overclocking amd 2800 athlon xp

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by rehmatt, Aug 17, 2004.

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  1. Brapuss

    Brapuss Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    man your temps sound like mine b4 i replaced my thermal compound.

    Trust me if all u want to do is make it run cool, just replace the thermal compound. The AMD stock HSF aint that bad( better than some of the aftermarket HFS out there)
  2. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    i often read that the stock coolers are better. trust me to have bought an oem cpu with no cooler. you're most likely right, but i hate messing with these amd sockets, am scared to break something. saying that my bruv has 2machines with P4s with heatsinks the size of double whoppers and i hate those too. I guess i'll go pc world on way home and buy the dream 7, and i'll be brave !
  3. Dr.xp

    Dr.xp Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    brapuss,. hey man i have volcano 12 is huge and fat 736gr at first i was scare the thing falling and breaking cpu socket (the first to days a had nitemares about hsf falling off and breaking cpu socket jejejeje!!).

    NOW MY case is stand position i moved and belive me cpu socket is really hard material it wont fell off.

    just be careful when installing hsf not to put a lot of pressure on your chip remeber that amd cpus have the core xpose!!
  4. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    the only dream 7 cooler i can find isn't for the 462 socket so i'm gonna stick with my igloo cooler. not even gonna take cooler off to replace thermal pad with top quality paste as i'm happy with the temp's i'm getting. However i'm still gonna follow this thread as it's very interesting :)
  5. Brapuss

    Brapuss Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    well, as u say that cooler is huge. Thats probaly why i wont get one. im looking for something thats reasonably quiet, as this PC is in my lounge room (hooked up to my 116cm plasma mmmmmmmm nice)

    and also the place i buy my pc parts from doesnt sell the volcano 12 :(

    so i need something with decent cooling but reasonably quiet.

    i cant use any zalman coolers cause i dont have holes in my mother board and my psu sits near my cpu socket.

    any suggestions will be appriciated.

    thanks guys
  6. Dr.xp

    Dr.xp Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    brapuss i have what you need is the gigabyte 3d cooler i had it before the volcano is a dual blower fan with heat pipes a beautiful blue led display and a control knob for speeds 2000-4400 is average quiet at max speed is really good.

    gigabyte has 3 models
    1-3d cooler pro copperpipes and aluminium enclosure
    2-3d cooler ultra no blue leds,all copper smaller than the other 2
    3-3d cooler rocket bigest of all cooper aluminium blue led display




    *those reviews are old they have introduction prices rigthnow they cost less*

    these fans are state of the art i have the 3d cooler pro is really good i have a crystal clear side panel in my case and it look beautiful
  7. madmarko

    madmarko Member

    May 15, 2005
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    hi could some1 email me and tell me how to get my 2800+ from 2.09GHz to 2.41GHz with out is crashing
  8. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    @madmarko - the answers are dotted throughout the whole thread, just try the first few pages for a start..it's a great thread..
  9. Dr.xp

    Dr.xp Regular member

    Sep 8, 2004
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    madmarko creaky is right you can go to the first pages of this thread or either post your system config. cpu cooler?,memory?mobo?vcore? so we can help you!!
    Last edited: May 16, 2005
  10. kalunjoku

    kalunjoku Guest

    XP your case is nice and colorful. I may have to put mine on and see what you all think of it. But seriously madmarko, read the thread. You'll find something.

    It's funny how when someone asks about overclocking their 2800, we're like "read the thread man". That's what we need to start doing hehehe.
  11. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    yeah, the answers are all in this thread, it's just that i personally don't want to overclock this processor (have previously o/clocked Intel processors before). I'm just happy with keeping the temperatures down at default speeds.
    Last edited: May 16, 2005
  12. Ricochet2

    Ricochet2 Member

    May 16, 2005
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    hey im not overclocking my cpu at the mo but i was wondering wot the average xp2800+ cpu temperature threshold was without overclocking??
    mine at the mo is hitting 59 degrees and i wana make sure thats ok?
  13. kalunjoku

    kalunjoku Guest

    I wouldn't know. I always had a volcano 12 ever sice I built this computer so I've always had lower than usual temps.
  14. Ricochet2

    Ricochet2 Member

    May 16, 2005
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    all i have is a standard cpu heatsink n fan, i've been considering upgrading my cooling but i wana kno if 59 degrees is high for a xp2800+ cpu??
    Last edited: May 16, 2005
  15. kalunjoku

    kalunjoku Guest

    59's a little over average. about 139 degrees farenheit or so. I stay around 30-35 , which would be like 86-95 degrees farenheit (5 case fans and a volcano12) if that tells you anything.
  16. kon1g

    kon1g Member

    May 16, 2005
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    ok, ive almost read every post in this 25+ page thread and everyone's vcore setting is different. I have the barton amd athlonxp 2800+ as well and the settings listed under advanced chipset or w/e in the bios are CPU speed or something TURBO fsb is at 166 and thats all i remember but i went to the menu under "votages" and my vcore voltage settings are differnet it doesnt label them as 1.6 or 1.7 or 1.8 it labels "default or something" and then its like 5% 7% 10% and so on... so idk if im doing something wrong or what but when i change the core voltage to 7% and the fsb to 200 MHZ when i right click my computer and go to properties its labeling my CPU speed at 1.25 ghz... i have 512 MB of DDR Ram 9800 pro video card pretty much it if anyone can help me it would be greatly appreciated :)
  17. kalunjoku

    kalunjoku Guest

    OK man, for starters, your writing sounds extremely vague so I cannot fully understand what you are saying but I will pick at the things that come out best. Everyone's vcore settings are different just because we set it that way. We use our judgement on how much power we want to put to the processor. What is TURBO fsb? It would probably be nice if you told us what kind of motherboard you have. I also wouldn't take your fsb to 200 unless you have proper cooling. Sometimes on gigabyte boards, you can change settings in bios but if you don't change the switches on the motherboard, you can't overclock the processor.
  18. kon1g

    kon1g Member

    May 16, 2005
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    well i was just reading about the mother board i have (k7 triton ga-7n400 Pro 2) and all i got was bad reviews.... Anyways yes there is a switch on the motherboard that is blue and saids on but its set to off b/c when i set it to on and try turning the computer on it just beeps.... Sorry if i made that last post sound a little odd... anyways what i meant by turbo is in the BIOS the CPU not the FSB is set to TURBO and the FSB is set to 200MHZ and its labeling my cpu as a 1.25 lol!
  19. kon1g

    kon1g Member

    May 16, 2005
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    i downloaded cpu-z and its saying my voltage is 1.808... the core speed is 1252.8MHZ... multiplier is 12.5.... fsb 100.2.... even tho i changed it to 200 idk... and the BUS speed is 200MHZ
  20. kalunjoku

    kalunjoku Guest

    Turn that turbo thing off. See what happens afterwards. So here's what your settings are, Vcore 1.8(a little high), fsb 200, multiplier 12.5 but cpu-z is showing your fsb as 100? hmm that sucks lol. Yeah just turn the turbo thing off. Since you do have a Gigabyte k7 triton ga-7n400 Pro 2 board, you will have to flip those switches to change your fsb and multiplier. The default setting for that is on 100 mhz so no matter what you do in bios, it won't change (just a safety thing) there is a switch located next to the cooler on the motherboard i think and then another near to the cpu. Flip those switches to the speed you want and then you will be okay. This is what happens when you don't read the manual for the motherboard. :) . I built a gaming one with the same motherboard and overclocked it to 2.3 Ghz and that thing is a monster. I'm an asus man myself and that's the only reason why I wouldn't buy one. I, in my opinion, think that's an awesome board.
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