and why do u think both party's only put white men up to becomes Presdent. Why not a women,ok maybe a black man or latino.They think they will waste thier nommany
times are changing, though, and hilary's got a strong bid with a lot of support (Hilary's Secret brand bras? not any time soon). many people will be so fed up with the white male republicans that only the KKK will stand in the way of a Mrs. President.
the news only say how many americans die not how many bin ladan bitchs die. this help many american to say that the war was wronge. Vietnam cost many american lifes and most likely scared most Asian contries not go communist, and latin america to. the VC had alot of losses to but they hide it. China most likely spent alot of money with supplies and couldnt aford to help spreed commuisum
Ca has many mexican american that beleive women should stay home(im one of them). And many american in the south beleive that. In places to put a women in office shouldnt hapen at all. many cultures believe this. in the end the democatics will say no just want and see. if the republican(lol) or democratic put and african,latino, or asain american up for president of american i will vote for them. that will kill every Skin Head and KKK member they will most likely kill them self. we can dream.
yupp, you just can't trust the news china, however, is another thing when it comes to war. vietnam didn't scare them...right now, the only reason that we don't invade North Korea is that china would fight us. they would bear economic sanctions, our allies, and utter mutilation and still not surrender. their own nation's leader proclaimed this not too long ago. while the VC lost 10 men to our every 1, china is standing its ground. and that's one of the things that's wrong with a country as modern as ours. by this point, in my opinion, it should be understood that everyone has equal rights here, male or female, black, white, yellow, blue, w/e. equal representation is key to a true democracy, and for this women can't be ignored. it's easy for extremist to get carried away when all your leaders are the same and can do whatever they want without the opposition of different view points (irony, against both you and me). many cultures may have believed women should stay at home, but can that really be justification for us doing it? i mean, think how many cultures embraced slavery, or torture, or even human sacrifice at one point or another. for the most part, they're all gone, though. as for the skinheads and KKK'ers killing themselves, i say that would make a great prime time tv special. i'll bring the beer, you bring the snacks. hell, hold it in a stadium so we all can tail-gate. and yeah, there are far more sexists than racists, even if it's almost subconscious to them. but that's why we have sexual harassment laws and equal rights. it's all part of the equality of democracy, again. to me, sexism is just as bad as racism and is a belief held only by those with a relatively limited view of the world. culture is a big part of it, who you grow up around, what your parents say--but it all comes down to what you find as truth for yourself.
it would be better if we had it like the decortion of independents had in mind. but we all need to remember the guys who wrote it were slave owners, said blacks and women were like land(no native american land). this is what they had in mind that white ppl will be in office. and 1 more thing i dont see blue ppl. Im not sexies im just saying this so very on knoow i just saying what i know. like i was saying in the middle easy women arent = to the men. which is wronge. i see what ur saying great idea, that would make a good 1st half and at OT who will do the show(not janet jackson). And the 2nd half the killing of bin ladin what a great day that will be
yes, but the Declaration of Independence led to the Constitution, a "living document" designed to be changed as future generations of americans saw fit to best promote democracy in our lives. that's what the Amendments have been all about. __________ cool beans; but you can't really say that that is a reason to go fight the war (if you were going to) because i'll use the same excuse blacks used in Korea/Vietnam: why go fight overseas to give these rights to people when we don't even have them here at home? even thought it's not to the same extent, it remains a valid point. __________ that half-time show could be the Dallas Cowboys' cheerleaders doing stripteases. a perfect mid-point, eh?
hi, i,m going to upset a lot of people i think i,m english. i like bush he's the only one with enough guts to kick ass.
bushbot v.2--the realy GWB was killed long ago by crazed chihuahuas while he was vacationing in Switzerland. so now, we have a robot impersonating him and being controlled by that dick feller, cheney.
i,ve just noticed i,m no longer a newbie i,m a junior member. so to celebrate i,m going to have a pint(of whisky) buy a catapult and start a war.
@Gurnard being english, as i am, what do you propose we do with our little country? Do we join Monseiur Chirac & his United States of Europe OR do we finally make it official and become The 51st State with Mr. Bush? I think whichever way you look at it, WE ARE F***ED. Indepandance cant last forever. We are too small a nation.
i like you, all the guys gave us the world's most screwy language that kind of thinking doesn't come from your average european bonehead.
hi Neph. yep with pleasure and anyone else. one proviso they'll have to supply their on cups, cause i've only got one and thats chipped.
@BigPantz we do what we do best dont allow any b*stard beat us. it,s been tried by the finest fighting forces in the world over the centuarys and we are still here beating them all. @Auslander i like you to