You guys think that making a hole in the wall is something? I know a guy who got so pissed off, that he hit the wall and broke his arm. True story
but he did'nt make a hole, what a feeble atempt, hes just trying to act all big 'n' sh*t !!thecraigc!!
yup yup, ive heard it a few times, nothing spectacular tho, not all walls are drywalls. yeah maybe if you're angry cause you havent gotten laid in a few weeks
hey,dont take it out on your ps2.that is what controllers are they are a hell of alot cheaper than the system itself.
controllers arent the same. You dont get the same pleasure when you slam your ps2 thru a tv cabinet, or kick a 6 inch hole in the wall. Its just not the same.
i must say i have done some dumb stuff when i've been pissed off like throwing things, screaming cusswords, so now when i think i going to blow my lid i say f-it and count to 10. peace
damn,people must think your retarded counting to 10 all the time.try counting backwards from 10.that way instead of people thinking youre trying to calm yourself down they think your a time bomb counting down to an anger explosion.i bet more people get out of your way quicker that way. dont really count to 10,do you?
well since i have two young children ages 3 and 1 i have to do something so i don't fly off the handle in front of them. They learn from their parents. counting just helps me from doing something foolish. peace
you could always leave the room then scream your head off.what im saying is surpressing anger aint healthy.going out and killing somebody aint right.but you have to let out some aggression or youll go phyco in the bad way.breaking stuff you own aint hurting no one but it shows you how stupid you are when you have to replace its a lesson learned and in the end is sort of a therapy that helps you deal with shit around you.
well there is always the classic SHOCK THERAPY.when you think about it prozac and ridilan are related to extreme therapys.just not as much pain involved.
Anyone else notice that the people covering that guys face [see sui-cyco's sig] have really small hands!