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***People with no lives Support thread**

Discussion in 'Safety valve' started by tripplite, Jul 7, 2008.

  1. tripplite

    tripplite Guest

    haskins69 is life really all that bad???? 8 years free food free board???

    heck you could domesticate me like that Burty quick/////lol

    get of yer arse LOL jk
  2. haskins69

    haskins69 Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    I didn't know this was about good or bad ,I thought it was about who's done the least longest, and in that area I feel I have a chance as the leader !

    And as far as this arrangement I find my self in. you try joining the service at 17 to get away from home, then getting out ,getting married then divorced,keeping your daughter,raising her by your self ,then finding your self right back where you ran from almost 30 years before!!!!!!! it's no cake walk!! if you didn't like the rules then, how do you think you'd feel about them afer 30 years on your own, with your own rules?????? especialy with parent's that feel they were to easy on you then, so they are trying to crack the whip now for no other reason, than to amuse them selves
  3. haskins69

    haskins69 Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    OH......I forgot on the good side I haven't drank since the wreck and the only drug's I now do are from Doctor or the occasional DOOBIE here and there ,and I have been looking for work but my town only has 1 food store 2 gas station's a pharmacy[they'll nefer hire me ....wounder why??] and 9 bars , it's a town of 3900 people. and next up the road [5 miles ] is a town of 30,000 but first I have no way there , and secound there's no job's we got a Lowe's and wal-mart about 5 years ago they are both closing now [when wale world pull's out you know there's no money left here, or they'd stay to suck up the last of it!!!!!] and the maror only offer's deal's to the state for more welfare and section 8 housing money for the people they are shipping down from CHICAGO. AND THOSE JACK-OFF'S have done nothing but bring more drug's ,bum's ,and death down with them this use to be a good area we use to have G.M. , G.E.,Hyster, and quaker oat's factory's and 2 malls, now we only have one mall with a SEARS,and a hand full of other stores. all the factorys have left . and I have no way around to towns further out [ remember D.U.I. no can drive] but I am looking I'll find something The first few week's will be rough though till I have enough money to more closer to the job.............later
  4. Evastar

    Evastar Regular member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    You say you're good with your hands, does that mean you have a milder form of cp?

    Everyone loses flexibility as they get older, stretching, exercise and sports massage is the way to go!
  5. varnull

    varnull Guest

    But that involves getting a life and interacting with people in the real world.... Ooooo scary :lol:
  6. ddp

    ddp Moderator Staff Member

    Oct 15, 2004
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    eva, yes it is mild case of cp. besides computers i also do model warships from 8" in length to currently 54" long(hms warspite, a battleship). i've also done some renovations on homes besides ours but mostly for friends.
  7. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    How 8 years down the road so to speak, you can't get a driver's license? How many DUIs have you had? Sure are strict where you live.
  8. Evastar

    Evastar Regular member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    Last edited: Nov 6, 2008
  9. haskins69

    haskins69 Member

    Jun 21, 2008
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    I've had 3 D.U.I.'s all seperated by 10 years. you know D.U.I. 10 years, D.U.I. 10 years, D.U.I. 10 years. Kinda showes a pattern to state officals. making It hard to get my tag's back ,I can't even apply this time till 2011!!!!! boy this post is getting depressing makes me think to much about life, and the road I've taken to get this far. Oh by the way I'm also BI-POLAR, which has no bearing on the subject ,but might show that some of this was beyond my control, I didn't start taking medicine for It till this last D.U.I. , kinda odd but that's when I quit drinking,and I really don't know if it was the meds I now take or the fact I almost killed myself that stopped my drinking, either way that part of my life Is over now to convince the state
  10. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    I have no 'real' life. I realized that today. I am still in highschool, well, theoretically I should have graduated already, but I haven't, as I spent my whole senior year blazed. But I want to finish, so I am going back, luckily they agreed to let me.

    I went to court on Friday for a possesion and aggravated assault charge. The possesion is not on my record, the prosecuter (City Of Appleton) dissmissed it in exchange for community service. But the aggravated assault was not so lucky, I mean it was a school fight, but I don't understand why somone would press charges.

    In any case, it is summer, so I work as much as I can at McDonalds (yes, McDonalds). And when I am not working, I am hanging out with my girl.

    My epiphany, in this case, came when she left town for this weekend. To go to 'Old World Wisconsin', as her father was re-enacting there, (lol, yes re-inacting), I opted out, but, its now monday, and I realized, that because she was out of town, I sat and felt sorry for myself for two days straight... yes, I have no life.

    Today, I smoked what was left of my Red 100's, felt sorry for myself, and kinda waited by the phone. Thats my life, welcome!
  11. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Hey there Nicht.. We were starting to think you had got a life at last... seems we were wrong eh?

    Good to see you ;)
  12. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You're still way too young, man. YOU can change your life for the better! And you are SMART enough to know what you need to do. Go back and get your HS diploma and start anew. You might need to find new friends too. We all have made stupid mistakes. Stop feeling sorry about yourself, and do some things that you can be proud of. Having a job now is one! None of this will be easy. I fear your generation is in the same boat. Get the cob webs out of your head and get on with your life. Good to see you posting again.
  13. Auslander

    Auslander Senior member

    Apr 23, 2004
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    Things are getting back into line for you, but you're going to be a dad soon, aren't you? Put it into a higher gear, son, you don't have time to feel sorry for yourself. You need to give up all the substances, legal and illegal, altogether. They're a waste that I doubt you're in a situation to afford.

    MUNKYEARS Regular member

    Feb 2, 2007
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    @iluvendo aw thank you, i am glad you liked it. you are the first to notice and comment actually.
  15. NicHt

    NicHt Regular member

    Oct 26, 2006
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    Yeah, I am getting my ass into gear; my ex, had a miscarriage. And subsequently became my ex, as nothing could fix the sadness when we looked at each other, we were too young, but we were looking forward to it, I don't know how we would have survived, or bought food, or anything, but I had accepted it, and was happy.

    But even still, I found someone else, it isn't shallow-ness on my part, it is a desperate and immobilizing fear of being alone. A crippling need to be with someone. It isn't the same, but I am happy with her, us.

    I am trying hard to become clean, and am having limited success, but success none the less.

    Thanks for the support Brandon, as always.

  16. Evastar

    Evastar Regular member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    So trippy must have gotten a life then, haven't seen him for days!

    Tripplite - where are you? LOL!
  17. varnull

    varnull Guest

    Why do so many people fear being alone. I like it.. peace and quiet, room to think and being your own boss are much better than always having to deal with people.
    Maybe it's being married twice and kids and stuff, but now they are gone it's really quite nice to know that I only have to deal with people on my terms.
  18. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Nothing so refreshing or revitalizing as to being alone, fishing in the Louisiana swamps on a cool Autumn day with a cold six pack of beer and in my younger days a doobie. An ice chest full of Sac-a-lait!
  19. varnull

    varnull Guest

    At long last your sig is back.. I really missed those eyes :)
  20. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    It was never gone

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