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Post your DISC quality scans here 2

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    This is not completely correct about sata and ide ODD. My Dell XPS 630i has 4 SATA ports(May08). Two connected to ODDs and One to HDD and a spare for another HDD. There are also 2 unused IDE plug-ins on the motherboard. No flat 80 pin IDE interfaces here.
  2. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I wasn't 100% sure about the Dell. I've worked on a couple about a year old that had Sata for the HDDs, and Flat IDE cables for the Opticals. I think they were the E Series! The last one was quite a surprise as I didn't expect much out of a 3.06GHz Prescott with it's 533 buss speed and it's PC24200 memory. It ran rings around my old Dell 3000 with a 3.0/800 Prescott with 2GB of 800MHz Ram. It's the fastest 533 I've seen to date!

    Ask yourself, has the Dell XPS series really been around that long? I worked on one the other day that had a 1GHz P-III, Slot 1 CPU in it! LOL!! That's from about 8-9 years ago! LOL!!

  3. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    My first Dell was a Dimension XPS. 1997. The name has been around and then dropped and now being used again. So far I love this machine. It was a little troublesome with closing DVDs in some programs with the SATA ODDs (not a USB ODD)But it corrected itself. Dell nor AnyDVD could solve the problem.
  4. bigwill68

    bigwill68 Guest

    it's been awhile but...I pulled a disk from the middle of 100 disc stack last nite and lucked into a 98% scan at 8x's the burn after getting 95's for the longest time my first 98 in months

    i like the nice even flow of the Pif's
  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Excellent scan there buddy :) Is that the infamous India verbatim disc? Definitely a very good scan then. Especially for a -R! Ive heard mixed reviews about the India verbs. Not that I wouldnt buy them. They're verbatims, WHY WOULDNT I buy them, LOL
  6. ferguj1

    ferguj1 Active member

    Jun 5, 2008
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    Russ, you may have already got this sorted out, as I am kinda dragging today. But if not here is the link to the thread over at CDF.
  7. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    Ya lucky bugger.... Haven't had a 98 in some time but I've been pumping out those 95's as GARmoonY would say.... lol.

    Nice scan... hope it plays for ya... ROFL. :p

  8. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    EAT YOUR HEART OUT!!! :) Nice scan bigwill68

  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I just may, LOL.

    Those are EXCELLENT burners. Its a shame they discontinue the excellent burners. Do they really think there gonna achieve 32-48,52X on dvds!!! YAH RIGHT!!! Who would wanna burn their dvds that quick anyway. I barely trust 12X at this point. I think 5-8 minutes for a dvd is PHENOMENAL!!! Anybody impatient enough to not handle that kinda wait time shouldnt be burning! IMHO :D
    Last edited: Feb 22, 2009
  10. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    I have company in for Mardi Gras this weekend and have burned 30 DVDs for family with Nero Express @X16 with 1 coaster on Ricoh- jpns R03 X16 +Rs And the one error was probably my fault! I alternated the burns with the 7200S and the 20A1S ODD.
  11. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    Here's some scans burned on the 'defective" Pioneer DVR-116DBK. This one was burned at 12x and scanned at 8x!


    This next one was burned at 4x and scanned at 8x!


    This final one is the 4x scanned at 4x!


    I scanned all of these with the Lite-On in Oxi! Just about what I expected, some fairly decent scans. Not bad considering it wrote a full DVD just a couple of days ago, and wrote the whole thing in a 1/4" band on the inside track of the DVD! The rest of the disk was blank! No, it didn't play! LOL!!

    Best regards,
  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Not too shabby there russ :) Heres a 16X (watershield) burn via LH-20A1H OPC history deleted, No extra functions! Not looking bad actually! jitters a little higher than im used to, but its steady :) Failures LOOK a bit better. Their usually thicker/blockier looking, and averaging more spikes of 2! This media really likes to be burned at higher speeds. It would not surprise me if a GOOD burner could burn this at 24X and yield an EXCELLENT scan! Something tells me this media was/is ahead of its time.
  13. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Well...it looks like my LG is as I feared. My dvd player had trouble reading a backup. Good thing I wrote LG on the disc! Its a +R so I would have never known! It seemed to have trouble accessing the disc. It seemed to hang at about 95% loading of disc. I thought it froze so I hit stop. Right when I did it loaded. No problems throughout though. Please note that the dvd player has NEVER stuck its nose up at ANY discs. Well...except one industry dvd. "Leatherheads 2008" I guess they encrypted it sooooo bad that the player didnt even like it. When it spun up, it sounded like it was doing warp drive. Vibration like CRAZY!!! Before I stuck it in my ROM however, I told anydvd to go slow and quiet, and that did the trick. Not the first time Ive had to do that either. Sometimes there labels are not placed perfectly centered on the discs! Which causes extreme vibration in some cases. Looks like I am gonna either Toss the LG, or watch it like a friggin hawk!

    By the way, it was a verbatim disc :D VERY disappointed! I would bet my life on the LG being the culprit. Ive developed a feeling for ODD's when they're trustworthy or not. RIGHT FROM THE GET GO, most the time. Although the iHAP has turned out to be OK so far(as a burner anyway)
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  14. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've got a good one for you from the "Never knew that before" Department!

    With my pioneers, I can burn using shrink and have all the speeds available for me to choose my burn speed. I found that when I burned a DVD from the Output file of DVDRB with Nero Start Smart, it only offers me 4x, 2.5x and 2x for burn speeds. I should have been using the Nero Burning Rom, directly from Nero express! I never knew that! I now have a new Icon on my desktop! LOL!! I've only been using it since Nero 6.3 came out! LOL!! Hey, I had 7! I really mean HAD! I bought it when it first came out. I don't know about vista, but it sure didn't like XP-Pro! It would lock up the computer so bad that you had to turn the Power switch off on the PSU, and let the juice completely run out of it before you turned it back on!

    Before I get lynched for using such "Antique" software, just let me point out that It works! It works well, and it's rare I ever get a scan with less than a 95% Quality Score! I still use RipIt4Me, DVD Decryptor and DVD shrink. Most large DVDs get processed with DVDRB/CCE 2 Pass, and I get extremely good results! I can't wait to get my Widescreen back from Sceptre later in the week, as the quality really shows when you are watching a DVD on it! I loved it when friends audibly gasped at the 3d effects in Transformers, The last King Kong and the Mega Race in Spy Kids 3, 2D! Now I want to see how it looks with the HD-3300 graphics in my AMD!

  15. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    That first part doesn't make sense but hey if you figured out a way to burn at full potential then more power to ya. ;)

    Don't worry about using antiquated software... lol. I've been using Nero forever!!! I love it and XP still supports it so I'm NOT changing until they give me a better NERO for my needs... lol. :p


    just bought a spindle of these discs to try. If you haven't used them then I'll test them for you. I've heard they are pretty good but I'm NOT guaranteed to get the "same" MID as the other person... so cheap test discs here I come. lol. :p
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2009
  16. theonejrs

    theonejrs Senior member

    Aug 3, 2005
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    I've always used the Nero OEM package that's on the CD, because I don't need the whole Nero Suite. When I went and looked in the program files for it, I discovered a folder named Ahead, and inside it there's several folders. The one marked Nero has the executable file "Nero Burning Rom" inside of it that I short-cutted to the desktop. Using it allows me to burn at 16x, 12x, 8x, and 4x.

    Here are my Speed options using Nero Start Smart!


    Here's what I get when I use the Nero Burning Rom.exe directly!


    Same screen, but more speeds available!

    Also, I have used about 900 of the Ridatas you linked to. I stopped using them in favor of the Verbs when the F16s came out, and the failure rate jumped to the moon! The last ones I bought had both R03s and F16s in the pack! One of our members here at AD sent me 100 Verbs as a gift, and I've been using them ever since.

    I like the Pioneer drives in spite of no bitsetting, and they are very fast rippers. I've burned about a dozen DVDs on the Drive I repaired, and every one of them was a 95% job, when scanned with the Lite-On. They are extremely quiet, and it doesn't hurt that they don't look cheap like some of the Lite-On's do! That, and they are actually made by Pioneer! It's design and construction made repairing it an easy task! I didn't even have to remove the guts. I just took off the bottom cover, removed the IDE interface board (no screws) and repaired it! Couldn't have been easier!

    Best Regards,
  17. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Hmmm...dont use nero much anymore. On occasion i'll fire up nero vision for consolidation tasks. E.g. multiple movies such as; Back to the future I , II, III all on the same(Dual layer) disc. I like some of the templates given, especially with nero 9. I believe Poltergeist is my next task :D

    Here is a healthy looking burn minus the spike of 3. This actually isnt looking bad for the LH-20A1H. I think it helped to delete the OPC history as well as burning quicker with the disks. This was a 12X burn. This burner averages over 900PIF! This is also looking like a decent batch too. Only one flaw to speak of. But the burner didnt seem to care :D Nice jitter too!
  18. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    just did this little beauty with the 20A4P. yes i have found the drive to replace my 20A1S. yes i think it is as good if not better than the 20A1S. its all in the FW. gotta get the right FW. i just DL'd the latest Kprobe software. running it right now. I gotta learn a little more about it to truly understand how and what Kprobe can do.
    as I'm sure you all have read I'm gonna order the 1tb WD1001fal hdd Thursday. i might just order 400 more TY's...lmao

    LOCOENG Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 4, 2005
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  20. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    see i told ya loco would come through with the right info....

    here is kprobe scan of that same disc,

    just did this one on a 16x+r verb. mit the newer stuff...
    this is more like what they should look like.
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2009

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