Hi I found this on this site http://www.dvdwriters.co.uk/news/ Basically it says that 1.32 cripples the drives to run slower than the 1.31 firmware. Anyone know how to flash a drive thats been upgraded to 1.32 down to 1.31? This news might be interesting if you haven't upgraded past 1.31. If you have a flash older than 1.30, I hear your drive could actually burn out. So going to 1.31 firmware is recommended. SO anyways any info on reverting to older firmware would be appreciated. Thanks
Belive it. It happened to me. I had firmware 1.20 and did not know about the upgrade. The fan stopped working and the drive burned out. It's in Pioneer's hands now...
I also need information on how to "downgrade" or reset from v1.32 (RPC-2) to v1.31 (RPC-1). Please help!
you will not be able to downgade from the 1.32 version check out here also heard they are bringing out 1.33 to fix this prob http://www.firmware.fr.st/
there is an unofficial hack to burn 2x media on the a03 have a look here http://webplus.dvd-recordable.org/m...le=article&sid=56&mode=thread&order=0&thold=0