Philips dvp642 dvd and divX player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by slovak, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. ddoorn

    ddoorn Member

    Feb 9, 2003
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    How does the 642 do when reading DVD+/-? I just found a Yamakawa DVD-275 going fast at eCost for $25 after rebates:

    Claims the following formats:

    The support of CD-R/RW, DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW media and also the firmware update function through CD-R are further features of this extremely powerfull Yamakawa DVD player. The new remote control offers useful functions like direct setting of NTSC/PAL, 4:3 or 16:9 screen ratios, and video output without having to enter setup mode.

    Disc types supported DVD-Video, CD, Video CD

    Anybody with any experience with this player...?
  2. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    Just from looking at it I can see it's a piece of junk. Remember the old saying "you get what you pay for"? Better save your money and spend it on a quality piece.
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2005
  3. kenny113

    kenny113 Member

    Jul 8, 2005
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    I just purchased a DVP642/37. The first thing I did was try to play an XviD movie I had burned. The movie played just fine, but you can't Fast Forward or Rewind!! I saw one other person in this whole thread that had experienced the same issue, but it was dismissed as user education.
    I have tried both the left and right arrows and well as holding the back and forward track buttons and just get the little hand in the upper left corner basicly telling me thats not a valid option. Is there a firmware update to fix this issue, am I completely missing some control, or am I just SOL with all my XviD burns if I want to FF or REW?
  4. waffleman

    waffleman Member

    May 22, 2005
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    the Divx ff and rw buttons only seem to work on a select few out of my collection, I have not investigated enough to see what codecs do allow you too, but you are able to on some and not others. it's not user error trust me, but you do use the regular arrows to ff and rw not the chapter buttons those take you to the end of the divx movie or show, or if you have a disc with multiple divx items then to the next item. I would test out a couple more you will find it is probably a specific codec.
  5. vorain

    vorain Member

    Jul 6, 2005
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    Did anyone try what I wrote in my earlier post. Unfortunately I don't have any other movies that don't rewind to test it with. It really worked for 1 movie with me. It would be simple to just include this 1mb file in all movies. I wonder if putting it at the end would also make a difference. I don't know why it worked, but it did.

    Earlier Post:

    Trying to solve a sync problem, I think I accidently solved (the rewind & fast forward) one. I had an xvid movie that was slightly out of sync. I re-encoded 1mb of the movie and placed it at the beginning of my disc using Nero. Then I burned the original AVI file as the second track. The movie now rewinds and fast forwards! It didn't before. The sync problem was still there until I hit rewind for less than a second. The sync problem also dissappeared! I don't know if the 1mb file has to be a re-encoded file or not. I'm going to try to add this same file to other movies that don't rewind and see if it works. I only tried it the one time so far. Let me know if anyone else tries it.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2005
  6. vorain

    vorain Member

    Jul 6, 2005
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    It worked! I burned a movie (onto a CD-RW)and found that it would not rr or ff. I took the same 1mb file from before and put it at the END of a Cd this time (last time it was at the begining). The same movie now rewinds and fast forwards! It really works! Apparently, if you have more than one track on the disc there is no problem.

    Is there anyone who has 2 short movies on one CD and it has a ff and rr problem? I'm betting there's not.

    Somebody verify this for me, please.
  7. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    the audio was probably not made carefully enough...
    The quick & easy fix is to re-interleave your AVI, using: probably NanDub would be best
    You need to set both audio and video to 'direct stream copy'.
    You cannot slow the audio down, instead you must increase the video framerate.
    For example, if it is standard 23.976 you could change it to 23.984
    There will be a recommended framerate listed, which will allow the audio and the video to finish
    at the same time (which is what you want :)
    But trial & error is the only sure way...
    Ideally you will read the AVI from one drive, and write the new file to another.
    If you have only one HD, try to read from one partition and write to another.
    If you have only one partition, make sure you don't overwrite any files - make a different (destination)
    By manipulating video framerate and advancing or retarding the start of the audio, there is no
    messed-up AVI that cannot be fixed, or at least made more watchable.

    this fixed the sound for me..the movie was 7-Seconds,when i first burnt this movie the sound skipped & unreconizeable..So this is all I did.. set both audio and video to 'direct stream copy & just made another AVI video & everything worked great sound & pic great & in sync
  8. patcan

    patcan Guest

    Hey everyone!
    I have finally bought a Philips divx player!:)
    If works great. I can play the movies that I burn on to DVD. However, sometimes, after having burned movies on DVD, the player doesn't read any of them at all. It simply opens the tray back after I have inserted the disc in it. Also, the DVD, that I made, cannot be opened on the PC. Strange, I find. Did anyone encounter a problem like that. Any help would be appreciated.
  9. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    the audio was probably not made carefully enough...
    The quick & easy fix is to re-interleave your AVI, using: probably NanDub would be best
    You need to set both audio and video to 'direct stream copy'.
    You cannot slow the audio down, instead you must increase the video framerate.
    For example, if it is standard 23.976 you could change it to 23.984
    There will be a recommended framerate listed, which will allow the audio and the video to finish
    at the same time (which is what you want :)
    But trial & error is the only sure way...
    Ideally you will read the AVI from one drive, and write the new file to another.
    If you have only one HD, try to read from one partition and write to another.
    If you have only one partition, make sure you don't overwrite any files - make a different (destination)
    By manipulating video framerate and advancing or retarding the start of the audio, there is no
    messed-up AVI that cannot be fixed, or at least made more watchable.

    this also fixed my ff & rw prob takes 3 mins on any divx I've done
    This is a good idea anyway..I wasted 6 CD's, before I started useing this I run all my DIVX,AVI,XVID..THROUGH NANDUB before I they all
    play...What the hell it's only 3 mins..& 1 xtra file to delete

    AVAYON DXP1000..DIVX DVD a better player..$87.33
    includes shipping...
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 13, 2005
  10. patcan

    patcan Guest

    Thank you for your help rick5446. I would like to try the method that you are suggesting. However, I have never used a dubbing program before. I have downloaded the Nandub program. Could you please be more specific as to exact steps that I have to follow in the program in order to make the file correct or to check if it is already correct? Thank you for your time!
  11. ssih

    ssih Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    I haven't read through all 32 pages, but I did go to each page searching for "sync".

    I bought a 642/37 a couple months ago. For the most part it's fairly good, but I download a LOT of TV in various flavors of .avi, and I find that many of them have the audio out of sync by a tiny fraction. Far less than a second, but enough to degrade the quality of the viewing experience.

    While the method you outline with Nandub is intriguing, rick5446, it sounds like a monstrous amount of work (trial and error) for the number of files that I've got. For example, I recently downloaded 30 eps of The Dead Zone. The first season was in pretty good shape, but the second season has the audio sync problem.

    FWIW, these avi files play perfectly on my PC using WINDVD or Windows Media Player. It's only on the Philips that I see a problem. BTW, the "menu on/off" trick doesn't solve it. Thanks in advance for any help.
  12. vorain

    vorain Member

    Jul 6, 2005
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    I had the same problem, where audio was a fraction of a second off. Also, on these same cds, I couldn't fast forward or rewind (if you can rewind, try it and see if the problem disappears). I burned (with nero) a new copy of the same avi file and I also burned a small 1mb meaningless avi file on the end. Now I have two tracks on the CD.

    When I played the cd, it was still out of sync. HOWEVER, the extra track somehow gave it the ability to rewind and fastforward. When I used rewind (or fast forward) and then hit play, the sync problem disappeared!

    Now I just use the same 1mb file for each problem CD. The rewind/fastforward problem has worked 2 out of 2 times. The sync problem has worked 1 out of 1 times. (My other try had no sync problem).

    Let me know if this works for you or if it was just a lucky fluke.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2005
  13. ssih

    ssih Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Sadly, it doesn't solve my problem. I have 12 episodes of The Dead Zone (second season) on a DVD-RW. I just checked the second episode on the disk, fast-forwarded through the "Previously on..." section, and the audio sync problem is still there.

    But I'll try some experimenting of my own. There are many variables. I'll try burning to a CD (rather than DVD), and perhaps with a different burning software.
  14. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello patcan.&.ssih
    You need to set both audio and video to 'direct stream copy'.
    Then go back to the file menu &[save as AVI] & save it as a new file this will be your copy for CD or DVD..always test when in dought use R/W Disc..i did at first
    each file takes about 3 mins..if u think this is to much then just don't do it..try one first & if it fixes your problem..well the
    rest is up to u...a lot of people just encode enough to watch on their computer..they are not interested in watching on TV
    so u have to REINTERLEAVE before burning to CD-Rom or DVD..if u don't vocal will be static or out if sync or FF/ RW won't will play fine on your Computer..but not on Disc
    ..believe me i wasted a lot of CD's to find this out so now i run all downloads through NANDUB..haven't had a problem since
    Different burning software,Different Disc won't fix the problem..if its broke its broke..u gotta fix it
  15. ssih

    ssih Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    I tried Nandub, and while it *is* pretty simple and fast (40 seconds for a 44-min video on my pc), unfortunately, it didn't solve my problem. The only options I changed were direct stream copy for audio and video. I left everything else the same and saved as avi.

    Are you using Nero to burn? CD or DVD?
  16. ssih

    ssih Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Well, I don't think I can burn it differently. I've tried several combinations - CDR, CDRW, DVDR, DVDRW, Nandub, non-Nandub. They're all out of sync. Some worse than others. Sometimes it's a good half second out, and other times it's so close that it's difficult to notice until there's something obvious, like when someone closes their car door.

    I downloaded a British series "Black Books" (absolutely hilarious, btw), and no matter how I burn it, the sound is dead on. So it must be something in the original encoding.
  17. vorain

    vorain Member

    Jul 6, 2005
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    Okay, I am in no way an expert or even a novice when it comes to encoding, etc. So what I have to say is only based on what worked for me.

    I recently made a CD-RW with 2 avi movies and they wouldn't rewind. This disproved my own "theory" that as long as there are 2 tracks there should be no problems. Then I took the problem movies and burned them onto another CD-RW disc along with the same 1mb file that worked for me before (earlier posts), giving me a 3 track cd.

    The rewind/fastforward now works. So now I have a new theory: The 1mb avi file must be correctly encoded. Mine was encoded using the method described on this post:

    Thanks to arag0rn for the detailed guide.

    I followed his guide, encoding a movie with virtualdubmod and xvid 1.1.0 beta2 and then I hit abort after about 5 seconds. This single file has worked 3 out of 3 times now for the rewind, fast forward problem. Only 1 out of 1 time for the sync problem. Its very simple to just add it on when burning.

    By the way, my sync problem was still present until I hit the rewind or fast forward button. This is true every time I play that CD-RW. Once I briefly rewind, the sync problem is gone. Weird.

    If you tried this with ANY avi file, it probably didn't work. However, this re-encoded file has worked for me.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2005
  18. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    hello..ssih...U can use nandub to plus or minus your audio by small increments..depending on if the audio starts before or after u see their lips moving..this is all trial & error..their are some guides here at afterdawn..about useing nandub..pretty sure virtualdub is the same...You might try changeing the audio type in the nandub audio
  19. jmikeh

    jmikeh Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 15, 2005
  20. ssih

    ssih Member

    Jul 13, 2005
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    Great. It'll take me a bit to digest all that and give it all a try. Thanks!

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