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Philips DVDR75 review and performance

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by renderman, Mar 28, 2004.

  1. cath1979

    cath1979 Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I guarantee you will have problems with the Cyberhome DVD Recorder...so what I suggest is you record your little heart out, and then at the end of 90 days, or say at 85 days if it gives you an error, immediately go back to Walmart because they'll take it up to 90 days...I too owned the Cyberhome DVD Recorder. I recorded 80 movies perfect, then when I recorded 3 more, it would not finalize, and kept giving me an error. Lucky for me, I did a year's worth of recordings in a 55 day period...So go crazy, but don't be surprised if you have probs...I say go get the Phillips at Tweeter for $299.00 with the shipping included!
  2. 4hairleft

    4hairleft Guest

    People cleaned out the inventory at tweeter so 6ave is the cheapest now. I am thinking about the Philips DVDR80 instead of the 75. $377 - What am I paying the extra $77 for besides being the newest model?

    KOOLBREW Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    The DVDR80 has guideplus. It records on dvd-r and dvd-rw as opposed to the dvdr75's dvd+r/+rw
  4. renderman

    renderman Guest

    Hey Dmelgar,

    You seem to have more experience with the Philips, perhaps you can help me with an issue......

    If I stop playing a pre-recorded disc, or open the tray, when I hit play or close the tray, the disc resumes playing where it left off. OK, fine... I am not especially fond of this feature, and previously I was able to disable it. Since flashing the new firmware, and re-setting everything, I can't seem to turn the feature off!

    I don't remeber what I did! Like the manual says, I was able to turn "auto resume" off in the disc menu. However, discs still resume where they left off! I'm all, what's up with that? I don't believe the firmware upgrade is causing any problem...everything else is cool....

    Help appreciated!

  5. ret27m40

    ret27m40 Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    unplug unit, let stand 5 min, replug go to menu turn off auto resume it will then work :)
  6. renderman

    renderman Guest

    Hey ret27m40,

    Thanks for the tip, unfortunately it did not work for me. Turning "auto resume" on or off does not make a difference......"auto resume" is always ON regardless of setting. Gee, I hope flashing the BIOS didn't screw the unit up! All other parameters are fine....
    Scared now....CyberHome memories are coming back!!!

    I will e-mail Philips support, and see what they say. I can live with this flaw (or whatever), but would rather be able to turn auto resume OFF.

    I still LOVE THIS MACHINE regardless!

  7. renderman

    renderman Guest

    "Auto Resume" update....

    A fast response from Philips support, says that my recorder is functioning as it should. (Glad to hear that!). They say the only way to disable "auto resume", is to hit the stop button twice. Yeah, that works, but I don't understand why there is a menu option of yes or no in the first place? Philips did not address this question. Perhaps "auto resume" is related to another parameter? Who knows....Anyway, if it ain't busted, don't fix it!

    BTW, the Philips DVDR75 performance is 200% better than the CH 1500, in my opinion. The remote is kinda gay, but after some practice, it gets better. Gee, I would hate to lose the remote, 'cause it don't look like you can do much without it!

  8. ret27m40

    ret27m40 Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    ya i agree renderman, im thinking about buying another remote JUST in case.
  9. renderman

    renderman Guest

    Hello again ret27m40......

    I am also interested in getting a spare remote control, but I don't want to do the leg work.

    PLEASE post your findings i.e. price, availability, how to purchase, etc.

  10. ret27m40

    ret27m40 Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    Will do ill start the leg work today.
  11. cath1979

    cath1979 Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I talked to customer care again at Philips, the man I spoke with said that the remote for the Philips DVD Recorder 75 is $45.00 + state tax + $9.25 UPS Shipping...If anyone wants to order one, just call:
    1-800-531-0039 and follow the simple prompts for a DVD Recorder....their hours are 7:00 am to 10:00 pm Eastern Standard Time Monday thru Sunday...
  12. renderman

    renderman Guest

    Hey Catherine,

    Thanks much for the remote info.....

  13. renderman

    renderman Guest

  14. cath1979

    cath1979 Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I Love Ebay! That's cool!...check this out...so I hooked up my Mintek MDP-1720 7" Portable DVD Player to the Philips DVDR75 with the yellow/red/white wires that came with the Portable DVD Player...plugged them into the front of the Philips....and instead of Channel 003 or Channel Ext 1, or Channel Ext 2, I put it on Channel Cam 2, and it's actually recording a movie....not copywritten like one of the ones from Best Buy, but a bootleg, and I imagine it would record one of our DVD+R's...:)
  15. ret27m40

    ret27m40 Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    witj the right equipment you can record copyrighted movies too :)
  16. cath1979

    cath1979 Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I was thinkin about contacting that guy...to buy the thing for $50 + shipping...have you talked to him...ok then..
  17. renderman

    renderman Guest

    Copyguard TIP...it works!

    Tried to burn a copy (R+) of a recent and popular commercial 3 hr. dvd for my personal use. Even with Macro remover box, the Philips would abort the recording with copyright warning when trying to copy from my player, like it is supposed to.

    IF your computer has a video capture board, there is a workaround.... I captured 10 avi. files (4 gig each, about 19 minutes long, each.) Assembled all the clips on my editing timeline, and played from there while recording on the Philips for total uninterrupted length of the movie......KILLER! Superb audio/video quality, like the original. By recording the dvd to hard drive through the capture board, macro is totally removed!! Should work on most analog/dv capture boards. For three hour movie, about 45 gig of space is needed on your video capture hard drive. For example, using dv compression, about 108 meg of space is needed for each 30 seconds of video/audio. Quality looks exactly same as the original. Used M3 (3 hr.) recording speed on the Philips...Oh yeah, recorded unattended till end of disc. Unit shut off during the nite, and played the disc just fine in the morning. Leaving disc in overnite is no problem, and it finalized, too! +R disc plays in my Sony and PS2, too!

    Boy, I LOVE this machine....!!

  18. 4hairleft

    4hairleft Guest

    What if you don't have a capture card? There has to be a way to disable the Macrovision on the source DVD and let it pipe into the Philips. Will Philips still detect that it's got protection? What about Piping Commerial VHS? I have VHS that have copy protection when copying to DVD. It's better for me to have a back on DVD since I'm trying to get rid of the VHS player.
  19. ret27m40

    ret27m40 Member

    Mar 19, 2004
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    I use a Clarifier 89.99, 100.00 to the Door, it turns off the macrovision no problem, ive copied over a 100 com movies without a hitch. Its the best 100.00 I ever spent and it DOES work, I use a cheap apex dvd player to play the dvd and use the philips to burn no need for the vid capure board and all the hassle, let me know if you want one ill tell ya how to get it. :)
  20. cath1979

    cath1979 Member

    Mar 23, 2004
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    I'm dying to know.
    Here's my email:
    I love the Philips DVD Recorder 75!

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