Pinnacle Studio 9 plus problem to render

Discussion in 'Video to DVD' started by rayosx, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. GJN

    GJN Member

    Oct 31, 2005
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    I did go to the auxilliary and temporary files and deleted everything. No much difference, since I already did that once. It must be somewhere else. Why would my C drive available space drastically decrease when I burn a DVD? Without any work on the project. There is no way I'm getting version 10 of this software.
  2. chippawa

    chippawa Member

    Nov 2, 2005
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    Hi, I've spent all day trying to render (been using 9 since it was available with no problems) - tried almost everything you've all suggested, but still got the same problem (hangs on the second run).

    I renamed a known good AVI to the name of the one I'm having trouble with and opened the project which sucked in the good AVI in place of the suspect one, and lo - it rendered to AVI no problem!!

    The dodgy AVI was from VHS, the good one was DV. The project is 20 min. Now I need to find out how to condition the bad AVI so Studio likes it!

    Incidentally, I render to AVI and break projects up into chunks - I find Studio's just too memory-sapping with big (90-min +) projects.
  3. fors6630

    fors6630 Member

    Oct 9, 2005
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    Hey chippawa - out of curiousity, did your good avi get captured in studio 9.4.3, or an earlier version?

  4. rayosx

    rayosx Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Bellbird and gang

    Hi Bellbird

    Guys, do not try to solve the problem, believe us, we tried a lot of stuff and we are not new on computers, so lets pinnacle to fix that problem and see what happens, it is not our configurations or hardware, it is their problem, they did a crap of this software, the idea it is very good and the graphic user interface but it does not render properly on most cases

    Lets wait and see,

  5. chippawa

    chippawa Member

    Nov 2, 2005
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    Hi fors6630, the good AVI was captured on 9.4.3.

    I had noticed the previously mentioned curiosity during editing that the sound would periodically disappear in preview, but stop and play again and it was back, however it does indicate some problem with encoding sound and video when importing from a source other than DV.

    I'm determined to find a workaround!
  6. gadgetmon

    gadgetmon Member

    Sep 19, 2005
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    The real deal on Studio 9.4 and Dazzle 150
    I originally bought it to convert my vast VHS collection and it was a disaster- I thought I had a high end machine – Sony RZ22G Desktop Studio with 1 GB Ram and 400 GB storage. Dazzle and studio 9.4 just didn’t work – program would crash unless I stopped all other processed and video quality was extremely jerky. I was mad. I even emailed my complaints to the CEO of Avid (who owns pinnacle).
    I purchased a cheap emachines ( their latest and greatest) T6524, it has XP Media Center Edition 2005, AMD Athlon 64 3500+ Processor 1 GB RAM and ATI Radone xpress 200. I paid $627.00 from bestbuy. I bought it with the intentions of buying a high end video capture card.
    When I got the new emachines up and running (after de-installing all of the hook you in three months junk that comes with it, I thought to my self – lets try this piece of junk Dazzle one last time on the new machine before it go to the garbage. – GUESS WHAT – every thing work perfectly. No crashes, No jerky video, and excellent quality. Sense I spent the money for this thing and didn’t have to buy a $300 card I a happy Gadgetmon!
    Conclusion - I suppose that this thing only works with higher end stuff – Be nice if Pinnacle would just post on their support site what it runs best with. But if they did that (told the truth) their sale would take a dive.
  7. chippawa

    chippawa Member

    Nov 2, 2005
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    A quick update from my own particular crusade... I have identified three corrupt frames in amongst the mush. The source (supplied to me by client) was VHS which was not contiguous, and the problem frames were in the snowstorm between two sections of video. All is good now!
  8. vetshak

    vetshak Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    Wanted to add my own experience with this problem. Have been using Studio since version 7, was thrilled with the DVD tools with 8 but found it very touchy, would frequently crash. 9 has brought welcome stability to the editing process, but somehow the DVD process has been corrupted. While I know many seem to believe the capture process is the problem, my issues simply cannot have anything to do with the capture.

    I am using MPEG video drawn off a TV capture card. What I have found is that as long as I try to render video with a DVD menu, the program hangs, consistently at the 20 minute-mark of the DVD. If I eliminate the menus, it renders fine. I believe the problem is with the menu rendering.

    I rendered numerous DVDs with 8, and aside from my frustrations with it crashing repeatedly while editing, it always seemed to work fine for the rendering process. Any complicated DVD menus will not render. I have reinstalled, tried without the patch, everything.

    My copy of 10 is en route, and I genuinely hope the problem will be solved. Pinnacle is claiming it is rebuilt on the Liquid engine, so hopefully that will be a major improvement for both the DVD authorizing and editing process. I guess I will post again once I have it (Tuesday with any luck)...
  9. edman98

    edman98 Member

    Nov 9, 2005
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    I thought I'd add my comments to this thread. This thread had some excellent information. I've read the posts and here's my take.

    - Used 9.4.3 prior and always worked well. Though haven't used it in a while.
    - PC/OS/Memory/Video/Storage have been more than sufficient.
    - Captured video using 9.4.3 and while editing noticed sound would disappear (never seen that before)
    - When trying to render in any format - would never complete. Would stall in different places.

    - Tried suggestions of uninstalling/reinstalling, only moving to 9.3.5, etc. If using the same captured video from prior - same symptoms.

    - on a 9.3.5 install, re-captured video again. Now while editing, never missing sound. Rendering is fine.

    So I guess if you're using 9.4.3, capture the video using other means. Or stay with 9.3.5.


  10. vetshak

    vetshak Member

    Nov 5, 2005
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    Thr apparent only consistent fix... uprade to 10 (or actually, 10.1.1). It seems to be working far better. However, a few caveats I have learned in 24 hours of working with it...

    1) Make sure you download the patch (how sad a patch has to be released 3 days after the main program release). Your DVD+Rs will not render properly.

    2) My rendering issues are gone. Version 10 is far more stable (though still has some issues). The two best parts of it are a) speed... it can render a 45-minute project in literally only 60-90 minutes; b) it will render into a file folder, allowing you to save your files to then burn discs directly from them (instead of having to re-render). Doing this then allows me to torch 10 discs in an hour. Very nice.

    Dunno if anybody else has noted this, but the primary transition (the "V" transition with the fade to black and fade in) is corrupt in version 10. I'm getting audio from the supposed blackened part of the scene... very frustrating. Hoping that will be patched quickly.
  11. pj98321

    pj98321 Guest

    Somehow in all my tinkering I was able to get sucessful rendering out of Studio 9. At first it would always stall in the same spot. I gave up and tried NERO. The other day I installed the latest patch. Last night I rendered a DVD and burned it in a little over an hour. Tonight I reburned the same project but selected rerender in the settings window. It took over 3 hours but never did hang. My machine is modest, WinXP Pro, AMD XP2400, 512MB RAM on a Asus A7V-266e. 2 WD HDD's. The 200Gb HDD is used for the auxiliary files. But the picture quality is just crap, even on the best settings. Full of artifacts and blurred areas. I am happy that it works now but after all this dinking around to make it work the results just aren't worth it. Another unhappy Pinnacle user. Peter.
  12. rayosx

    rayosx Member

    Aug 6, 2005
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    Any good experiences with version 10.0? Let me know guys, still I do not have time to play with it
  13. Super8

    Super8 Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    I had problems rendering with Studio Plus 9 and had many e-mails with Pinnacle. Eventually I returned 9 for refund and bought 10 at a local store (I had bought 9 by mail). I've used 10 quite a bit now and it seems to be a lot better. As soon as I bought it, I upgraded to 10.1 with patch 10_1_1_2150b and that broke one of the features, pan and zoom of still pictures. However, that was fixed again with 10_1_1_2150d. Mostly it works very well and so far has rendered without fail. But sometimes it will just completely crash and disappear from the screen for no reason. When restarted, it will sometimes go back to what you were doing at the time, but not always. Also, the optional extras that require unlocking don't go to the web site. In 9, if I selected one of them, it would open a browser window to let you buy the feature. Now it just goes into a "wait" hourglass icon and the only way to get out of that is to go to the task manager and stop a process called pixie.exe. I've never bought any of them, but sometimes accidently open one that needs unlocking. I see they are up to 10.1.2 now, but that only seems to be for a preview color problem with AMD processors.
  14. Super8

    Super8 Member

    Sep 26, 2005
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    By the way, I don't have the problem vetshak (Nov 9) has with the transition to black and back. It seems to work properly with audio fading away to nothing at the middle of the transition and fading back in.
  15. bramo

    bramo Member

    Sep 16, 2004
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    I've finally got my downgrade to 9.3 installed and unlocked, what a trial.

    Does anyone have any comments re Studio v10 versus Adobe Premiere Elements v2. I think an upgrade is in order, but I have some reluctance to give Pinnacle any more money...
  16. harvo7

    harvo7 Member

    Dec 12, 2005
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    I struggled to get version 9.4.3 to render and had the same issues as lots of others - hung half way through the second pass. I was reluctant to try version 10 at this stage having read some discouraging discussion threads and it appears that once files have been converted to v10, they cannot be used back in v9. Instead I uninstalled version 9.4.3 and re-installed version 9.3 from my purchased disc as recommended by members of this thread. I disabled power saving and music players that kept interrupting when I am trying to rip music from a CD, and deleted auxilliary files. I managed to render my first project without incident - Great success at last!! However when I repeated this for part 2, there was a problem. I had made my initial captures in preview mode. When running "Make movie" using "create disc content but don't burn" option, pinnacle asks for music CDs and then video tapes as required. However It did not ask for my final tape but instead went straight on to render. The resulting DVD was fine until it got to the last section where the video quality was bad. This appeared to have been rendered straight from the preview quality. I again removed all auxilliary file asociated with this project and repeated, but again it failed to request the final tape. Two thirds of the DVD is great. How can I ensure that it captures the final tape in full DV quality? Anyone come across this? The help desk is just trying to convert me to V10.
  17. Robert66

    Robert66 Guest

    RE: Harvo7
    I have found that the project must be re-captured after you have changed to the earlier version of Pinnacle. From what I have been reading, version 10 may have cleaned up much of the bugs. From the programmers prospective, to find the bugs is far tougher than writing a new clean bug free program. To be fair with those of us who have purchased what we thought were good programs in the first place, Pinnacle should at least give us a credit/break on the price to move to version 10. I and others have encouraged Pinnacle to read these threads -- hope they are doing so.
    Good luck!
  18. adgfb

    adgfb Member

    Dec 14, 2005
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    Happy to find this discussion of render problems. Had them too since upgrade to XP and Plus. Didn't know which was at fault. As has been noted I too find problem is with audio. I copied out a short clip where the render was hanging and pasted it into new project by itself. It still hung - until I deleted the audio track. Then it would render. Render problem is in mpeg, disk, avi any setting. Now to my question: do others experience stuttering and hanging of audio in playback in edit mode. This problem appeared same time as the render problem and is quite annoying. Happens with/without hardware acceleration, with/without background rendering for playback. I suspect it is somehow related to the render problem. I have plenty of horsepower and disk space. Have tried the rote solutions (uninstall, defrag, drop processes, turn off clock etc, etc.).Pinnacle doesn't seem to have answer to it yet but I am curious about the extent of the playback stutter in users having the render problem also.
  19. harvo7

    harvo7 Member

    Dec 12, 2005
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    With all my previous render problems, always with capture from DV camcorder, initially in preview, I never had an audio stutter problem, apart from first second or two after an edit change which was only temporary.

    I also solved my problem when making disc from preview. After I was asked to load tapes 1, than 2, it failed as before to request disc three and instead went straight on to render the final part in preview quality - with resulting poor quality of final part of video. Next time after it had completed tape 2 and started to render, I cancelled, went to capture and managed to manually overwrite the preview version of tape 3 with full DV quality. When I went back to make disc it picked up the DV quality version OK, completed the render and I burned a great disc. Manual intervention seems to work OK in this case!
  20. diktamo

    diktamo Guest

    I upgraded to v.10 and it works fine... sometimes it dissapears but it returns back to your last project and everything is saved... do not hesitate to buy, has nothing to do with problematic 9...!!!

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