Philips dvp642 dvd and divX player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by slovak, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. Borric

    Borric Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    I found a trick.. some of my divx/xvid movies, when i play them have lines going thru them. Make sure smart picture is on standard.. play the movie, press zoom twice.. go back into menu, and pick soft/bright in the smart picture.. and it fixes it.. well for me atleast

    and about the chirping noise.. the tv volume has to be like all the way down, and you're ear has to be close to the unit. not a big deal at all, specially if this is going into a big room
  2. pcss

    pcss Guest

    Again I am no expert at this stuff but I too have had problems with xvid. I will look into virtual dub and would certainly appreciate any docs I can get. Sounds good to me.
  3. detroit0

    detroit0 Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    i LOVE xvid. If you have trouble getting it to work with this player, generally all you have to do is play the file, then press system, then exit.

    I was using divx before as a codec, but to use it you either have to:

    1) use a warez hacked version
    2) live with a bunch of spyware
    3) pay for the codec

    xvid on the other hand is spyware free and free to use. I agree it used to not be as good, and it was slow... but the new versions are ROCK solid and fast.

    Last edited: Dec 23, 2004
  4. Borric

    Borric Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    anyone elses player get hot? its just the right side.. the left stays cold.. but the right, gets pretty hot.. not scolding.. ive watched a couple movies on it. should i worry?
  5. posuser

    posuser Member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    NO, dont worry about the heat...its electronics...moving parts, gears, roters, cranks...its going to get hot. Unless you smell burnt plastic - you're ok.
  6. pcss

    pcss Guest

    I have figured out how to use VirtualDub to reencode the Xvids to Divx5. What I have is about 30 episodes of a TV series. GSpot reports Xvid as the codec for all of them. However for the 1st half of them it reports AVI as the stream type and Split:Yes. For the last half it reports OpenDML AVI and Split:No. The player doesn't seem to have a problem with multiple .avi files for the latter group. It's only the 1st bunch where it goes into what appears to be an endless loop of indexing. I guess what I am asking is do you think I will have a problem if I convert the ones that don't work and burn say them all to one DVD?
  7. posuser

    posuser Member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    sure, that shouldnt be a problem at all. I once aquired 4 movies, 2 were xvid, 2 were divx. I only converted the xvid to divx, and left the other ones alone, then burned onto a dvd..and all was fine. You already have an advantage because you know the last half works, for me, i didnt know that...and i just converted all to divx to give me a higher compatibility rate..but your method is fine.
  8. pcss

    pcss Guest

    @posuser- that worked just fine. VirtualDub is an excellent tool. It also solved my Qpel problem. I converted some Qpel enabled XVids to DIVX5 and no more QPel. I learned from another forum that I could use NeroVision to create a DVD from the Qpel enabled XVid and it would work. I did that and it does work. However it is quicker and cheaper to use VirtualDub and then just burn the DIVX to a CD. Thanks a lot for turning me on to this great tool. As I said I am just getting into this video stuff and I am thankful that we have these excellent forums and individuals willing to share their knowledge. Here's wishing you and your a Great Christmas and New Year.
  9. posuser

    posuser Member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    No problem at all buddy, happy holidays to you. We all had to crawl before we walked :) The information i've received from generous members here was amazing, and i think we should all be willing to share to make eachother's lives easier. I'm glad you're happy with it now :) Happy holidays :)
  10. Borric

    Borric Member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    has anyones player, just turned itself off during a movie?

    I might have pressed the power button by accident.. anyway im hoping i did.. ive had the player 2days now.. updated it.. watched movies on it all day yesterday - and no problems so far
  11. NSCanada

    NSCanada Member

    Dec 25, 2004
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    OK just got this wonderful machine for xmas and out of 40 movies 38 work without a hitch , the other two have the qpel problem , I have virtual dub and was wondering if anyones found the walkthrough to changing xvid to divx and also when changing to divx does the file size increase ? I tried messing around with it but when the movie I was trying to make reached 10 gigs I new I was lost lol
  12. posuser

    posuser Member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    I was the one that mentioned the walkthrough, but its been so long...i'm still trying to find it though. The reason your file was so large is because you probably had the audio at full processing.

    You want to open up the video in vdub...then choose video>full processing mode, choose compression>Divx5.0.

    For audio> direct stream copy.

    And then hit save avi as.

    A 400m xvid file converts to 700meg.

    You can actually control the compression and size by playing with the bitrate, but you need to do a little more reading on vdub.

    Do a search on google for virtual dub walkthroughs, or check, and check the walkthroughs there
  13. pumamanor

    pumamanor Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    I have sifted through this thread and the related threads over on and haven't found any mention of the problem I'm seeing so I reluctantly have to come out of lurker mode and ask directly.

    I have the DVP642/37 with the 0531 firmware. I love this machine and wouldn't trade it for anything. However, when I play files from a data formatted CDR through the file browser (XVID, DIVX, MPEG) I can not fastforward or rewind. The only buttons that seem to work correctly are PLAY and PAUSE. Any other buttons (including FF and RW) start the entire movie over from the beginning. As you might guess this is rather frustrating if I miss some dialog near the end of a movie. I also can't find a way to jump to a specific timecode within the file.

    Authored VCDs, SVCDs, and DVDs do not show this problem. I can FF, RW, and jump to specific timecodes. It only seems to be files on data formatted disks.

    I am tempted to upgrade to 1109 just to see if it helps, but I'd rather not turn on Macrovision.

    Any suggestions?
  14. detroit0

    detroit0 Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    pumamanor -
    upgrading the firmware may help... i haven't seen a problem fastforwarding with the newest fw at all -- you can go up to 8x. I believe timetimes are also supported - haven't tested.

    -- also -- the update will not enable macrovision
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2004
  15. ddpdaver

    ddpdaver Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    how do you upgrade firmware for a dvdplayer? I don't understand how to do this when the player isn't connected to internet. Do you punch a code in the remote or put something on a cd?
  16. detroit0

    detroit0 Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    you download the files from the links that are listed above in this thread and then you burn them onto a cd. then you put this cd into the player and restart it by turning off the power and turning it back on. when the device starts it will perform the firmware update. leave it alone during this phase. it will communicate to you when it is done. then remove the disk and enjoy the new features or fixes.
  17. xer00

    xer00 Guest


    where did you buy your player?
    I also have 642/37 0531
    it has macrovision
  18. pumamanor

    pumamanor Member

    Dec 28, 2004
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    I got my DVP642/37 0531 as a gift, but I'm fairly certain it was purchased at a local Fred Meyer store here in Oregon.

    There does seem to be a lot of confusion about what versions of player and firmware actually have macrovision enabled. My understanding was that it's disabled until you install 1109. But I haven't confirmed that.
  19. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    What the F**K? No one told me about that when I upgraded my firmware to that version. At least I found out that you can roll back your firmware to an earlier version. All you gotta do is put the cd with the earlier version in and let it do it's thing. It doesn't care if it's a newer version, it just reflashes the rom.
  20. detroit0

    detroit0 Member

    Dec 12, 2004
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    some people think the 1109 firmware update causes macrovision to be turned on... while this may be true,
    I have the 1109 firmware and have confirmed that I do
    not have macrovision. I believe this may be due to me
    making the unit region free... perhaps these are tied together(?).

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