Please help a newbie

Discussion in 'MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 encoding (AVI to DVD)' started by Girl, Jan 25, 2003.

  1. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    If you are using TMPGEnc then yes, chose vcd but for CCE SP then vbr svcd takes very little time, even at 4 pass encoding and the quality is much higher than TMPGEnc can ever hope to go!
  2. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    Ill give CCE a try when i buy a dvd player that doesnt suck lol :p thnx Dela
  3. Girl

    Girl Guest

    I finished the encoding! Now I have 2 .bin files and 2 .cue files. What am I supposed to do with them. Throw them in the bin? No actually I tried burning them onto CDs with Nero but I get the message that they are invalid and Nero needs mpeg2 encoded for svcd. I did something wrong again, didn't I? If the subtitles are going to be permanent then that's very bad 'cause I put both French and English subtitles! Yikes! I'll be watching subtitles not a movie! LOL!
    I've got a new Sony DVD that I bought 3 months ago. The svcd is gonna work won't it? Please tell me it will :)
  4. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    the bin and cue files need to be burned as an image see here
    as for the dvd players sony players are one of the worst ones to actually get a vcd or svcd to play on them The media u use has to be chosen carefully as most normal cdr disks wont work. most people have more success with cd rewritable disks in sony players also does the sony player have svcd support tell me the model number and ill try to find out for you
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2003
  5. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Oh ye girl, in DVD2SVCD you're better off if it doesnt create cd images because it sometimes produces bad quality in the movie. in dvd2svcd, click cd images and click do not make images in the bottom left hand corner!

    then just burn the .mpgs with nero just like you would any other!
  6. Girl

    Girl Guest

    Yipee!!! It worked! It worked! Thanks so much both of you! The quality is still very good Dela! Just as good as the DVD! And thankfully the subtitles didn't work in the first place! *mwah* Thank you so much! Don't laugh if I told you what movie I burnt. Monsters Inc.! I wanted to experiment with any movie and monsters was quite short (90 min) and my little bro really wanted it so I used it.
    Next step, turn my Fever Tour: Live In Manchester DVD into a SVCD!
  7. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I wouldn't laugh, I thought Monsters Inc was very funny and i dont usually like stuff like that. If you are creating an SVCD then I would recommend CCE SP for speed purposes as well as quality but the price tag could be a problem i suppose :-S
  8. Girl

    Girl Guest

    Uh oh! I'm facing another problem. The movie is incomplete. CD1 is fine but on CD2 the movie is incomplete. Just stops suddenly. There lots more space on the CD so I really don't know what happened. During the encoding I saw the movie credits so I'm sure I ripped the entire movie and encoded the whole thing. Where did the rest go? BTW how can I get subtitles that come and go on SVCD. One last question: How come there are no chapters? Its very annoying having to fast forward the entire movie to reach a certain bit.
    Thanks for the suggestion but I'm not sure I can buy it. How much is it for?
  9. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    not sure why you didnt get the whole of the second cd dvd2svcd isnt something i actually use
    as for the chapters they can be added with the use of an authoring program such as vcd easy as far as i know dvd2svcd doesnt put the chapter points in.
  10. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Did you use nero to burn the svcd??? if you did then in nero click file - compilation info. you will see an option to try to fit to disk size so set it to 80mins. that might solve your problem!
  11. hagler

    hagler Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Hello...I am a new user trying to convert avi to VCD...Dela, I've been following a lot of your advice throughout the forum (very helpful!)...I've installed DVD2SVCD and configured it to use TMPGEnc -- the problem I'm encountering is that when BeSweet tries to execute and encode the audio, it fails and shuts down the program--the screen says initializing and just hangs--then gives me the dreaded "illegal operation performed". MadPlay goes through it's routine successfully and then BeSweet gives me the problem....Can you please give me advice on this.--also, will this process be much faster than just using TMPGEnc by itself????
    I've tried using TMPGEnc by itself and just load in the avi file and use tooLame for the audio Layer II....but this seems to take forever to encode..the movie was only 30% complete and had been running for over 16 hours already...Please help...this forum is great and thanks in advance for the help.
  12. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    I cant answer the BeSweet problem sorry, as for the TMPGEnc long processing problem, how long is the movie and what are you trying to convert to?
  13. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    pc specs would be helpful too :)
  14. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    He already told me on another thread --- 650 Mhz Athlon processor and 25 GB of Hard Disk free space and 128mb of RAM --- not great but its fine for what hes trying to do!
  15. hagler

    hagler Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    PC specs are correct--thanks Dela...
    The movie is the first part of the movie (1 of 2) and is about 60 minutes....I'm trying to convert to VCD (mpeg1)---is using TMPGEnc by itself a viable solution or should I try to work out DVD2SVCD?
    on the DVD2SVCD problem..can you substitute BeSweet with another audio encoder in DVD2SVCD or do you have to go with BeSweet?
    Thanks again
  16. Dela

    Dela Administrator Staff Member

    Aug 25, 2002
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    Dont use DVD2SVCD unless you have something like ac3 audio or something unsupported by TMPGEnc. I use DVD2SVCD with CCE SP and wouldn't use it if i was using TMPGEnc as my encoder! You mentioned a problem with how long it takes to convert to VCD and i can tell you 16 hours is wayyyy too long!!. I would cancel it if I were you, click settings and click the advanced tab. Tick the box beside source range. A new little box should open but if it doesnt, then double click source range. Click move to start frame and click "set start frame" click move to end frame and click "set end frame". Click ok and try encoding again and see if it will go any faster!
  17. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    I personally always use tmpgenc on its own for this, with toolame as the external audio encoder and ssrc as the external sampling rate convertor, on my previous machine P3 450mhz an average 90 min film would take approx 10 to 12 hours total. Current pc a 90 min film takes about 90 mins to do ( athlon xp 2100+), this is with the quality setting set to HIGH in my experience the Highest quality setting doubles the encoding times but doesnt give much of a picture improvement, this may be why its taking so long, check the settings.
    DVD2SVCD uses the tmpgenc encoder anyway unless you have $2000 for ccesp so it wont make things any faster
    Oh and one other thing get virtual dub from the downloads section and load the file into it to see if you get a warning about VBR audio?
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2003
  18. hagler

    hagler Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    FIXIT....what is ssrc?? external sampling rate convertor?? I have not heard this mentioned before....Do you recommend using this and if so, how and where do I go about using it??
    Also, what would a warning about VBR audio in Virtual Dub tell me?? Please explain..thank you.
    Also...I should change to just HIGH quality instead of HIGHEST quality--correct? I did have the setting at HIGHEST quality.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2003
  19. FIXIT

    FIXIT Regular member

    Mar 4, 2002
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    ssrc is a seperate sampling rate convertor to convert the audio to 44.1 khz. its available for download from this site,
    VBR audio causes major headaches when converting avi to mpeg i inadvertantly encoded an avi with Variable bitrate audio when i did this the video played back for the standard time 90 mins and the audio was spread over 3 hours, took a long time to encode too, not many programs can handle vbr audio but virtual dub will allow you to extract the audio to an uncompressed wav file which you can use in tmpgenc, and yes use high quality (slow) not highest Quality (very slow)
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2003
  20. hagler

    hagler Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Just to get this straight....I will extract the audio with Virtual Dub, then place that wav file in one of the settings in TMPGEnc (which setting? as the audio file I assume?)..keep tooLame.exe as the audio encoder..and use ssrc (which setting points to ssrc in TMPGEnc?)?
    Can you explain the steps you go through one last time...sorry if I'm repeating....your help is greatly appreciated---just want to get this thing to work finally!!

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