Hey Jerry Any luck finding information on my HD question? I was wondering if the current HD FTA receivers get their HD signal from BEV or Dish Thanks
The only Pansat capable of receiving DN HD is the 9200, but it still needs to be modified. You need to purchase and install the add-on turbo 8psk demodulator sub board which I don't know much about at this time. The 9000 HD receiver won't work even with the modification. If I see more information I'll post it. Jerry
hello, where can i get the new bin for my pansat2500a and what are the sats i need to scan my 2500a doen't have 110, 119
This site link below has the best Pansat support but the 2500 is getting almost too old. There is a conversion to change the 2500 to a 2700 so it can use the 2700 updates. Should be info on the same site for that. http://www.future-fta.info/ Sat 110 is Echo 8.10 and 119 is echo 7 Jerry
Thanks Jerry I read up on the Pansat 9200 mod on Future-FTA. I heard that Sonicview is using some kind of module but haven't found anything yet.
There is an add on module for the Viewsat HD unit also. However the cost between both the receiver and then the module ($200.) is out of hand right now. I'm just going to wait it out and see if DN does something to the signal process before too long. In my opinion only, I'm looking for DN to change something to shut down all present FTA receivers. That would mean the FTA companies would need a completely new set of receivers for the new signal. This, of course is just an opinion and I have nothing solid to base this on. Its just a guess. Jerry
Good morning Jerry, I could use your expertise about now 2 problems. Problem 1. yesterday after entering 8282 on the remote and trying to iput the codes into the receiver the remote doesn't work anymore. I cannot turn off/on, input code or anything via the remote. What can I do to resolve this problem? Problem 2. just loaded bin file 334 via receiver front panel and the screen states scramble channel, Your input will be greatly appreciated PS. I'm new to FTA
Did you check the remote batteries??? If they are good then the remote probably went bad. Haven't looked at the 2500 bin numbers lately but all other receivers needed new bin files yesterday so my guess is 334 may be outdated. You can try turning off the key auto roll and manually enter new keys for now and see if that works when you get the remote working. Jerry
Hi Jerry. I have been browsing these forums and notice that you are one to know all about Recievers and satellite dishes, so heres my question to you. First off, I am a complete noob on this stuff. And I mean COMPLETE. I got a pansat 3500sd reciever from a buddy of mine,(he never used it) and I bought a dish on ebay. Now I have downloaded the latest bin file( I think. X-05BL_071102_335_api_NOCARD). I have dragged and dropped this file onto my sd card. I put it back in the reciever, went to sd memory, selected this file and hit ok. It did its flash. Now when it rebooted the reciever I selected english, and antenna set up. I picked Nimiq 2 for Bell Expresvu cause my buddy had written that on the manual so technically Im not even sure if is right(hes outta town thats why Im asking here.lol) Anyway after I do a scan it keeps coming up with 0 program found. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks in advance. By all means if anyone else has an idea please feel free to answer.
what's up ya'll I just got my pansat 3500 sd yesterday and I'd appreciate very much if somebody here could tell me how to use it and where to get the keys,bin file, etc please? Im completely new to this stuff so i really don't know much. THANKS
What's up ya'll i just got my pansat 3500sd and id like to know if someone can tellme how it works and where i can get all the software,keys,bin file, etc whatever i need please? I'd appreciate it
Join this site as I listed before a few posts up. Everything you need to find on Pansats is there. Its free to join. http://www.future-fta.info./ Jerry
The big question is knowing where the dish is pointing. If your dish isn't aimed properly at the Nimiq sats then picking that sat to scan won't get you anywhere. Bell Express is the provider in Canada and DishNetwork is in the USA. You can receive both in some locations. Do you know where the dish is aimed?? Also there are 2 main sats for each provider. Does your dish have 1 or 2 LNBs. Without this info its hard to guess. Jerry
Hi. I actually called another buddy who has the same reciever as me and it turned out to be (don't laugh) my quality was at 0%. lol I had to move my dish around a bit to get the signal. I follwed the instructions to point the dish but apparently its not a great guide as it pointed me in the wrong direction.
www.tvkeyz.com question Hey Jerry, I have been using the above link to update my keys. I have been using it for a while at it is great for getting up to the minute keys. I noticed that they now list keys for: Dish Network New PID - 0106 what is this? I have been using keys for Dish Network Main - 0101 Thanks
NEW BIN 336 IS OUT. This fixes the pay channels and BEV fix. I found mine on www.Future-fta.info This fix is for the Pansat 3500SD Cheers!
Jerry, I have Pansat 3500SD and DN. You helped me on one of the other threads here and I am all set now. Thanks again. Really appreciate that. I have another question. I do not know what satellite did I scan and I was able to view international channels. It was later overwritten or dropped while scanning some other satellites and I can't get it anymore. I did not do any config changes. How do I get it back? How do I know what satellite offers which channels? Thanks.
These 2 links below are for the 2 most common Dish Net sats 110 & 119. http://www.lyngsat.com/packages/dish110.html http://www.lyngsat.com/packages/dish119.html The links will show all channels, sid and transponder numbers. If you need the BEV sats, let me know and I'll find those. Jerry
Looks like your back Jerry.... Hey Jerry, I have been using the above link to update my keys. I have been using it for a while at it is great for getting up to the minute keys. I noticed that they now list keys for: Dish Network New PID - 0106 what is this? I have been using keys for Dish Network Main - 0101 Thanks