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Post your DISC quality scans here 2

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    No offense, my English was not the best. I wasn't accusing you of making up anything I referred to this:

    "some peeps at CDF's I have cable problems.." That is why I used "they" instead of you.

    My bad, hell you're a good friend, that I would never belittle.
  2. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    my apologies i didn't really read it that way. i understand what ya mean now.,but in the same note they seem to be right. i swapped out to my last new sata cable and went from the #3 sata slot to the #6 sata slot. everything is fine now. well so far. look at the buffer on this here.

    yea ya cant see it. look at the % on it 98-99% ive yet to have it that high for the entire burn.

    now here is the scan of that disc. for a ritek F16 this is as good as it gets. and this is burnt at 12x to boot.
    gonna do another couple to test with on the crappy media. don't wanna waste any of them precious TY's..lol

    its not that i have had the bad luck with my gigabyte boards, they are the only thing i have ever used.you all know this being my first build. inexperience is the main thing for me. i want to see what other reputable makers have to offer.mostly either DFI,Biostar,Asus.
    and i do and have recommended gigabyte boards the ones i have used and a few i have heard you all talk highly about. but when i do my new build if it is the AM3 Phenom II 940 i will go with the same mobo as you have stated, from everything I have read and seen as well it is the best AM3 board out right now.

    i don't have customers like a few of you guys are lucky to have to do builds for so all my experience will come from my own personal builds.

    here is a burn with my 7200S the buffer didnt stay as high as the 7220S but it is the norm getting that high as the 7220S did is above norm standards(so they say at CDF's) but the overall scan is pretty good once again for the F16 media burnt at 12x.

    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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    I see the same petty quarrels that plague the PC building thread are seeping over into the quality scanning thread....let's leave this discussion where it belongs shall we.
  4. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    its my fault loco. i read something wrong and took it the wrong way. my apologies to everyone. truely. we get along great in here just my bad reading skills....lol

    yup got the cable connection thingy fixed. heres another 12x burn on the 7220S and the F16
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  5. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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  6. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    peace,love, and axle greese.....

    come on now back to the scans we all love and need...lol
  7. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I apologize to everyone affected by my Gigabyte comment. I will indeed be giving them a shot! I was speeking from my...ok ;)
    Heres a TYG03 burn from my iHAP422 via AWESOME usb to ide conversion. Another typical TYG03. I really believe that burners just arnt optimised for them yet. [​IMG]
  8. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I think we all handled it pretty well LOCO-it was my stupidity and I take full responsibility. If I remember correctly, you took offense at one of my first posts here, ever, years ago that was an attempt at irony. Everyone was arguing and you gave some sane advice and I said that it was ironic coming from you-meaning a CRAZYeng-another meaning, other than train engineer. LOL Peace my friends.


    At least you got it sorted! You used a different SATA cable connected to same drive and to same slot on motherboard?
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2009
  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Heres a kinda stress test for my second Optiarc. I heard somewhere on the web, that they were good for duplicator towers. I think that thats a safe bet indeed. I ripped 6dvds back to back, then a burn, with no break for the burner. VERY awesome!!! Since ive been thinking about building duplicators for LESS than retail, and selling them, These are the burners I may want to use. Chalk up another AWESOME verbatim burn. I S.T.G. Garmoon. I will get a 98 score yet, LOL :D
  10. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yes i used a new sata cable and plugged it into my new 7220S that i was told i had the cable problem with(buffer under run) but i did plug it into a different sata slot on the mobo. sata 05 port on the mobo it was in sata 02 port. Ive only done the 2 burns on it yesterday with the Ritek F16 disc. and it put out some very good scans for that media. i got a couple i need to do today and i will use a TY or 2...

    that last scan looks awesome. but it is rare to get the litey's to scan 98's Ive had a good share of them with my LH-18A1P and a dozen or so with the LH-20A1S so when ya get one with a litey it does make ya feel good about it. id say getting a 99 with the optaric(7200series) is like getting a 98 with the litey kinda hard to do.

    here is a 8x-r TY burnt at 12x and scanned at 4x on the 7200S not bad at all... yes smartburn works with this drive let me set overburn with ease.


    Last edited: Jan 20, 2009
  11. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    So you really don't know if the new cable really solves the problem when plugged into the slot on MB that was causing problem? Not trying to stir up anything, I'd just like to know if it was the cable after all?

    Amyway Saw V will be easy-Anydvd read it immediately.
  12. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    actually i have switched the cables back to the original slots as before with the problems. i will do a scan tonight once i get off work and see what i get. no problems being sturred up. i want to know as well...lol no hard feelings here Garmoon. honestly...all is well
  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    yeh sure.. :p You could go to the "good eats" thread and stir something up tho... hehehe. :p What about some posts of that lovely Cajun food I hear so much about. :)

    @RedRob I'd be interested to make sure the cable was the culprit as well. If you could relay the findings that would be great. tia... ;)

  14. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Don't you start on me "Hulk". Just waiting for the crawfish to start coming in. No one here buys Asian crawfish frozen. It's been cold here so they don't come out of their holes until weather gets warmer. Will post my first crawfish pic when I get some. That shrimp and andouille gumbo was good Sat nite. Those little andouille are hard to shoot sha.
  15. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    disc to disc burns with Verbs 16x at 12x's with the Liteon-DH-20A4P-04 ripped with the liteon LH18A1P this drive like +r media the best to burn lik'in the PIF's in these with the spaces between:)

    second the best
  16. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Good job will. You got me jealous. How you liking that lite-on drive. I dont like it when a drive doesnt refur to itself as it should, LITE-ON. My LH-20A1H does. It tells me that lite-on was proud to put their name on it. So those drives that say "ATAPI" make me nervous. Every one ive owned failed quickly. Anyone know which drive became the successor to the LH-20A1H??? If it has a same or similar control chip. Because I love this drive, but I know it wont last forever too :(
  17. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Nice scan there Will! :)

    Rob you just need to buy about 4 of those and maybe you can get a good one. :p J/K... I think that's a good cheap drive to have in the arsenal. ;) I have one but it's in an external for hauling over to friends and to work when needed. ;)

  18. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    So what do you thinks better GM? The DH-20A4P, or the LH-20A1S/H? Same, Similar?
    I swear, I cant leave this iHAP422 Alone. Please note, I am aware of problems involved in utilizing TOO much of a disc. This is an old iso on my drive, and for what ever reason, I didnt mind the size. My brain does funny things sometimes, LOL :) The iHAP sure didnt like burning toward the end of the disc. More specifically, Closing the disc. It was only given 1MB give or take. I thought it was gonna error at 95% TRACK CLOSE. It hung there for several seconds. And made a curious sound (probably the laser moving into place). Please note NEWBIES. You DONT wanna utilize 100+ % of a disc. ALOT of drives dont like it, most errors are toward the outer area of a disc, and of course, its the section of the disc that gets handled the most. Even though IT SHOULDNT be handled at all. People probably would leave the shield side alone easier if they were to adopt the Minidisc Form factor! Perhaps thats there next task. The next media, Holographic Versatile Disc PERHAPS, will be of that standard.
    Hmmm... Not liking this one. Nothing visibly wrong with the Rec dye. I dont know how many more discs I will allow this burner to see. I realize this is nothing to snear at, but the opti's dont act like this drive does. Infact, This drives track record is NOT good! Most of you are aware of the Stock firmware issue I had with the drive.
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2009
  19. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Heres a TYG03 Burned with the LH-20A1H. What can I say. Some burners are OK with them Others are not. I firmly believe that burners are not optimised for these. Are you listening NEC, Sony, Lite-on, Samsung, etc? You know what the best thing about a thread like this, or a site like CDfreaks is? ALOT of people will shoot for media that puts out a good Nerocdspeed score. The manufacturers MORE THAN LIKELY know this, So its in their best interest to produce media that performs above and beyond. No doubt Taiyo yuden is WELL aware of this. Thats why I believe that burners are simply not optimised. Why would they screw their track record, THEY WOULDNT. EVERYONE in their right mind, wants this media! Its compatibility ratio is unparallelled. So... produce better burners/firmware thank you very much. Ok, I'll shut up. :)

    By the way, I would take this burn from the LH anyday!!!
  20. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest



    Thanks to you both...i did'nt get a chance to order any LH-20A1S/20a1p/20a1h back in the day when they was available at
    newegg,i like these model alot and so far my two are taking the
    place of my lh-18a1p that..i got back in 2/7/2007 that.. i dont
    do to much burning with now cause..i wanna break these in to learn
    the blank media...hopefully the (ups) man will drop the LG off
    today and..i'll see how it doe's if..i don't like it back to the Egg

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