@dannykiwi You almost have it. It looks like you have IMG in caps and it should be in lower case. If using imageshack, after you have hosted the image, go to the last url listed and copy it. Then make sure you have [*img]url[*/img] without the * in there and the link to the url in between. Your close, very close. I bet you get it with the next one. I suggest you use imageshack as the last link you put up there says the image is gone. This is a link to a thread for using the windows paint program to do screen captures. I know its not exactly related to this. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/259299 I started a blog on how to post images, and didnt get very far. It shows how to host an image, but i think you have that part down. You just need to get the syntax correct, and it will work for you too. Here is imageshack http://imageshack.us and the blog i started: http://my.afterdawn.com/maxburn/blog_entry.cfm/330 It has the image hosting completed.
The last one wasw a Burn done at 2.4 using Nero in conjuction with Shrink...Now the next one is dont at 8x using DVD Clone ..
Glad to be of help. Yes, you have got it now. It took me a few attempts before i figured it out also, back in my newbie days.
I have been using the new TYG-03 disks, and find that burning at 12X has produced very good results, so my recommendation is to check a few different burn speeds with each new media and see what burns best. This was burned at 12X, Other points which have been passed around the site, 1. Do frequent disk scans and disk defrag n your hard drive. 2. Close down any unneeded applications running in the background. 3. No multitasking. 3. be careful of making too many back ups of chick flicks, unless wife, G/F, or significant other is getting moody for lack of romance...
Where can one get the DVDINFOPRO listed in earlier posts and can someone explain exactly what your testing for when you run this? How can this program detect if the copy wasnt perfect? what kind of results are you expecting or at least aiming for with this program? thanks this is the first thread I have read where you can test copied dvds is this why some copied DVDs skip because they had errors?
@Opus54 get DVDinfopro from here. http://www.dvdinfopro.com/ It has several tests to run on burned disks, the first is a disk error scan, looks for bad sectors, the next is PIE and PIF errors, not really sure what they are but no the more errors there are, the less likely the disk will play without skipping, freezing, pixalating etc. If you own Nero, it has a tool called Nero CD/DVD speed which does similar functions. However, the real litmus test is how do the disks play in your standalone player. Hope that this short answer helps.
Opus 54 If you get DVDinfo Pro at the top of the main interface is a lil thing that looks like a magnifying glass,make sure you use this and do a complete Scan as it shows up dreaded things called CRC Errors, that in my experience are the biggest cause of skips and jumps. You may bot be able to do a Pi/Pio Test with DVD Info, as some drives(including my Samsung)don't support that,however there is another Tool called K/Probe that you may like to Google, that may support it. I have also learnt the hard way not to skimp on Media,having found Verbation and Taiyo Yuden the best,after using cheap cut price DVDs and getting a fifty percnt error rate..
What is PIE/PIF? DVD error correction is working on blocks of 32 kBytes each. That data is arranged, including all error correction data, in a 208x182 matrix, meaning there are 208 rows and 182 columns. If a line contains errors, it is called a "PIE". The number of errors does not matter. It only matters whether or not there are any errors. If too many bytes are corrupt, so that error correction inside that line does not work, it is called a PIF = Parity Inner Failure. A limit being exceeded does not necessarily mean that a DVD is unuseable, neither does no limit being exceeded mean that a DVD is necessarily good. PIE is counted over blocks of 8 consecutive blocks of 32 kBytes each.Thus, it is often called PIsum8. PIFs are counted for each block separately. The highest values which are possible are PIE = 1664 and PIF = 208.
Are all of these tests available with the free version of dvdinfopro? or do you have to buy the most expensive version to do it?
Yes Mate ,They are,however some Burners may not be able to do the Pi Pif Test etc that bring up the Graph.. But as I said in a previous post,if you are determined to run that particular test you can also download K/Probe..don,t have the Website but you can Google it..
This is why primarily I doubted the Integrity of Verbatim Disks. As you can see by my Burn its atrocious,but thats not all there are countless CRC Errors making it unplayable,well at the least unwatchable, This was done with Shrink and burnt with Nero at 2.4X Speed,all my previous Graphs were done at 8 and on the same batch of Verbs.. I will never burn at 2.4 Speed again,The Result compared to 8X is a disaster..
I don't want to just jump right in on the discussion you guys are having, but I would like to add a comment. I was searching for disc playback skips/jittery and saw this. Is their a guide on using this? All these words, and graphs are confusing straight on! And to add to this... the entire point of checking the percentage of the disc is afterwards. What can you do before hand to see that you don't waste any disc's?
Hafar a lot of this is really "Gobbledygook" and probably makes no sense to most people at all.. If you are asking how you can safeguard having good "Burns",well you have probably gathered that using the best possible blank media is the number one criteria and Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden seem to have that Title.. I have learned from this Forum the fundamentals of "Good Writes"and of course you can do by just searching the Forum for Tips and Tutorials. If you have Nero,it provides probably the best bottom line Quality Test, that will tell you if you have a good burn or a bad burn,and that is the Nero Tool Nero CD-DVD Speed Test which is in Nero Toolkit or downloadable...The test looks like this