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Post your DISC quality scans here 2

Discussion in 'Nero discussion' started by cincyrob, Jul 27, 2007.

  1. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Now you got good reason to be concerned about that burn. And a verb to boot. One butt ugly spike and scan. I would also redo that one even if it played. I guess that would be why one should scan every disc back up.
  2. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    yah...I was playing some online games and glancing over at the scan occasionally and saw the orange at one point and was like "eeeeeekkkk!!!" Usually, a casual glance at a verb is good enough for me. Had I not scanned this disc, I would have assumed it good. Now im gonna be a bit more skeptical. Dont get me wrong. I still love verbatim, this is only one out of 200+ with a flaw, so that isnt that bad! Here is the splatter I was talking about. Im not even gonna bother watching it. Its going in the trash!
  3. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    sorry to be so scarce around here lately, but with the new job and all Ive been busy as all get out. which is a good thing.

    OM7 in this batch of verbs i have now(100 ct cake box)i have tossed 12 disc that looked like that... i should have taken them back but i didn't.

    well i got my new AD-7220S lastnight and installed today. it has the born on date of FEB 2009. once installed it allready had the 1.01 fw in it. the old one i had had the 1.0FW. stuck a 16x+r verb in at and got this. not bad for a first burn. im running it in nero cd/dvd speed check now.


    for a first burn, im loven this. i hope they all stay this way. ill post the scan from nero shortly.

    OM7 you got that new rig up and running yet?

    here is the nero scan. about the same. very nice looking. doing another burn right now on it.

    and here is another. dont look at the overall score. it is a 77 but look at all the other numbers very low in everything. take out the 1 spike to 6(which is at the layer break of the DL disc) damn good scan.. im happy as a lark.
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2009
  4. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    No. I get the rest of my rig tomorrow(including the HAF :D). I'll tell you what. This is gonna be the longest 24 hrs in history!!! I dropped over 800$ on my last order!

    I have some YUDEN T02's arriving today. Will post soon!

    Nice scans by the way :D
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2009
  5. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Well...Ive been doing some more watershield burning today. VERY disappointed TY!!!!!!! This is inexcusable!!! I said I would keep a running tally. I have. I just finished a 50 cake of Dvd-R TYG03 Watershields. 7 of the package were bad enough to warrant trash like the following scans! 7/50!!! Thats 14% bad! At 60-80Cents a disc, thats disgusting! Had this been a data backup, it would have been screwed! Unfortunately, the flaws on the dye, often dont show up til the disc has been burned. Might I recommend to anyone reading this, I use a 9 LED flashlight which will show up imperfections differently than a typical flashlight. Dont ask me about that. I have no idea why that is. Had I looked a little closer at the unburned disc, I may have seen those imperfections. I often do!
    I would expect nothing less from Ritek, NOT TY!!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 5, 2009
  6. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Here she is LOL. Wish I could afford to buy +R TY all the time. This was simply a treat LOL. It is tempting however!

    Almost Garmoon :D No, im not gonna scan all of these discs, LOL. I wont put my poor LH through the torture!

    TY +R @ 8X.

    EDIT - whoops! It was burned via Optiarc 1.Z2 F/W

    Yet another EDIT - Perhaps i'll burn one on the LH tonight. I dont expect too much from that burner anymore though. Its seen more dvds/cds than I can count. It does however hold the record for best burn/scan. And it was a TY -R silver printable. My +R YUDEN's are silver print as well. Should be interesting!

    Last edited: Mar 5, 2009
  7. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    sweet scan. can't beat those X8 TY +Rs!
  8. hobbit112

    hobbit112 Regular member

    Feb 13, 2006
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    You need to use "quality" media like CMC MAG!

    8x media, 8x burns with Optiarc7200S.


  9. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    LOL buddy! I have some. Under the Datawrite flag! They do OK in the PIF scanning. But the PIE is VERY high! I even had a scan exceeding 900 average! It was playable however in my magnavox dvd player/recorder! Such a shame. They print very nicely, but the burn quality is not very good. Enough to make me nervous anyway! The optiarc yielded slightly better burns then my LH-20A1H. Not by much however. The LH seemed to be learning them too. But I decided to just use them for printer calibration. They were given to me anyway, so no loss :) Ordinarily though, for calibration I will affix a label to a coaster or clear disc (from cake package).

    Well...chalk up yet another bad disc in the fifty cake!!! that now makes 8/50 bad! 16% is pretty bad TY! I thought I had finished the package but there was actually one left. You know...I had already decided to stop buying these discs, this just pushed me even further! I will NOT be buying any more watershields. Atleast when they're expensive as they are, and have as many flaws as they do. I cant believe this disc could be playable! VERY dissapointed :( Im not gonna bother taking a scan of the disc flaw. Just trust me when I say its there, and Darker than sin!!!

    Im either being FAR too critical, or am just plain unlucky! First disc I grabbed out of the next package has a flaw(note this was from the center of the package)! You know...they almost make me wonder if they're a scuff on the OTHER side of the dye. Which would have occured before press obviously. And when they are burnt, the scuff shows up. One things for sure, I hope somebodies critical data doesnt come into contact with these!!! If a piece of data required EVERY kilobyte, EVERY byte for instance, it would be screwed!!! Wouldn't it? Im gonna start disregarding minor flecks on the dye. Atleast with TY, they have a minor effect. Sure makes me wonder about longevity though. One scratch in that area... *shutters*
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2009
  10. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    Well we cant have sub par scores on TY media. this one is hot off the press. disc to disc useing clonedvd2 and anydvd. best damn setup in town. best damn $25 i have spent. 8x-r TY burnt @8x on the NEW MODEL 7220S scanned @4x on the 20A4P litey. if it only had half the PIE's this would have some braggin rights.


    if i may Quote DLR
    "eat'em and smile"
  11. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    THAT SCAN SUCKS!!!!!!!!!! :D

    You know that's a decent scan for a TYG02. :p

  12. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Nice burn rob! Well... the rest of my rig should be here within the hour. yeah!!! 2 sata burners included. Mainly bought those for rippers though. Its time to retire 2 of my burners. They're IDE and old LOL
  13. greensman

    greensman Regular member

    Dec 7, 2004
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    You got some nice scans with that media. ;) The Jitter is great and the PIF's are decent. I may have to pull out some of my own "CMC" goodies to see how I fair up. lol.

  14. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    LH-20A1H @8X TY+R

    Very pleased with this burn/scan. I guess im not surprised though. Its proven itself my best burner (TO DATE). The optiarcs definitely burn well out of the box so to speak. But the lite-on seems to have other skills that allow it to be counted among the GIFTED, LOL. My first BD-ROM/Burner WILL BE Lite-on!!! Tomorrow when I get the new tower setup, i'll burn another TY+R with the Atapi iHAP422 and see how it fairs. I do expect a good run. It liked both the verbatim +R's as well as the TYG03's. Infact, I believe the iHAP holds the best burn score for the TYG03(Atleast in my rig, LOL)!

    Rather unusual jitter though, huh? Ehhh...im sure its fine :D

    Last edited: Mar 7, 2009
  15. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Well...im afraid the iHAP will have to wait! Perhaps I can hook up my ide controller card today, and see about running a HDD instead of an ODD. ODD's had serious trouble with the card, but I never tried a Hard drive! Supposedly thats what it was intended for. After several headaches last night, im really not into playing too much LOL!

    Anyway...heres an eye opener! 1/2 of my new samsung sata burners at 8X(SH-S223Q). I sure hope its not defective! Im open to suggestions. Im gonna try another burn on the other samsung, as well as the one in question after a good rip.

    These spikes are really screaming for attention! MOST unusual. Something is definitely not right here! Reminds me of a cd burn a while back. It liked Disc mode not Track mode! Probably not the case here though???

    I suppose it doesnt bother me too much though. I had originally planned on them being reader/rippers anyway. Unless there is a serious problem causing the spikes, which will also cause reading problems! This was (By the way) the first disc its seen!

    Well...the other burner (Identical model) same results. Perhaps it just needs Broke LOL.
    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009
  16. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    the over all numbers dont look bad at all. pie and pif totals are great. the pif spikes are a little high. it is a new drive your not gonna get them great numbers with the first burn..(well i did with the new 7220s.lol) but thats not normal.. get 15-20 burns on them and see what they do.. you should be ok.

    here is a 8x-r TY over burnt at 16x yes i smoked this bad boy. i scanned it on the 7220S and the litey 20A4P you can tell when it got up to the 16x speed. not a bad burn TBH.. not in my eyes anyway.
    gonna do a 16x+r verb at 22x if it will do it...lol why?? cause i can..lol


    off to do the verb now.
  17. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    I figured as much :) I do usually like to break a drive in first. You know...rip a few cds/dvds. I think i'll do that before the next burns. But as I said, they are mainly my reading drives. My DRU sony drives (Samsungs) were excellent readers while they worked.
  18. garmoon

    garmoon Regular member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    OR--you could just stop scanning altogether and your anxiety level would just plunge. The discs would play perfectly and you would never know of the PIEs, PIFs, or ;P ! :) J/K
  19. cincyrob

    cincyrob Active member

    Feb 15, 2006
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    ok let me get this in the right thread...lol

    16x+r verb burnt @8x on the 7220s
  20. omegaman7

    omegaman7 Senior member

    Feb 12, 2008
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    Garmoon, I will settle my scanning down QUITE a bit. I'd like to do some SAMSUNG scanning. Other than that. This thread will slow for me. These TY+R's are awesome. I dont see needing to scan them. Unless of course there is a playback issue!

    TY T02 @8X iHAP422

    Sorry about no jitter. Fresh install here. Im sure the disc is fine :D Infact, something tells me with this being the first disc for the iHAP, its gonna beat the LH-20A1H's record! It does consistently burn TYG03 Fairly well!

    Last edited: Mar 8, 2009

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