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Playing PLAYSTATION 2 on Plasma Tv

Discussion in 'Televisions' started by deltoro, Apr 16, 2005.

  1. deltoro

    deltoro Guest

    Have any of you guys have problems playing games on a plasma tv? I connected my PS2 properly with the plasma but it didn't seem to give...well there is picture, but it flickers and there is no colour. I tried puttin a DVD movie and everything was fine...then i tried putting the game back, reset the console and there is goes again!? Everything in the beginning was fine up till the game previews pop up... can anyone help me on this? I've tried my best but nothin seems to work.
  2. wolfniggr

    wolfniggr Regular member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    You say you connected your PS2 to a plasma properly, can you tell me what kind of video cables you are using? Is the plasma SDTV,EDTV or HDTV? Did you set the PS2 for widescreen or progressive scan?
  3. deltoro

    deltoro Guest

    Thanks for replying wolfniggr,

    i'm using the S-video cable to connect with my plasma tv, but that didn't stop the flickers and display to turn black&white when the game is running. LIke i said before, everything seems to be fine when i put in a dvd but when i load a game in it...everything thing changes...i tried putting it on a normal tv, nothing seems to be wrong but when its connected to the plasma tv (LG RU42PX11) the nightmare starts again.

    The plasma tv is EDTV (enhance) and it is running with a HDSTB not that it will make a difference. I connect my PS2 directly to the plasma tv. Im not sure about the last question? *Did you set the PS2 for widescreen or Progressive scan? How can i find this function on the PS2.

    P/S: i have the new slim version of the PS2 and it has been modified...

    THanks in advance.
  4. wolfniggr

    wolfniggr Regular member

    Dec 15, 2004
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    I hope the mod for your PS2 didn't fusk up anything.(That would suck) What you want to do is use component cables, not s-video. Not only will you get a clearer picture, you can also take advantage of your plasma's EDTV capabilities(480p). I am not familiar with the slim ps2, but if you turn it on(without a disc inserted) you should see different options for your machine. Right now, you want to make sure you don't have progressive scan on. If you end up using component cables(I highly recomend them) make sure to turn progressive scan on, but for now make sure it is off. If your plasma is widescreen, chose that option on your ps2. Another reason you may have problems with flickers and color can be due to a broken s-video cable. Try another s-video cable just to see if it corrects the problem, but do yourself a favor and use component cables. I always recomend monster cables, but if you don't want to spend the extra cash get the sony brand ones. Don't cheap out and buy the pelican,madcatz,performance, etc., save yourself the headache and buy one of the two I sugested. Good luck
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2005
  5. Bezerker

    Bezerker Member

    Apr 17, 2005
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    thought you said projection not plasma, nvm!
    Last edited: May 7, 2005
  6. liquidjo

    liquidjo Member

    Oct 16, 2005
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    your problem is that the game your playing isnt made for your region. im assuming you live in rhw united states or asnother country that uses ntsc or your ps2 is ntsc. since u have a modifyed consol u can play PAL games, but they wont play right on all tv's, thats the game your trying to play?
  7. Darkmagic

    Darkmagic Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    deltoro did u try another game that u have like a demo in ur region? because i think its the region that is messing with ur ps2 make sure ur games are either ntsc for us and pal if ur in europe
  8. gamer555

    gamer555 Guest

    ya he is playing pal or ntsc ones not for the tv so it would make it flicker same thing happened to me when i played a pal game it realy sucks but hey fusk it what can you do if you live in usa try a ntsc game if not then you need to use pal peace hope it helps dont buy the cables
  9. poolpro

    poolpro Regular member

    Nov 13, 2004
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    Another good brand of Component cables is PSYCLONE. I have found out from my own personal experience that they are even better than Monster cables and are cheaper too. Another thing is I'm not sure you want to be playing games on a plasma screen as this is not a wise thing on plasmas.Plasma screen are mainly meant for movies and not games.
  10. Darkmagic

    Darkmagic Member

    Jul 26, 2004
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    poolpro the cable is not the problem its the region he either is playing with pal or ntsc....it depends on where he live because if ur in the us u will have to get ntsc games while if ur in europe u have to get pal unless u get a region free ps2 which i dont know if there is one.....
  11. gamer555

    gamer555 Guest

    well a playstation 2 can play pal games if it is modded or any other way but its the damn tvs that fusk you that shit is pissing me off because i got a jap game and its pal because it never came out in usa and the tv is what is messing it up it just like its black and white and the thing is looking like its realy messed up but if you have a tv that will switch to pal you are all good peace out
  12. toolbox20

    toolbox20 Member

    Aug 17, 2005
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    Cool thread, was just skimming through, and someone mentioned running the PS2 with component video - if you don't have these, you can snag the PSYCLONE cables at Circuitous Cities online for a GOOD price right now. And they DO make a difference... though sadly, they won't help the accursed PAL issue. And IS THERE such a thing as a region-free PS2? I'd love to know...
  13. gdingo

    gdingo Member

    Jan 10, 2006
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    Yeah you can have a region free PS2, just google for a PS2 modchip. And as for the flickering B&W picture yes it is a PAL disc playing on a NTSC PS2 as others have mentioned. You will need to rip the disc to your pc in iso or cue/bin format and get a PAL to NTSC converter and burn the game back to a CD or DVD depending on the format. And only a few PS2 games support 480p and only 1 (GT4) supports 1080i. To turn on the Prog Scan feature hold TRIANGLE and X while booting up the PS2 with the game in the drive. Here's a list of games and the modes they support.


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