fiend, Ireland is a an informer we should tell them they have another denis donaldson among their ranks! BTW south of the border that was a joke!
The_Fiend ye pix is the best virus catcher i seen in a long time, i is going to send ye pix to all my enemy's by slingshot........
Anybody want a quick n dirty check for about 20 Win32 variants in XP..try bringing up task manager <ctrl>+<alt>+<del> If it doesn't start you have a problem.. Does somebody know why an xp machine is/seems to be.. by default running Apache??, and more than one instance of it????? Great pics again there ireland, but I think your firewall needs some's paper thin
Or try the full on tried and tested approach : Btw Jan, the answer to your question is fairly easy : if it didn't there'd be less need for extra security software, and i don't think all the AVS and firewall building companies that payed microsucks billions to be able to make some bucks off Whinedoughs would appreciate that... Either that, or the fact that without some of apache's base components windows would have a lot of problems with online content ireland, that's no spudgun, that's a mortar launcher...
Thanks for that.. I was just wondering about it running, and why it respawns when it's killed. Don't have that problem meself... Army - not - surplus..or is it AD's servers on a Saturday?? lol
janrocks, a great tool to run is "SmitfraudFix" to find problems ,lots of spyware/virses reinstalls its self when rebooting this program kills it