I'll agree too on the 03 Riteks - I have some burned what seems like eons ago and they're still doing good. Here's a recent scan - didn't mean to burn the disc at 20x but hey with a scan like this who cares Hope you had a good vacation cincy!
Nice scan there Karen. Especially at 20x... you REBEL!! Did Robert go on VACATION?? I didn't know he even worked... heehehee. @Russ... If the Riteks are working then it doesn't matter what you get for a scan. As Karen said she has some R03's that are still going strong. As do I actually.
20X TYG03? I dont doubt that for a moment TYG03's are awesome for high speed burning, IF you have a good burner.
Ive scanned a few. I posted at least one a while back. Someone basically said, "there was nothing more to learn from CD's and that ANYONE can burn them in high quality" LOL! More or less anyway. I only scan them now, if something goes wrong during the burn process. E.g Major buffer under run. I dont use ritek dvds. But ive found their cds to be within reason. As long as there not made in Vietnam! Their Taiwan cds are good.
7200A 8X T02(Taiyo Yuden +R) Well...I feel kind of bad posting this one. Pretty rare that a +R TY disc shows a spike like this one. This burner has seen quite a few discs. Not quite as many as the LH20A1H(lite-on), but quite a few anyway. I suppose it doesn't bother me too much. Its mainly used for my TYG03 burner. Its proven to be a very good TYG03(TY-R) burner! And its WAY within the standard. Heck, the LH20A1H has been able to read some pretty nasty discs. With PIF's upwards of 80PIF! A spike of 6 is nothing to worry about. at least not usually.
Good to hear and I agree. Show us one when you feel the urge. I need to post something as I've been promising a NEW one for weeks. lol. Hope all are doing well.
Both of you are right... I'm betting a cheez-burger you get a lower spike on that first one.... and there's NO need to worry as I'm sure the disc plays fine. Here's my WEAK entry for now. CMC MAG AM3 (HP branded) IMGBURN 8X LH-20A1S JITTER was ok for this batch.... not as good as some of the other CMC MAG AM3 media I've tried but for the money they is outstanding. Picked 'em up for $6.98/50 pack at Staples a while back. :O (oh.... plus TAX too)
Believe it or not, this plays flawlessly! Note the huge dye problem in close to the hub at about the 1 o'clock position. No, it's not cracked, that's the missing dye, and it seems to be baked on! It even plays in an old Emerson Stand Alone! Russ
Russ, The industry uses discs with such flaws as well. I see them all the time. Did you know that the discs that the industry uses are actually Taiyo Yuden discs. Specially made TY that is LOL! DVD-Rom discs. Thats why I dont worry too much about high spikes anymore. Good burner + good media = good burn
The funny thing is I watched the whole movie just a couple of days ago and never thought of scanning it! LOL!! It just happened to be on the top and I wanted to do a random scan! ROFL!! First disc quality problem I've come across in over 300 Verbs! Russ
Yes, it is fairly rare for Verbatim and Taiyo Yuden alike! In fact, its been at least that many for me. I think its been at least 4 to 5 hundred Verbs/TY's since I've seen an imperfection. Those imperfections, do cause an eye brow raiser LOL! As long as a good burner can permeate the dye, there should not be a problem I have seen those imperfections at least a dozen times, and not one has shown a hiccup! 2/3 were TY discs, and the others were verbatim. None have presented a problem. Those were discs I actually looked at. There were probably MANY more with that particular Dye problem.
while i have some time..lol here is a scan on a new little tool "opti drive control" kinda cool thing to play with for now until the 30 day trial period runs out then ill scrap it cause im not paying $30 for a program of this nature..lol
Has anyone who purchased a Sony-NEC Optiarc 7240S flashed it with the new Liggy bt firmware? Mine is sitting on a shelf because it hasn't been flashed yet, but bt firmware is now available. http://liggydee.cdfreaks.com/page/en/Optiarc-AD-7240S/ GMan you tried it yet. and which one should you use 1.00bt or 1.01bt. Something about 1.01bt problem with cds.