Xbox 360 vs. N. Revolution

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by solargame, May 12, 2005.

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  1. Ludikhris

    Ludikhris Guest

    My concern over the whole hard drive thing is that there will not be support for it when the PS3 comes out.... If it is not bundled, many of the software companies will be less inclined to create software utilizing it. This seems like a major draw back. However, if they are making it as important as a memory card (which it kinda sounds like they are doing it separate like that in order to match MS's 360 price) then I dont mind spending the extra money to buy something that is a necessary part. (how many people own a PS2 and no memory card?) Ill have to wait and watch because it is one thing I have to admit will cause problem for my decision.
  2. WVengence

    WVengence Member

    May 21, 2005
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    The problem there, Ludikhris, is that by saying the HDD is a requirement and you have to buy it seperately, your going to wind up irritating even more people.

    They would be saying that "Gee, we are selling the PS3 (Without HDD) for $370 to be competative, but you gotta go out and buy a HDD for an extra $100 before you can do anything. So it's actually $470, but we're trying to trick you into thinking it's not."

    Otherwise, your right. Developers won't write programs that use a HDD because they'll never be certain that there is one there.
  3. syntheti

    syntheti Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    it will end up like the ps2
    only 1 game really uses it
  4. rap4life

    rap4life Guest

    im a X Box and MS fan. MS is saying 360 will before intertament and i agree u will be able to connet to PSP, Ipod, and to computer. The controllers might be able to play PC games on Long horn(new MS windows). since u can put i pods you will be able to put MPS with better sound quallity. you can put diff. covers on the console it self, and what u see on the screen. u can have it vertical or horizontal. Eveygame you will be able to play the music you will like, Rap for halo 3. rock in Fable 2. Pop in one of the japanese copany RPG for only 360.
  5. cmmnsense

    cmmnsense Guest

    I haven't really check this thread out for a really long while because it become a blabbersome and un-intelligent flame-fest without backing on most facts "leaks etc. Checking on it i just ran through it to se how many more post there were thefacts post really stood out. I hope none of you think it made sense because it didn't. This sounds like someone mid-way into a CS deg. or just reading on it and trying to make sense of basic spec sheets because he/she is a xbox fanboy. Your post thefacts, had computer terms that don't even show up on any released spec sheet. All the things you say are so much better, aren't even on the spec sheet. The internals beyond the spec sheet our on other computers so don't think you can take specs from IBMs cell processor cause it's way different. I doubt anyone read through your flaming post because it made no sense to anyone versed in computer science and the specs were made up. Don't try and call a SPE something else because your just making yourself sound really dumb. I am not going any further because you/flaming is not worth my time.

    Unadulterated statement:
    Anyone who thinks the overall videogame performance of the Xbox 360 is better than that of the PS3 is simply a xbox fanboy. That's great though, if you you like it better go forit, just don't claim it's hardware is better, please.

    Flaming on this thread is already bad, at least don't make up specs and fatcs that aren't true. i.e. the cell processor stomps the xbox 360's, and don't tell people the SPEs don't have cache, because they each do, and you are really a dumbass for not reading about the PS3s cell processor completely. (It's not called cache, but is the same on a smaller level for each SPE)

    Flame on
  6. deezp1

    deezp1 Regular member

    Jul 30, 2003
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    I dont know if it has been said here already, but I dont know if any heard about the interview with the creator of Metal Gear, Hideo Kojima, but check out this nugget from
    [bold]Are the new console platforms fulfilling what it’s makers promise?[/bold]

    I actually haven’t started developing on the new consoles yet. My impression is, for PS3 Sony is aiming for a very high level. I’m not sure if everyone can live up to that high standard that Sony is expecting. So if everyone is expected to meet that high level, I am not sure that every creator, every publisher will be able to meet these high expectations. For Xbox 360, it’s a little bit more down to earth, more realistic so people maybe can join easily to start creating on the 360.

    very interesting it almost sounds as if he as doubts about the ps3. could it be more unfulfilled promises from $ony?
  7. rap4life

    rap4life Guest

    i had the whole thing on this even the dinner thing.
  8. rap4life

    rap4life Guest

    Do you know all 3 company that made the Cells? i do 1 Sony 2 IBM and 3 Sony. 2 of 3 companys are in Laptops cells arent made for gaming but for running laptops.
  9. Grunt14

    Grunt14 Member

    Apr 11, 2004
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    rap4life, The third one from what i know is Toshiba. I don't know about you guys, but what i'm hearing from all this talk. Is that Sony is about to make the biggest mistake in gaming history. Now maybe you guys know better, and i'm just using a bit of wishful thinking. But from what your all saying it just seems a little to OBVIOUS to not notice on sony's behalf. I'm not saying your all lying though!
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2005
  10. rap4life

    rap4life Guest

    what im hearing from all this info is that sony is doing very bad and i dont know how bad it is. But sony is not Putting the Hard Drive. some ppl are saying to make it closer in price to the 360 but sony didnt say anything about lowering it price, so i would say it is to save money, not to make the PS3 cheaper. PS3 is not make the biggest mistake, but the PS3 is coming out when sony is losing money buy the day trying to fight a law suit, they just spent alot of money on the cells. the PSP is a big lose for Sony. All this with in a year can kill a company if it wasnt a big company like sony it would have been doom along time ago. But sony will always live on in the cell. The cell is very powerfull but i think sony is going to releace it to early maybe because they cant wait that long because maybe they need money fast.

    EVILZED Guest

    i want ps3
  12. Ludikhris

    Ludikhris Guest

    I think everyone is taking this all the wrong way. Sony has not said "We are not going to include a Hard Drive in the PS3" This is from the article on

    Now the possibility that there may not be one upsets me however there is hardly implication that there wont be one. To say "our HD strategy is yet to be decided" could mean a thousand different things for instance maybe they are not deliberating if they will have one, but what size they will use. Seriously, it wont cost them more than a few bucks to throw it in the the retail bundle. It seems just stupid to not add one, even if people want to upgrade the original one, at least a small one (like 360s 20gig) would do. I plan to go at least 100gb+ eventually, but I would want a small one bundled. I think Sony realizes this.
  13. Jr24

    Jr24 Regular member

    Nov 18, 2004
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    wow i agree with [bold]cmmnsense[/bold], it seems to me that no1 is giving in to nething. xbox fanboys just keeping goin on on how great xbox 360 will be and PS3 fans do the same about PS3. personally i love the xbox and im prolly not gonna buy the PS3. I dont see why ppl have to argue about which one will have the bigger processor chip or w/e. Just state facts u know are true that way no1 can bite at it and say that its not. Basically if ur gonna fight about which one is the best make sure u know wat ur talking about and dont BS other ppl.
  14. cmmnsense

    cmmnsense Guest

    Kojima is refering to how much work it would take to create a game that uses all of the PS3's potential, but the Xbox 360 would be easier. PS3 games don't have to max out the capabilities, they can design a game with the same graphics etc. as the 360 would use, an the PS3 would play it, it just wouldn't be pushing the limits of the PS3's capabilities like Sony would want games to do. It's kind of like playing a PS1 game on the PS2 (except the xbox 360 and PS3 won't be even close to that far apart in capabilities).

    rap4life, the PSP was not a lose at all for sony, it sold half of units avail. in two days and continues to sell steady. Just because it didn't sell out doesn't mean Sony isn't cashing in on the units sold. Games and accesories along with actual unit salse are helping Sony out big time, especially after that dualshock lawsuit(damn, 90 mill?). PSP didn't do as hoped, but is like many of it's other hundreds of products, raking in money.

    That's great you know where the cells are coming from, does it matter? Not really, I just know the types and specs and the machines they're showing up on.

    I seriously doubt Sony is making a mistake, there is alot of money and alot of people in America (PS3 will be top in Japan for sure). Some people will buy the PS3 and xbox 360 both because they have the money, others will buy it because it cost more so they'll assume it's "better" (even though it is in hardware dept.) others will buy their system because they're fans, and still others will buy the more affordable one (most likely, but not proved to be the xbox 360). Both companies are going to cash in because each side appeals to different and the same audiences. I know I'm buying both.
  15. WVengence

    WVengence Member

    May 21, 2005
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    Ludikhris: While I do agree that Sony 'could' add a HDD, it does seem pretty unlikely at this time.

    If they were planning to add a HDD, then they could have gone the route of MS and said "We are including a 20GB drive and if you want something bigger, then it will be available for purchase"

    That would say that they are including a drive and you could STILL buy a bigger one if you wanted to spend the $$$. By saying "We have yet to determine..." They are pretty much implying that they don't want to include a drive, probably won't include a drive but still might cave if there is a large enough demand (Which, I note, is what happened with the 360).

    I think that in the end, Sony is twisting in the wind a little. They came out and said that they were including all this nice hardware that's really flashy and said they would sell it for under $500. When nearly everyone said that it was WAY too much and they wouldn't buy it, Sony now has to try and figure out what to cut out to bring down the cost.

    Now for Cmmnsense...
    Out of curiosity, what job is it that you have allowing you such indepth knowledge of both the PPE'S & Cell? Back to your unadulterated statement... How exactly do you justify that statement. Obviously, you believe it to be true, but that doesn't make it so. First off, assuming that the hardware specs are accurate (and one of the two companies is well known for exagurating) it still doesn't mean that the hardware is better. Sony showed stats that they know were better, and MS countered with stats that showed it was better than the PS3... Now since you know so much and since we are assuming that the PS3 won't have a HDD (Since it ISN'T listed in the specs, which MUST be true) then why don't you explain the tremendous performance hit that the PS3 will take without drive caching???

    Beyond that, MS has many new ways of programming that make much more efficient use of hardware (patented BTW so don't expect it to show up on PS3) so that even IF the PS3 had better hardware, the 360 wouldn't need it to produce the same results (work smarter, not harder).

    As a last point... Since you went out of your way to say that nothing like the Cell has existed so we can't use modern technology to compare... Good point, but since we don't know what it can do, how do we really know that it won't be far worse than everyone expects? What data exists that allows you to state that the Cell will kick ass? None???
  16. bored34

    bored34 Member

    Jun 6, 2005
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    Does it even matter who's specs are better? Very few people could probably tell the difference between the two's graphics. Also, A lot of developers will create multi-platform games so the graphics on those games will be the SAME! Unless the game is consoole exclusive, does it even matter?
  17. Toiletman

    Toiletman Active member

    Jul 8, 2003
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    Nope, not to us. =( (Us as in the hardcore and casual gamers.)

    I'll have to disagree on that.. there is a clear difference that PS3 graphics are superior. BUT, obviously no games have been released retail yet so when all is said and done, nobody knows. =)

    Again, not really, as you can see with the multiplatform games on current gen consoles, XBOX games have better graphics and framerates.

    I'm still waiting for the PC version of Halo 2. =(
  18. syntheti

    syntheti Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    the only thing that that bothers me about the ps3 is the controller the ps2 controller was perfect for games like the gta series
  19. syntheti

    syntheti Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    dont get me wrong the graphics and gameplay on the xbox are supurb but the controller feels a little iffy
  20. M.L

    M.L Member

    Jun 6, 2005
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    im not going to argue.

    for me i narrowed it down to 360 and ps3.

    but img going to wait for both of them to come out and decide later.the ps3 looks technical but will they ever use that kind of power?the xbox,ps2,and gc never achieved maximum potential. all those extra specs is just extra money down the crapper.

    i am going to buy a gb micro and get a flash card so i can use it as a mp3,video, and classic game playing handheld to kill the waiting period for both systems to be released.its really cool.any suggestons on the flash thinking this one:

    gb micro specs (looks really slick):
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