When I tried to rip using Decrypter v 3.5.2, I got an error saying my dvd-rom couldnt read from the device. I upgraded to the new Decrypter 3.5.4 and it ripped perfectly. Working great! Dont think the problem has been the media, rather the capabilities of the ripper used.vThe encryption is getting more and more sophisticated however.
A Guide to RIP "Spanglish" - http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=252299 The movie "Spanglish" was released on some bad pressings. You may have gotten one of this "badly pressed" disc, if you did the ripping process will fail no matter what program you use. Your only solution is to return the disc for a different copy. Preferably from a different store. (Reason, if 50 copies of the movie were sent to Wal-Mart, all 50 of their copies are more than likely to behave the same way as the one you returned.)
hi! i'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but i'm sure you'll redirect me if i'm wrong. i ripped the movie Spanglish using the latest DVDD in file mode with the default settings. now in the video folder i have .bup .ifo and .vob files. i have been reading about the file types and want to edit the main movie. i want to cut out the first 5 seconds because it is a black screen and if i just shrink and burn the movie to dvd and try to play it my player gets hung up on that part. the player freezes if it trys to play those first few seconds; however, if i select the 2nd or 3rd chapter and rewind to just after the beginning black screen, the movie plays perfectly. i have heard that there are bad presses but seeing that i have successfully ripped the movie, i think that's out of the question. i have tried many different program orders. (dvdd > menushrink > dvds > dvdd)(dvdd > dvds > dvdd)(dvdd > dvds > nero)(anydvd > dvds > dvdd)... i have also tried using the latest VobBlanker, and again all i got was another beer coster. any help would be greatly appreciated!
Rip the entire DVD with DVD Decrypter. (I know you only want the main movie but, we will get to that later) Open up the files DVD Decrypter made in DVD Shrink by using the "Open Files" button (Not Open Disk). Click the "Re-author" button, drag the main movie title over. Then click the "Set Start/End Frames" button to edit out the blank space. Here is a guide on how to do this: http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=47260
The movie IS "rip-able" with the latest version of Decryptor then to shrink....just did it after many tries with other programs.
hey all well just thought i would add my success used DVD Decrypter then used Shrink and burned with Nero had AnyDVD and the newest DVD43 Free running in the background just removed the bad sectors and got a clean burn the first time it wouldn't work at first with my usual process of 1click dvd and dvd43 free so...i'm guessing not all programs will sort out the bad sectors....
Bigg Poppa, How do you remove the bad sectors? Give me the details step by step if you will. Thanks mle56
@mle56 - DVD Decrypter will do this for you on it's own; just select all the files you need, let decrypter do it's thing to get the files to hard drive, then maybe use DVD Shrink on the resulting files.
mle56 - as stated before decrypter will do this for ya, but here is a step by step process open up anydvd or dvd43free or both to be on the safe side let them crack the protection anydvd will actually locate the bad sectors for you and let you know how many there are open up dvd decypter, newest version, and then allow it to locate the spanglish movie, it will upload the list of all files located on the dvd and it will AUTOMATICALLY HIGHLIGHT only the good files...there will be a bunch at the bottom that are the 'bad' files...decrypter will rip the dvd and add 'dummy' sectors where needed to replace the bad ones after you rip the files off spanglish, open up shrink and upload the file list to the program...select the backup option with burn w/nero after it shrinks and you should have a perfect backup of spanglish at the end of this process.... hope thats enough of a walkthrough for ya good luck
Just to comment my first copy would not burn. Errors out on read at the exact same spot, running latest dvd decrypter. I have not tried another copy of movie, I'm guessing bad pressed media. I'll let you guys know if second copy works. Spacedust
Anydvd & DvdDecrypter Works.....As I've posted before has anyone tried it with DVD Decrypter and DVD Region + CSS Free?
AnyDVD, DVD43, or any other copyright bypassing software will %95 time cause your rip to fail with various different errors. Specially on the new AccroSS protected DVD's. All you need is DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink 3.2 to backup any DVD.
I use AnyDVD as well as DVD Decrypter. I've not had any failures and I've done several of the movies with ARccOS using AnyDVD. If AnyDVD had a 95% failure rate with ARccOS or any of the other encryption systems, I doubt it would stay on the market very long, much less be one of the more popular decrypting programs. I can see that. If one is concerned with freeware, these 2 do a decent job. You can't beat DVD Decrypter for what it does as a ripper. However, I've found some of the retail programs do a better job than Shrink. Rebuilder with Cinema Craft Encoder and DVDCopy3 from InterVideo do an excellent job. DVD Decrypter and AnyDVD do an excellent job of decrypting DVDs. They are different types of decrypters. So, in some instances I use AnyDVD and DVD Decrypter together. I've only had one incident where I needed to turn AnyDVD off to run DVD Decrypter. It had nothing to do with ARccOS. Then it was obvious what was happening. The reason I like to use AnyDVD is because it automatically gives you a region free DVD and when the backup DVD starts, it goes directly to the menu or movie without playing the trailors. You don't get the trailor skip feature with DVD Decrypter and you have to select to get a region free disc. Also, for those who need to play a DVD from another region, it handles that situation as well. A lot of my backup work requires using hard drive files. AnyDVD doesn't rip to the HDD, but DVD Decrypter does. So, I use DVD Decrypter to rip files to the HDD. Seems there is a good reason to use both AnyDVD and DVD Decrypter together if you want the best of both. 1ClickDVDCopy doesn't handle bad sectors well at all. It'll just set and grind. With that app, I suggest doing movie only if you run into bad sectors. I tried the retail version of this program and deleted it after trying a few DVDs. The Grudge made it stop in its tracks when it ran into bad sectors. DVD43 does the same tasks as AnyDVD, but not as well and the program isn't updated nearly as fast as AnyDVD. No need to use DVD43 and AnyDVD at the same time. DVD43's only redeeming factor is that it is freeware.
I was just stating my findings, and gave a walkthrough as to how I personally did my backup....but you are right about keeping it simple....it does work with just decrypter and shrink, but i never figured having the other two running as well could pose a problem, but now i know better thank you...
It doesn't hurt to run the AnyDVD all the time, it's default setting is to open at startup. With Shrink, using AnyDVD saves time unless you're wanting a HDD file to work from. The only truly redundant operation was the DVD43 and AnyDVD at the same time.
I agree with you to a certain extent. I help out a the DVD Decrypter forums and cannot tell you how many times the user cannot rip the DVD cause of DVD43 or AnyDVD is running in the background. Is that their only problem? Sometimes no. But it is part of the problem the majority of the time. I honestly believe they are useful programs, just not in conjunction with DVD Decrypter (which is freeware and used by the majority IMHO). I would hope that they would do some what of a better job, considering DVD Shrink is/was freeware. Nero Recode is another great "Shrinking" program. Nero Recode and DVD Shrink was created by the same person, Nero Recode is the reason the development of DVD Shrink ended. (He actually got a real job. ) The primary use of DVD43 and AnyDVD by users is to bypass copyright protection. You do not need any 3rd party software to do this if you are using the latest version of DVD Decrypter. (Yes, they have other functions, I know.) (As for your point about "Region Free" playing, that can be taken care of %99.999 of the time with modified firmware.)
- well put wild77 - jmet, good point; i do this for any drive i buy (plus i only buy a drive if i've researched that i can get hold of region-free firmware first, from Dangerous Brothers or wherever). one less program to faff with if the drive can do this at hardware level