You mean on you comp?.. i've never used that program so i have no idea how to do anything with it. But i'll take a swing. If you're having trouble finding it with your comp than disconnect your computers hdd leaving only the xbox one. (that way you wont make a xbox hdd out of your computers hdd aswell.) That should make it easy to find as it'll be the only one.
Sorry uplink went out... The only hdd connected to your pc should be the xbox drive Ok shark if you are unlocked just put the dash files on Cyou should have them on a disk by now)..with luck the partition should still be there, and have a look what is left on E: HDM isn't too hard when you get the hang of it.. I ripped this as-is from the manual.. (the readme.txt) This simple script will let you build a working xbox harddrive from scratch. This is possible due to the simple way an xbox HD is recognized by the xbox - the partition table is simply hardcoded in the xbox kernel. By writing "magic" words to certain locations on a HD we can therefore "trick" the xbox and an xbox-enabled linux kernel into thinking we have an xbox Hd attached to our PC. The mkfs.fatx utility from the xboxdumper package at lets us format fatx partitions. WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING This automated xbox HD builder will only work if you attach the xbox or blank HD on your PRIMARY MASTER. I also recommend to disconnect all other harddrives. Then you will not accidently destroy your current drives. You must still have at least one CDROM-drive attached. NB ! This distro uses the following notation : Primary Master : /dev/hda Primary Slave : /dev/hdb Secondary Master : /dev/hdc Secondary Slave : /dev/hdd W First of all - if you intend to use this tool to make an xbox HD for an soft- or un-modded xbox you need to be able to lock the drive after it has been generated. You therefore need either your hdd passwd (obtained from Evox or ConfigMagic) or your xbox eeprom. With the eeprom you can generate the unique passwd with W the Liveinfo tool from Team Assembly. IF YOU DONT HAVE YOUR HD KEY OR EEPROM DO NOT CHOOSE OPTION 4) ThIS WILL WIPE YOUR FATX PARTITION AND REBOOT THE MACHINE. IF YOU HOTSWAPPED YOUR STOCK HD THEN IT WILL BE RELOCKED UPON REBOOTING AND SINCE AT THIS STAGE IT IS NOT FUNCTIONAL IN YOUR XBOX YOU CANNOT HOTSWAP AGAIN. BASICALLY YOU'VE GOT YOURSELF A PAPERWEIGHT... WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WHAT YOU NEED : 1) Read the above warning on hdd passwd or eeprom 2) This linux distro. Hopefully obtainable from xbins. 3) For the freshly formatted fatx HD to be of any use you need to supply the xboxhd tool with the xbox system-files (C-drive) and optionally your game save (E-drive). You can get these files from FTP'ing to your xbox and copy the files over to your PC. If you don't have these files you can obtain them from Slayers Evox Autoinstaller. This is an xiso that you can extract with tools like XISO or Qwix. The system-files is located in CD-DRIVE:/SYSTEM/ALL/c You can now either - burn a seperate CDROM with two folders containing the xbox C-, and E-drive respectively, or - Put the xbox C- and E-drive files in the C and E folders in this directory before making the burnable iso. For information on howto make the iso read the HOWTO.txt the main directory of this package. In the current version of xboxhd you can : 1) Build a working HD from scratch. This is two-step procedure. First we write the parition table. Afterwards we can continue formatting the partition. 2) Rebuild C-drive. This will format the xbox HD's C-partition and rebuild it - bringing it back to a virgin state. 3) Cloning an existing xbox HD onto a blank drive. Again hotwapping is OK. 4) Install an F-drive if you HDD is large enough - this is checked! Note that the also get this option when building a HDD from scratch using option 1). 5) Wipe an existing xbox fatx partition table. Intended for corrupted xbox HD's that the user wants to rebuild from scratch. 6) Generate the unique hdd password needed to lock drives for the xbox. Requires the eeprom.bin to be on the CD. 7) Make DOS floppy with HDD locking/unlocking tools To start the tool type 'xboxhd' on the command-line. Hopefully the tool itself is more or less self-explanatory. Good luck ! And.. This explains howto build a burnable iso from this distribution. For information on howto use the xbox HD builder script read the readme.txt in the linux directory. The xbox HD builder script (xboxhd) needs the xbox C-, and E-drive files. You can supply the script with these files in two ways : You can either : - burn a seperate CDROM with two folders containing the xbox C-, and E-drive respectively, or - Put the xbox C- and E-drive files in the C and E folders in linux directory before making the burnable iso. BUILDING THE ISO. In windows upon a 'Command prompt' and navigate to this directory. Run the following command : > make-iso-win.bat In linux navigate to this directory and execute : > This should produce a file called linux.iso that you must now burn to blank CDROM. It's important that you burn this raw image and don't create a Data CDROM containing this image... UNLOCK/LOCK TOOLS. If you need to lock or unlock xbox HD's use also have two options : 1) Boot the CDROM an choose option 3) at the boot prompt. This will bring you to a linux prompt with locking/unlocking tools. These tools are generating the HDD password automatically and it's therefore required that you supply the eeprom of the xbox that the HDD is from. You can include the eeprom in the xboxhmd/linux/eeprom directory (named eeprom.bin) or have it ready on a floppy disk. type : unlockhd to run the unlock utility. type : lockhd to run the locking utility. The eeprom supplied password will be set and a Master Password 'XBOXSCENE'. You can use this to unlock the HDD if you loose the eeprom password you your eeprom gets lost. Boot the xboxhdm to DOS (option 4) and run the atapwd tools to unlock using Master passwords. 2) Boot the CDROM an choose option 4) at the boot prompt. This will bring you to a DOS prompt with the unlockx, hdlock, hdunlock, hddisabl utilities. However as the CDROM is read-only on log files can be saved so you will be prompted the used passwd when a HD is locked. Write this down in case the passwd later turns out to be incorrect. You can also insert a fat-formatted floppy and run the save-logs command to save the used passwd's onto floppy 3) Boot the xboxhdm CD using option 1). Enter the xboxhd tool by typing xboxhd and pushing ENTER. Choose the "Generate HDD password" option and afterwards run the "Make DOS floppy with locking tools" option. Reboot using this floppy and use the unlockhd and lockhd tools. Good luck - and remember to read the readme.txt before using this tool! ldots. Hope that makes things a bit easier.. Thanks go to Idots for a brilliant tool...
hehe, well i know if i where new to the xbox modding thing and i had to follow those directions i'd have a heart attack!
Hell yeah, but how else can we try to explain how to go about it? Lets face it...It's not easy!.. I'm lucky I got lots of spare kit hanging around like a spare pc just for rebuilding drives..and some old scrap drives for experiments.. HDM comes with a massive howto that goes into lots of detail, the best thing is to read it a few times and then do the job..I printed it so I have a hard copy I can check off as I go through it.. It's just too much to absorb in one go..
can someone please take a look at this: I need some help, and I dont know where else to go???? Thanks!
ok i did it now my xbox is all good thanx so much and i made my HDD bigger to im so happy im modding the crap out of halo woooo hooooo!!!!!
@abcdvd123 you should ask questions in PS2 forums only. Here is for Xbox. So you are in a wrong forum.