Yah...I'll likely scan a few more. But im certain that there is at least a minor bug going on with the mobo. It reset itself while in the bios one day. VERY unusual. The dual burning issue could be attributed to the software...I'll know after a reformat here this weekend. Im already underway backing things up
Here's an even better one. Same burner at 12X this time Lookin good eh GM Unfortunately, I only have one left. And I usually don't trust the bottom disc for scanning purposes. I usually find dust and grit on the bottom discs. While this one looks OK, im just gonna save it for a good movie release. Perhaps Transformers 2...or Gi Joe... LOL! I picked up my first BD disc last night. $19.99 for Snow White Diamond edition. BD/DVD combo. First time i've laid my eyes on a Bd recording die. Significantly different. Looks like they suffer the same warps/imperfections LOL! The shield felt incredibly smooth. I don't doubt that they're 3 times as scratch resistant as your typical dvd! Any suggestions on a Lite-on GOOD Bd burner, much appreciated. I prefer not go for the iHAP/S class burner. Nothing but trouble with that damn burner. Surely they have one in the same league as the LH-20A1H/S
Those wonderful T02's...then we get this nasty lookin Verb. Coincidence...LOL! Folks, I think at this point its safe to say that verbatim may be going down hill. At least not as good as they used to be. Perhaps all of their efforts/attentions are focused on BD discs. I certainly hope so. TY hasn't released a BD-R as far as I know anyway. So Verbatim is gonna be my first test subject I have bought my last batches from newegg and Officemax, and the scan quality has not changed much at all. I'll burn a few with my Samsung next. I usually don't burn +R's with the sammy, because my iHAP has to scan them. Due to the fact that the LH-20A1H is soo good, that it picks up on a minor defect in the samsungs ability to burn +R's. I guess I have a way of comparison on my next lite-on reader. If it picks up on that minor defect...We have a winner LOL!
O-man7 .... NO doubt the f/w helped your cause but the MCC 004's you're posting are NOT typical scans from anything that I've seen. Another batch will get better results I'm about 95% sure!!! Thanks for posting and going thru that for us Oman7... you is a nice guy!!
Here's a little thing I like to call... NOT as good as you thought it would be.. I've gotta figure out why it did what it did or I'll go crazy.. watching the DVD it stopped briefly a few times and even pixelated a time or two as well!!! It may be the media as I have NO luck with it.. I'm out now so no big deal I guess... hmmmmmm
GM, what is the branding of that disc? I've never used a Rico before. Sony, Maxell, Memorex, imation, etc, etc???
LOL! Sounds like me a few years ago, when I was speaking of Imation and Phillips. Worst discs i've ever laid eyes on. I think I still have a few movies burned on them...I'll scan a few when I wake up. What really sucks was they verified fine, and scanned ok, but they stuttered like crazy when played! Much like your scan there appears within reason, however playability is not! I started buying Verbs shortly after those problems And then a little while later, I heard of TY
I know all about the Verbie and TY stuff as you prolly know but some of the guys here SWEAR by the RICOHJPN discs and I guess they get great stuff... I DON'T and never have really... I'm not a fan of Ritek either. lol. I liked the DVD+R 8X discs they had but that was long ago.
I haven't bought blank discs in a very long time as i'm still trying to use up the last lot i bought but RICOHJPNR03 are very good discs indeed. Must have used a few thousand of them by now, never a fault with them. No idea how they scan as i don't scan, i just know they always playback. Hopefully that was just a bad burn there GM.
I agree with creaky, I've had great luck with the R03s, however they were Ritek branded. I've not had good success with the Office Depot products. Office Depot is notorious for buying/having made some of the cheapest stuff they can get as their house brand. Remember the MID is pretty much the dye formulation, it has nothing to do with with the quality standards considered acceptable for a customer. BTW, I think Ritek now owns the RICOHJPN dye formulations.
This is why I purchased them. I've had ok luck with the OD CD-R's but I'm not getting their DVD's again. lol. I don't think they sell them anyway. Sometimes you get what you pay for and sometimes you don't.. well I don't feel like I got my monies worth this time. I had some MEMOREX R03's at one time that were ok IIRC. So maybe there is some redeeming quality for the RICOHJPN line of discs.
Shot at 2009-10-10 Here's a scan of a triple simultaneous burn on one of those Office Depot Riket F-16 +R booktyped rascals. Actually not such a bad scan. Burner was a usb external about 3-4 years old. Other two burners going 20A1S(L_O) and 7240S(NEC-Opt).
Here's one of the Imation discs. Not at all what I expected! I believe this one played good The imations were not quite as bad as the phillips. The Phillips discs were like 3/5 Bad! And burned at their slowest 2.4X speed. Which was also there rated speed!!! Pretty sure 4-6X was the burn speed on these babies, though they're rated for 16, I NEVER burned them at that.
Here's a Phillips 2.4X disc. I believe this is one of the few that played properly. I bought the batch because it was 8$ for 50. At the time, that was a phenomenal bargain. However, I don't think so now LOL!
yea i was thinking the same thing... AMD????? lol just jokeing. and yes i have the 1.09bt for my 7200A and nothing but that has been on it... it might be owrth a tr and go back to it... check out the sig. movin on up.. with the right help and info this is easy...lol
The 7241S works just the same in my other tower. And my other burners act like they always do...the Yuden T02 scans speak for themselves I've just been unlucky with my Verbatims as of late. I have some TYG02 discs that im gonna play with here soon. AFTER a reformat!
Oman7, I have to agree with you on my last 100 Verbs. The quality has been going down. I found physical flaws in about 25 of them! Some recorded all right, and about 2/3 didn't! I may go back to Ridata as they've solved the F-16s problems and people I know are getting very good scans with them! Russ