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Philips dvp642 dvd and divX player

Discussion in 'DVD players' started by slovak, Apr 27, 2004.

  1. mdm22

    mdm22 Guest

    can i buy this player in the uk? im guessing this is currently the best progressive scan player im gonna get right now in the uk.

    cannot find the product in any uk shops online, someone help.
  2. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello mdm22..I'm assumeing U are reffering to the Philips dvp642..if thats the case,its good & well U can't find it.Myself I would not recomend buying this player online.If U read back in this forum,a lot of people having problems with this player.I strongly suggest that U find a retail outlet that carries it & purchase the EXTENDED Warranty along with your purchase.It seems that 3 to 6 mons is average.But then again some have had it quite awhile,without a problem.Myself,I've had bad experience frm the begining.Fortunately I bought mine at Walmart & was able to return it,so I swapped for another.Just after the 30 day return policy,started having probs with the second unit.Some how reasons unknown,the unit keeps the DVD,& ejects an empty tray about every 50th Disc & U have to take the top off to retrieve it.This seems to be an isolated problem that only affects me,so after 3 or 4 retrievales I now leave the screws out.There are units out there with about the same price tag that work very well.I bought a US LOGIC FOR about 60bucks,& it handles QPEL along with every thing else
  3. vspede

    vspede Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    First Post Ever... Wheee.

    Anyways Love this place, great info. I bought Phillips DVD642 when it was on sale - $44 bucks along with I/O Magic DVD Dual Layer 16x Burner.

    Love em both. If your like me, I d/l everything and watch from my PC like anime, to TV to Movies. The DVP642 works wonder and saves me a lot of hard drive space. Pretty much I don't have to buy another hard drive ever again. Here are some tips I learned

    1: Make sure you buy a warranty. Its pretty much 10% of people's DVD player will die. Return it and you'll be good. If it makes noise, return it, better safe than sorry.

    2: I free'd up 20+ gigs of space by burning Naruto as a data disk. 25 episodes per disk. (more on this later)

    3: Most files i.e. HDTV torrents work perfectly on this player. All 4 seasons of "24" work fine.

    4: Plays SRT files wonderfully. I love to download Korean movies and get the SRT files and burn them on "CD-R" (yes this player plays CD's with divx/xvid on them)

    The player's not perfect. It won't play some Xvid files and such but you can pretty much just reencode them.

    The biggest pain is Hard-Subs like Naruto. Everyone knows they're cut off at the bottom. The only way to fix that is buy a TV that can compensate for Overscan or get a Widescreen.

    I found out that the fansub ANBU-AONE rip and encode using widescreen monitors or some such hence our subtitles are cut off at the bottom. No such fix but a better tv.

    Hope this helps.

  4. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello vspede..on the back of most TV's their are Horizontal & Vertical adjustments..U might be able to correct this problem of not see your Subs
  5. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I've mentioned this earlier but my LGA-511 properly displays any xvid or divx anime that I've viewed on it with no overscan whatsoever-no cutting off the subtitles at all, didn't have to adjust the tv or anything, I ditched my DVP642 a long time ago.
  6. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    HELLO zrdb U sure its not an LDA 511 instead of a LGA511
  7. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    I liked my LG LDA511 DVD player also..But had to take it back..the printed DVD's would hang when inserting & ejecting..did'nt mind that so much cause just had to give it a nudge or pull on it.But it started keeping them on the inside,had a helluva a time getting them out
    But otherwise I was impressed with the play qualities & it had HDMI
  8. vspede

    vspede Member

    Dec 25, 2005
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    Sadly my TV is like 10 years old. There is no SVideo outlet, and the only outlet is 2 holes: 1 for Video 1 for Audio. Whereas most have 3, 1 vid 2 audio.

    I'm sure when I buy an LCD Widescreen I won't ahve problems anymore :) Until than atleast I have my pc to watch Naruto and Bleach.
  9. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello again vspede..Why not treat yourself to a newer TV..Hell man 10yrs. U spend more on electricity..Breakdown & buy a rear projection LCD..THEY ARE SLIM not as slim as a reg LCD.But u will definately enjoy your DVD's a lot more..HDMI-Multipal A/V's-2 maybe 3 SVideos
    Afriend of mine bought a SONY Wega for less then a 1000.00 at CircuitCity..it was a floor model,but all the warrantys & service..Plus it was a 50"
  10. MannyVjr

    MannyVjr Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    I didn't see the US LOGIC thread, but saw that it was being talked about in here, that's why my comment is here.

    I went I bought the US Logic and I came into some bumps... like it was mentioned, some of the Anime I have on DVDs cuts off the low subtitles, and I came into a batch of episodes that only play the first 10 seconds and then stop playing (Naruto here), skipping to the next one. My guess it's the way they were encoded.

    Some the picture won't come at all (my BLEACH episodes)

    had a VCD that won't play on it (can't recall which utility i used to make it).

    ps: shall we continue talking about the US Logic model here or make a new thread?
  11. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello..MannyVjr..Lets start a new thread
    Sorry to hear about your problems..But it mostly sounds like your Vids or TV.some TV'S 4.3 cut some off the top & bottom.Usualy adjustments on the back of thE TV can correct this
    Don't know for sure,as I don't know what U got AS FAR AS Vids go
    But anything I've thrown at it works..KVCD,XVID,DIVX,AVI,PAL,NTSC [CD's & DVD's].My problem right now is the eject button on the unit,sometimes it won't work..seems like when its on for a while & warms up,but the remote works.So if & when I get around to it I'll take it bacK to CompUSA.As I bought the extended warranty,JIC
  12. MannyVjr

    MannyVjr Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    Thanks for the quick response rick5446

    let's start a new thread
  13. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Theirs already 2 started
  14. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    Yeah, it's an LDA511 and I've not had any problems with dvds getting hung up in the slot-but I read the comments on "flipper" discs, I'm very happy with the lack of overscan on xvid/divx playback-I use 1080I as my prefered playback type. I'm looking for a stand alone player that'll handle h264-none out yet, darn it.
  15. marik1234

    marik1234 Regular member

    Oct 21, 2005
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    So how do u burn DivX/AVI's to DVD? without reencoding to crap mpeg-2...
  16. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello marik1234
    So how do u burn DivX/AVI's to DVD? without reencoding to crap mpeg-2...
    Well first off..make sure U buy a DIVX DVD Player
    Next make sure U have a good program for burning Video,like Nero
    Now U are ready to go..Ucan burn CD's [AVI-DIVX-XVID]up to about 810megs on to one cd W/overburn
    On a DVD U can get quite a few on one Disc example [on one disc I got all 12 episodes of Rome in AVI,about 40 mins ea.]the quality was very good [HD TV].ALSO ABOUT 4 to 5 700meg movies,give or take a few bytes
    also U can convert to raw Mpeg,& just burn to Disc
    But U gotta have the player,price wise they are the same as a standard DVD Player.Some have Qpel capabilities some don't.But not hard to convert,just take about 2 or 3 mins.
    HOPE This Helps
  17. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    Hello zrdb
    If U useing Ritek,or TY's with the printed surface,these are the Disc's that gave me problems,they would pull about half way in then just spin,like a car on ice.ALL other DVD's worked fine.But Alas these are the type of Disc's that I have preference too,so I could not use this player
    Now mind U the unit is an excellent player,hopefully the can resolve this players one flaw.But I did contact them about this & their was no way to increase the tension on their rollers.I did'nt mind having to give it a nudge to load or pulling to eject.But a couple of DVD'S got stuck totaly inside the unit,I had a helluva time getting them out.Thats when I got a little disenchanted with it
    I just wish they had a tray loader with the same functions,they are most definately good players
  18. marik1234

    marik1234 Regular member

    Oct 21, 2005
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    All right then. I already have a DivX player, my modded PS2 with DMS4 PRO and PS2 Reality Media Player.
  19. zrdb

    zrdb Regular member

    Oct 10, 2004
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    I have some other dvd blanks with printable surfaces, but I've never had one get stuck in the loader, if I have any doubt I just put them in my LGDVB418 which is basically the same unit with a tray instead of a slot.
  20. rick5446

    rick5446 Guest

    WELL Hello again zrdb..If I could have found a LGDVB418 at the time I would have defiantly bought it.I would probably still have it..As I stated earlier,it was an excellent unit.But both of mine had the same problem..I bought the unit at Circuit City a little pricey at 139.00.But I just wanted a good unit to play Divx.So now I've moved on & found a multitude of players.More & more coming everyday.I found the US LOGIC at CompUSA for 60bucks,it handles QPEL so one more thing I don't have to redo
    I don't really know why the units I bought did what they did,when I called & talked to LG they could'nt answer me either.SEEMS like I'm the only one thats had this problem.Maybe I've got a HAUNTED House,who knows

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