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pc vs mac

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by fastfox, Jul 6, 2009.

  1. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    At the end of the day it still boils down to personal preference.

    That's how I read your posts because many of the "technical" points that you illustrate are arguable at best and completely false at worst.


    "With windows based computers, they are very susceptible to getting spyware and viruses which slow down within months of buying them."

    This is completely false. It is a known fact that there are more viruses and bad things for PCs because there are more of them and the idiots that write these things are writing to the largest available target space.

    "I also have a personal hatred for windows because they do things like release Windows XP talking about how their firewall is amazing, and when you bought a computer the firewall isn't even turned on..."

    Well, that's purely a personal preference, isn't it?

    Yours are the same arguments that I have been hearing from Mac users since the 80's when I owned my Mac SE. I no longer try to argue the facts because Mac users, for the most part, don't want to hear facts, they just want to validate/justify overpaying for their computer.

    So, just like the subjects of abortion, religion, and politics, I typically avoid the PC vs. Mac disussion like the plague.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009
  2. varnull

    varnull Guest

    pc all the way.. why run proprietary unix where everything costs huge amounts of money?

    as for windoze *spits* . how to turn good hardware into clunky buggy junk in one easy step .. unstable, proprietary, needs mega hardware to run the software to protect the useless insecure OS.. waste 60% cpu cycles keeping windoze safe?.. I don't think that's value for money.. my comps are as free as the software on them.. M$ will only allow you to do what they allow you to do (for now.. by next year they will have you by the nuts.. same as apple eaters) DRM and spyware filled crap.. I won't have it in the house...

    I use free and legal freeware.. all freeware.. that I can modify in any way I see fit for any purpose whatsoever.. because once it's installed it's mine to do anything I want with it.
  3. asilay328

    asilay328 Member

    Mar 23, 2008
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    I think you are right on as far MAc vs. Pc being an argument no one wins at. But as far as the just wrong comment,

    ""I also have a personal hatred for windows because they do things like release Windows XP talking about how their firewall is amazing, and when you bought a computer the firewall isn't even turned on..."

    Well, that's purely a personal preference, isn't it? "

    No, I found out about this in a Marketing class during business school at Umass amherst. It was a huge lawsuit and it was determined that the marketing for XP was breaking the law and Microsoft had to pay major fines and release update patch 2.0 to finish coding and actually turn on XP's protection.
  4. dailun

    dailun Active member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    I have no argument that there's lots of thing to hate Microsoft for. Pick your poison.

    There are illegal/immoral acts to hate Apple for as well, and IBM, and Compaq and HP and Dell and on and on and on ad infinitum . . . .

    However, I've made my point and I accept your opinions and I'm getting out now before I'm accused of post padding. Nothing more for me to contribute to this thread.

    We agree to disagree.
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2009

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