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Post your DISC quality scans here 2

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well the 20A4P is liken these TY's(TYG02)

    either my sata ports on the mobo is bad or i just dont have no luck with my sata cables the 7220S is haven a rough time. from what i have found out from some peeps at CDF's i have cable problems...

    anyone got any suggestions on some good sata cables?
  2. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Hmmm... wish I could help. Are yours the style that CLIP in? I would look into those.
    Heres a little scan of a mini dvd. A work colleague asked me to consolidate 5 mini dvds of a wedding onto a standard or DL dvd. Im thinking standard'l work out. We'll see. Not a bad burn for the sony cam!!! Memorex branded ritek G04's. Mine are the REAL deal. I have them also. I think my LH-20A1H will do about the same burn quality. Though the cam is probably burning at 1X, soo... its not hard to get a score like this.
  3. hobbit112

    hobbit112 Regular member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    Red Rob,

    try this place. Scroll down to the yellow or red ones. I haven't tried them but they look interesting. Might have to get a few myself.

    I didn't like what I saw at Monoprice, my first choice.
  4. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Quit using the crap cables they include with the drives or mobos. :p

    you might look at these.. I've had some good luck with them and the company mails USPS to save cash too. :)

    link to coolerguys for sata cables

    link to svc.com for sata cables check this link for sure.. some free shipping available. ;)

  5. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    Let me guess you want some Red 1's right?
    if you look around on the egg there should be some good review's
    on some brands to get and the length you want also...

    I told you that the liteon DH-20A4P love's +r's verb's and ty's media
    I don't burn less than 12x's another words..I burn more at 12 that 8
    with both of mine on both computers..i got a LG gh22np20 coming..I'm
    gonna see how it doe's if not it will be on the (nexts thing smokin)
    (rma)out of here...lol
  6. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Is it plugged into the same SATA as the 7200S with the broken SATA plug$ That drive was working. I don't think it's SATA cables. How many of you have paid upwards of $150 for HDMI Monster cable instead of the $7 firefold HDMI that works just as good. It's only wire. JM2C
  7. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I agree, I don't think it's the Sata cables either! With all the builds I do I've yet to have any problems with the cables that come with the MB. I use them on my own, and I've never had to replace one. The only thing I won't do is tie them up folded or together! I've seen too many problems occur caused by customers doing just that!

  8. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Indeed russ. Ive heard of problems with ide cable being folded. Infact, it was one of the first things I learned to NEVER do when it comes to computers. I have a red, and a black sata cable. Its a shame they're so rigid. But it really doesnt bother me that much. I have to be really carefull. One of the reviews on newegg, suggests that the sata ports on my mobo could come off with the cable. And yes, they do seem week. Considering looking into some LIT cables. Anybody think thats a bad idea? The led/light current that runs through wouldnt interfere with the transfer signal, would it. eewwww, thats a scary thought.
    Ehh... I wouldnt say that about Philips brand. Everything they sell is #$&*#$ But for the most part, I'll agree with that. I have however bought a monstercable audio cable that increased/cleaned the sound of my audio on both my computer and my cars sound system. Though the increase is marginal. But I wouldnt spend THAT much on HDMI cable!!! Unless I were bill gates or the president, lol
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  9. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    no its not the same cable that had the broken peace from the other drive. it is a older cable i think i might have had a problem with before. but it is plugged into the same SATA slot on the mobo that the other drive was plugged into.

    as for the cables that came with the mob 2 of them are crap. one had a broken clip on it(the one that clips to the drive itself the opposite end of the "L" shape and the other one has a crack in the plastic part that plugs into the drive or mobo which ever you choose.
    im not gonna mess with it tonight but tomorrow i will try my last NEW sata cable and a different slot on the mobo.
  10. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I guess when one can't find a logical answer they start making them up. I mean if you tried a second SATA cable and had the same problem, then what are the chances that you got two bad cables back to back? And even a third?? Not good. Look elsewhere. Maybe you just got a bad drive? See I just made that one up. Do you have another SATA drive to try. What happened to the bummed 7200S? I'd have left it alone till it just died. I know what you're going thru. I had trouble with my new SATA equipped Dell XPS in May. No one could figure out why it wouldn't close a disc in certain -almost all- programs. Dell, Slysoft and AD helpers. After using get arounds ( and GM taunting me to buy ODD-and I got the best :) everything just started to work correctly when it wasn't earlier. Never figured out the conflict cause everything is the same when I had trouble. Hang in there Rob.

  11. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Yah... I dont take coincidences lightly! Here is another one of those G04's. Remind me again why I buy verbatim and TY's. Oh Oh, thats right. because ritek/ridata can... ok... I wont say that.
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2009
  12. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Yeh I don't think it's the SATA cable either, I think its that crap mobo he has... Gigabyte or something like that. :p Just because you don't have a cable go bad doesn't mean someone else hasn't. Oh and btw I've been "folding" my SATA and IDE cables for over 3 years now and NO problems that can be attributed to that aspect of the build. :D

    The most important thing that I can think of with cables (SATA and IDE) is to make sure you have a good connection and then don't screw with it. If you clean or replace a part then make sure your connections are tight again. I've only had to deal with that a few times and the cables were the ones that came with the mobo or the ODD/HDD. Sometimes those cables are really cheap from what I've seen. :)


    add: NOT trying to start anything; just think about other peoples experiences or trials before you condemn them for there actions. :)
  13. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Heres a 12X burn using Nero CDSpeed. Burned from XP OS drive, while it was performing minor task. Dont usually do that, but what the heck. Not bad, Not bad. This drive has seen ALOT of discs as well. I really want another on of these babies. Anybody LIKE/LOVE the DH-20A4P? It seems to have replaced my/the LH-20A1H model (if this is ignorance I apologize). The LH models are EXTREMELY SCARCE!!! You may be lucky to get one on ebay! I hope you guys will tell me when im wrong, or something doesnt quite add up. You know... HEY STUPID!!! :D
  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    momentary lapse of reason...
    hmm good album....cd....record...cassette...lp...what have you..lol

    good day.
    go Cardinals!!!!!!!!!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  15. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    am I to understand, Gigabyte has let you down? Uh oh...
    I was considering giving them a shot. But why should I, when both my Asus (2001 HP still running), and my MSI havnt let me down yet. Lol, Rather disapointed with an MSI board I bought for somebody elses build though. The vga port was EXTREMELY flimsy. They really should have put something above/below it for stability! Tells me a little something about how much they care. Ive heard VERY good things about ASUS. I have one thats NEVER had a problem in nearly 8yrs. Now THATS qualilty!!!
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  16. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    This is a burn from my Optiarc 7200A. Its ran usb to ide right now. The buffer was acting kinda funny, so I thought I would run a scan. Still looks good. Must admit though. This new batch of verbs is averaging a higher PI e than the last batch. Must have been produced on a friday, LOL. Totally kidding. These are very agreeable scans. Infact, the industry would take this EVERY time!
  17. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    heres a FREAK iHAP422 burn. Either this disc is a freak that rolled off the line, or my new USB ---> IDE converter is working PERFECTLY. I choose to believe that the converter is VERY nice. The iHAP has NOT produced a burn like this yet. I more than likely will get a couple more of these. For those interested, here is the device im using LINKY Take note that it has not received a bad review yet. I should certainly hope not, AT THAT price! Its one of the most expensive usb ide converters.
    EDIT - I was darn near jumping up and down in my seat, Garmoon! It almost had me convinced that I would get a 98 score. Im seeing that as a more than likely capability now. :D
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  18. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Gee! I would have never guessed that you aren't trying to start something, or you wouldn't be saying that you aren't! That was a cheap shot, and you know it! Had you said it to me in an IM, I would have laughed. Now thanks to your BS, omegaman7 is now confused for what MB to get for his AMD directly because you said that the Gigabyte was crappy! Right now the best value for his buck is the GIGABYTE GA-MA790GP-DS4H AM2+. The nVidia chipped boards can't compete in performance or graphics, and it takes Hella voltage just to compete at all, while pushing temps into the 50C range at idle! I know a number of test sites that had to use 1.576v to get to 3.8GHz with the Phenom II, while the DS4H was doing 3.8GHz at 4.40v and below and running temps in the very low 30s! So much for crappy motherboards!

    Buy what ever you want but my order goes in to Newegg on the 30th. The lady I sold mine to called, and wants it ready by the 27th! I'm doing an AMD 2.7GHz 7750 AM2+ Black Edition, GigaByte DS4H MB, 4GB 1066 Dominators, Freezer 64 Pro, an AD-7220s optical drive, all in a nice Antec case that comes with a decent PSU, an Earthwatts 430w 80%+ Certified one. Besides I don't have the need for a video card! Only thing I am using that won't be new is the Deskstar 250GB Sata drive. The MB is about as future proof as you can get for an AMD. You can get as many as 4 different platforms from your present CPU, all the waay to the Phenom II AM3. I know I'm going to get 3 out of mine, with the Kuma, Phenom II and Phenom II AM3, unless I win the Lottery! LOL!! For $542.47 Delivered! I know I made all the right choices!

    Best Regards,
  19. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    well this is my 4th gigabyte board in this system.RMA's the first (ga-p35-ds3r)it had a damaged cpu recepticale.they replaced that,same board got RMA'd again its southbridge(mem controller)went out. then i got the ga-ep35c-ds3r. nothing was wrong with that one, but i did have the same problem with the Samsung SH-S203B drive that i have had now with the GA-EP45-DS3R,and the samsung drive and the 7220S.
    so no gigabyte has been well with me.. other than there customer service which was great in helping me out. plus Russ haven given me the name of a couple good people there helped out also.

    well im up now. gonna go get the last new sata cable and give it a try.
  20. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    It's the same way with Sony for me. If I buy anything Sony, it dies shortly after the warranty is up! I've never considered the Optiarcs Sonys, and the only thing I own in a Sony that works is my Surround Sound System, and I didn't buy it! I "Aquired" it for an $80 debt! Even Floppy Drives made by Sony don't work right for me! LOL!! I'm just jinxed by sony!

    Would I recommend that you buy one after all the problems you've had, No! You are just Snake Bit by them! With Intels there's a lot of good quality motherboards that will do the same job for you. For AMD AM2+, it's a totally different story. I mean for me, if it was a sony, as good as this MB is, I would have to try one!



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