Actually - I have always had a Lite-On DVD-Rom that I use for reading. So we will see how it goes. I updated Nero from to and it seems to burn better now (my Plextor). Coincidence? Odd....
orion6192 Do you have (or did you have) a palm drive or something like that installed? By the way, glad you found your solution.
I don't think so - why? I have had thumb/flash drives installed as well as two My Book 500GB Esstential external drives attached always via USB. Why you ask? I think upgrading Nero may have been a fluke but I'm not sure.
I was checking the numbers because of the earlier mention of DMA and PIO. DMA and PIO is applicable to IDE drives. I just came up with a drive that appeared to be something along the lines of a small drive (not IDE). I upgraded to Nero 7 when it came out and I'm not sorry. Over all it was an update of Nero 6, but enough was added Nero could call it an upgrade for sales purposes.