hey dude famales are better to catch cuase you can bread them and aslo can you answer this queston what should i get in this order of game first pokemon ranger pokmemon dimound pokemon pearl im savin my moeny i alreadly bought a ds with my moeny i saved for 150.00 what game should i get first betteew them can you but hem in oreder plx
The first question u ask confused me...i have no clue what u said... The second question...im not too sure about pokemon ranger. I dont play pokemon really much, my little cousin does. But he prefers Pokemon Diamond over Pearl (like most ppl on the net) i have no clue y. Also, have u ever heard of Supercard, R4, EZ flash, M3, G6 (bout $50 online)... You buy these slot 1 games and a memory card (bout $10 - 1GB, $25 - 2GB online) (some have built in memory so theres no need for one) N u could just download games, n put them on there. My little cousin saved a lot of money cause he always lost his games n used it for backup. You could also put games on there that u don't have...but then thats illegal, but then again...i think owning one of those things are also illegal in some places.
no i mean what should i get first pokemon ranger dimoand or pearl im wanted you to anwswer that lol and thx lol can you pt them in ordre to see what i should get first second then third
dude what you want lol and famales are =better if your askin me that and there better caus eyou can breed them like crazy anyways if not what did you want lol soory im slow lol
In my cousins opinion he like ranger, then diamond, then pearl...i never played ranger before soi really dont know
For the program to work, ur suppose to download a program called NO$GBAtoVBA Download it at http://www.angelfire.com/games6/battery/ After that, drag ur pokemon save file to the NO$GBAtoVBA program, open it,click on ur save file and on the bottom of the window create a new save file. When that's done, press "Convert File!" After that, use the pokemon save editor and open the converted file. You can now edit ur save!
Dam* I got confused again... Diamond, Pearl, then Ranger. Although, i donno if u would want both Diamond and Pearl, since the story is about the same. http://www.gamespot.com/ds/rpg/pokemondiamond/index.html?tag=result;title;0 http://www.gamespot.com/ds/rpg/pokemonpearl/index.html?tag=result;title;1 http://www.gamespot.com/ds/rpg/pokemonrangers/index.html?tag=result;title;0 look under the big score number to see User Score.
This is the third time this question has been asked, but not an answer in sight! When Pokesav gives me the AR code, it's in JPN format, how do I change it to ENG format? I was going to PM infernape, cause he figured it out, but that's against the rules
i have pearl and its the same exact thing as diamond except diamond had a better looking legendary...thats it...
Yes, it works on the DS with GBA games, however there was some type of older DS that will not work with it. Edit:The newer type of gba gameshark works with all the old/new ds...i think