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Post your DISC quality scans here 2

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    you got me confussssssed?????
    that scazn you did with the iHap looks way better than the one done with the LH-20A1H id take it before i did the 20A1H scan. lower numbers in every stat.+ the jitter is also lower. less wobble...lol

    very nice looking scan. looks like it came from a LH-18A1P. those are the kinda scans i liked getting from mine before it died on me....
  2. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    OK time for some results
    i swapped back to the sataII 03 slot that the 7220S was in when it had the bad cable. it does have a new cable but in the original slot when i had the buffer issue. i did 3 burn in this slot. 2 20x burns and a 12x burn. the buffer was erratic but nothing like it was before. and on each burn it got better. I'm not gonna post the direct pic just a link to it.. as I'm gonna have about 10 pics to post..lol

    OK here we go this is the first create disc at 20x
    no it don't show the buffer but it looks the same as the second one I'm gonna post.
    20x Create
    2nd 20x create
    20x scan
    now this one is a 12x burn
    12x creat
    12x scan

    here is a pic of my mobo with the drive cable in the sataII 02 slot
    slot 02
    don't let the red LEDs blind ya...more of that later..lol

    gonna put it back in the slot 05 with the same cable and do some burns and post them.

    time to add the rest of the testing. and there is no need for more than one scan to prove the point. cable is back in the sataII 05 slot. picture perfect on the buffer. id say that sataII 03 slot is less than desirable. i did run out of the Ritek F16 disc so im now using the last 50 Ritek R05(dvd+r) to test with..lolfirst one burnt in this drive. i did set everything the same as the first set of test. burnt this @20x as well.. didn't reach 20x it fell on its face a bit but thats to be expected. but the buffer stayed up at the 98-99% no bouncing around...

    so in short i will hang my head in defeat, and say it was the sata controller port that was causing the problem. not 100% of the problem cause a new cable did help the buffer in the 03 slot.here is a pic of the cable i took out, it is next to the new one i put in. see if you can tell which is the bad one.
    20x R05 scan
    so now with all this funnin with the 7220s my 7200S are now jealous. so i must give them some love...lol i do need to find which drive is the best reader/ripper, and use it solely for that purpose. I'm thinking it will be the 7200A
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2009
  3. ZoSoIV

    ZoSoIV Active member

    Oct 24, 2007
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    looks lke the bottom cable is bad (plug being a tad bit bent on the end)
  4. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    and we have a winner...lol wondering what the prize is??? well i can send ya the bad cable....lmao!!!!
  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    The 20A1H hasnt been given much of a chance with the 03's to... adapt?. The iHAP has a VERY nasty track record. It gets lucky from time to time. I may never look at the "ATAPI" lite-ons again. I want a burner that lite-on is proud to put their name on. Call me Crazy......
  6. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    You weren't the only one confused with omegas scans. They all get 95s and you were right about the # of errors/failures! LOL

    I see I'm not the only one with RED leds. They shine on my black internal Front ODD doorsand the LSU purple and gold LEDs light the bottom black mesh air intakes. While the white stobe HDD light blinks. Blue LEDs in back where connections are. Quite nice in the dark. and now if Dell would come thru with the programs promised to have them beat and change with the music!.
  7. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    The LH has proven itself, The iHAP has not. The iHAP is notorious for producing discs that say GOOD, when infact they're not! Havnt come across a problem myself, but... Im sure eventually it'll happen!!! WTG lite-on! Another POS for the dump pile LOL
  8. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    The bottom one! Hey I've got a 50% shot at being right here! LOL!! Either it's an optical illusion, or the end of the plug is bent and the lock clip is sticking out farther than the one on top! Do I get a Prize if I'm right?? ROFLMSOAO!!

    EDIT: I hadn't read ZoSoIV's answer when I wrote this. It's nice to see that Great Minds think alike! LOL!!

    Last edited: Jan 21, 2009
  9. binkie7

    binkie7 Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 12, 2005
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    Just streaking by again - if I'm decent or not well use your imagination :D

    One thing for sure this scan isn't - pretty poor - not playable and can't be re-ripped. Funny thing is it's only the printable TY from one stack and only with this drive - other media burned on this drive is fine. I use these TY's in about 4 others and all is good. So who knows - not really that concerned about it though it has been several years w/o having a coaster on these and I burn alot of discs.

  10. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    WOWWW!!! Pretty scan binkie. The colors, :) Rather unusual. Never seen a scan like that with a ty! Try as I may, ive never gotten those pretty colors. EVEN on questionable media.
    Well... just picked up some singapore verbatim +R DL discs. Will post a scan soon. Picked up 20 for 15$ too :D Gotta love office max! They had a sale, AND I had a 10$ off card sent in the mail. 75cents a disc is a STEAL! Though they really need to come down more. Bluray is only so far from taking over. Im trying to get SMS to bring the cost down on certain discs. I LOVE the watershields, but darn it, they're soooo expensive :( Lately ive been going through meritline though. Save 10$ for a pack of 100 (2 X 50). They need to understand, that if the price is lower, they'll attract NEW customers and existing alike!! Ok im rambling, sorry :)
  11. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Ok, Here this baby is, LOL. Looks like another typical verbatim. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE This burn. But, I think it could have been better given good F/W and or burner. The disc was averaging WAY better Pi E, before the layer transition. What I mean is, The recording dye is of OBVIOUSLY HIGH grade!!! Probably no reason to work a bug like this out though. Burn quality like this is no reason to stick ones nose up at it :D Infact ive seen MUCH worse industry scans. I suppose it is possible though that dvd-roms/burners may not be optimised for scanning them though. Oh... its a rated 2.4X disc burned at 6X. And it looks like the opti gives me the option for 8X!!! Ahhhh verbatim, always underestimating themselves, LOL. Wonder how fast their 16X media can go. Something tells me drives, wont be ready for 32X for quite a while. Who would want to burn a dvd that fast? 16X is plenty fast enough for me. Still dont trust it either. 8X is my happy medium. Though im considering allowing the opti's to do 12X.
  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Oh yah! Thats what im talking about. Little bit of Grass in the scan, a daisy popping up, LOL. TOTALLY joking. Im sorry if my post was confusing. I didnt mean it to come across like Im crazy/mixed up. I simply trust the LH liteon ALOT. Infact, it could be SOLID green across NO higher than 2, and I would just raise a brow. Ive had scans like that on another burner, and it played just fine. no hiccups. Infact ive shown VERY bad scans, that played perfectly(SonyDRU820). Does anyone Know if there is a better firmware for this LH-20A1H. You know... Ehh hem, BETTER F/W ;) Though I must admit, im leary about flashing a litey, from what ive heard.
  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    What have you heard?? I've purchased/have over 8 Liteys and NEVER had an issue with flashing f/w. ;) The new f/w didn't always produce better scans but I didn't do anything stupid. lol. You should be able to find something at CDF that will make you happy. Do a search on a 20A1P and that should get you to the 16, 18, 20 X thread with all of CK's f/w's. ;)

  14. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    yes yes yes. them litey's are very easy to flash. and if you dont like it flash back. that simple.
    speaking of litey's heres a scan from my only true litey. 20A4P


    and for fun i scanned this again on the 7220S and got this.
  15. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Rob I haven't looked for the exact model your 7220 is but it's gotta be a Litey. :p Lemme know when you figure it out. :)

  16. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    OK. Maybe it wasnt flashing I heard then. BITSETTING? I swear I heard something. Infact it wasnt on CDF either. Right here at AD.
    I flashed my LH 20A1H, without trouble, quite a few months back. Believe I went from LLOB to LLOD. Thanks for the nudge in the right direction ;)

    EDIT - I recall stating on here a month or so back, that the TYG03 media almost seems to LIKE being burned at higher speeds. I can think of a logical reason why that could be, Though I dont understand completely the mechanics of a burner. Will post soon.

    Ok. I mowed the grass down a little, LOL. As you can see, This media prefers (IN THIS DRIVE) a higher speed. The opti has shown a similar result. Slower speeds are not always better! Many people have stated it. Depends on several factors, F/W, Drive, Media, Fragmentation, the list goes on. 16X burn by the way
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2009
  17. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    time for a quick post..
    whilst at CDF i found out what the new 7220's are.
    well i got the info from a member there.

    AD-7220A= Lite-on iHAP322(DH-22A8P)
    AD-7220S= Lite-on iHAS322 (DH-22A8S)
  18. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    You Know what came to mind when I read your post rob? Lite-on, trying to OFF their Friggin BS drives to the unsuspecting public!!!!!
    VERY irritating. I cant believe sony/Nec would allow it. There are NUMEROUS nasty posts about that POS drive. SURELY they knew about it! Sighhh...Business tactics, godda love um. :( May just try a samsung next time. Sony trusted samsung drives with their name. VERY solid Performers.
  19. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest


    believe or not this is what...I got while talking to a Liteon help support Rep..they don't even know...lol and they work for liteon...
  20. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Why when I read THEIR response does DUUHHHH DUHHHHH DUHHHH come to mind, LOL. I swear, it would not surprise me if you were speaking with an 18yr old fresh outa school. I've gotten Reps on the phone, that didnt seem to know more than myself, sometimes LESS!!!
    Seems like a rather General conversation too. Almost like you were talking to a BOT!
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2009

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