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pointers on new comp system

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by adawn101, Aug 10, 2007.

  1. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    No you wont. Everything should work after you install windows. Your motherboard will come with a driver cd, you will need to install that to make the LAN, sound, etc work, but the core things(HDD, DVD/CD Drives, keyboard, mouse, and monitor) will work.
  2. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    Stick with the Corsair PSU, especially if you're going to overclock, and/or buy the 8800GTS. You'll need a decent amount of power, and I know the Corsair can provide it, I'm not so certain about the Thermaltake.
  3. adawn101

    adawn101 Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    I ordered the parts and I got all of parts delivered. Again, here are the parts:
    Gigabyte GA-965P
    E6750 Core Duo
    NZXT Apollo Case
    Corsair 520W
    Samsung burner
    Corsair Memory
    Spectre Monitor

    I am having a little trouble connecting all of the parts and wires. I have hooked up the motherboard and the pcu together. Motherboard is screwed to case. power supply screwed on. Corsair memory inserted. On the burner, I have an IDE cable hooked up to the motherboard and I have it hooked up to the power supply. Question #1: I see a spot on the motherboard that says CD IN. Do i hook anything to this(4pin slot)?
    For the harddrive, I have a sata wire attached to the motherboard and a wire going to the power supply.
    Now, for the 2 fans that are provided by the case. The wire attached to the fan has two different ends. One end has 4 thick pins sticking out and the other end can take 4 thick pins. Question #2: Do I pick one and attach them do the power supply. Can I use one wire that can attach to both of the fans and connect them to one spot on the power supply or does each fan have to be attached independently?
    Now, for the part that I am really confused about. There are a whole bunch of wires that are supplied by the case that deal with the power button and lights. There are so many and I am so confused as to where they all go. Question 3: Where do they connect onto the motherboard. Here is what the "bunch" of wires contains:
    Bunch #1:
    -10 hole HD Audio (actually 9 holes with 1 blocked off)
    -10 hole AC'97 (actually 9 holes with 1 blocked off)
    -off of the AC'97, there are 7 single holed wires: L-out, L-return, R-out, R-return, Mic-in, Mic-power, and ground
    Bunch #2:
    -10 hole 1394 (actually 9 holes with 1 blocked off- blocked off in a different position than the prior 2 listed above)
    -off of the 1294, there are 7 single holed wires: VG, TPA+, TPA-, TPB+, TPB-, VP, Ground
    Bunch #3:
    -2 holed Power SW
    -2 holed H.D.D. LED
    -2 holed Reset SW
    -1 holed P+
    -1 holed P-
    -1 thing that has 4 thick pins sticking out in the front (arbitrarily saying front) and 4 thick holes in the back

    I tried to take pictures, but they are coming out very unclear. I can try and describe what is on the motherboard if you all need, but there is so much. Here are some open pins on the motherboard:
    +MSG-, +HD-, +PW-, -RES+, NC, +SPEAK-, +GD-, +GN-, PWR_LED(2pins), CI(3 pins), SPDIF_I(3pins), CD_IN(4pins), F_USB2 and F_USB3(9pins and 1 empty), F_AUDIO(9 pins and 1 empty), NB_FAN(3 pins), PWR_FAN(3pins), SYS_FAN(4pins), FDD(many pins-like IDE)

    So I guess that is 3 questions related to many wires. And I did look at the manuals, and they don't really help. Also, I could email the motherboard and case company, but I doubt that there response would be as fast as this forum is. Thanks in advance.
  4. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I know I had the same problem, but it really is in the manual. I didn't feel like scanning my manual so here is thePDF. Click on PDF(It's a link) and go to page 25, it shows where to connect it all. The first time was a bit difficult but after that it's a breeze. If you go down it shows you everything. The Speaker wire does down where you connect the power switch etc, and the AC 97 wire goes right next to the chipset. Good Luck, and post back if you need more help.
  5. adawn101

    adawn101 Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    great. But I am still having trouble where the wires to one of the bunch goes to. I don't see it in the manual. This bunch:
    Bunch #2:
    -10 hole 1394 (actually 9 holes with 1 blocked off- blocked off in a different position than the prior 2 listed above)
    -off of the 1394, there are 7 single holed wires: VG, TPA+, TPA-, TPB+, TPB-, VP, Ground
    I just got it that the 1394 refers to the firewire. So, do I just put the 10 hole piece into F_USB2 and leave the single pin wires alone(unattached to anything)?
    Also, for the audio, I plugged in the HD Audio by the chipset and left the AC97 and its associated single pin wires alone.

    Can anyone also answer my case fan question from my previous reply. Do I directly connect the fans to the power supply, or do I have to also connect something to the motherboard because I see places on the motherboard labeled PWR_FAN, SYS_FAN, and NB_FAN. Also, can i connect 2 fans on the same wire going towards the power supply? The 2 ends of the fan wire are really confusing me. The power wires that came with the power supply, one of them specifically says fan only. However, this wire has 3 ends. Each end has 2 thick pins and 2 thick holes.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2007
  6. mikeh0303

    mikeh0303 Regular member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    do not plug the IEEE wire into a USB plug, doing so will damage the motherboard, you do not have a firewire port on your mobo, so just dont plug it in.

    As for the fans, if they have a small 3 pin connector only plug them into the moterboard, if they only have a big 4 pin connector plug them into the fan only on the PSU.

    as for the audio you just plug the HD audio in, then in the bios you make sure that that is whats going to the front of the case.
  7. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    I plugged in my front panel wires to my USB ports on the motherboard, and my front panel has firewire. I don't know if it work's since I don't have any firewire devices but my motherboard is fine.
  8. mikeh0303

    mikeh0303 Regular member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    it wont be fine when you plug a firewire device in, it will kill the device or the moerboard, you need to unplug it.

    there is a huge difference between firewire and USB , including where the power comes from, the data transere, and where the GND pins are located.

    If you need firewire you will have to get a card.
    Last edited: Aug 25, 2007
  9. abuzar1

    abuzar1 Senior member

    Jan 5, 2005
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    Hey, thanks I'll go and do that right now. But how do I know if it is a wire for USB or firewire, but since it says USB on the wire I think it might not be for the firewire?
  10. mikeh0303

    mikeh0303 Regular member

    Dec 23, 2006
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    that board does not have a firewire connecto on it, so you wont have anywhere to plug that cable into.
  11. adawn101

    adawn101 Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Okay. So i am trying to install XP Pro. I started and it went through the whole partioning thing (for a long time, 1/2 hour or more). Then, when it is at the installing windows screen, the time says setup will complete in approximately: 39 minutes. I get an error screen. I click on the log and this is what it says:
    Installaion Failed: D:\I386\asms. Error Message: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.


    Fatal Error:
    One of the components that Windows needs to continue setup could not be installed.

    The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error.

    I went to the bios and tried to make the cdrom boot before the harddrive b/c i remember reading something like that before. I have no idea what to do. Could this be because I don't have the cd rom setup as slave-master correctly. I didn't change anything on it. I left it as it was in the box. I only have 1 cdrom, therefore should it be master. any ideas?
  12. adawn101

    adawn101 Member

    Mar 19, 2007
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    Is it possible that my harddrive could be a bad one. But if it was bad, would the windows installation have made it this far?

    Would I be able to post the windows installation error question in the windows section without being reprimanded.
  13. sammorris

    sammorris Senior member

    Mar 4, 2004
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    I had a faulty WD5000 500GB drive, I didn't use it as an OS drive, but after a short amount of writing you'd get a 'delayed write failure'. If you tried to install an operating system on it, that's exactly what would have happened. I wouldn't rule out a faulty hard drive.

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